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Thread: PS2 Game Burning !

  1. #1
    BROCKSTER's Avatar Poster
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    united kingdom
    This is a guide to burning ps2 games that are rips that go onto cdr disks
    you must have a mod chip to play these games

    people have different ways of burning games but this is my the way i do it and i havnt had 1 problem so i thought id make a guide to help all you out there that are struggling or are gonna asks how do i burn ?????

    here goes

    first you need daemon tools (which u can download of kazaa)
    you will also need either winrar or winzip i prefer winrar.
    you will also need nero for this way of doing ps2 games.

    1.obviously download a ps2 game (make sure its a rip)

    2.once downloaded it should be in a winrar archive make a new folder on your desktop call it ps2 or wotever you want the open the ps2 winrar archive (right click on the archive) then choose extract files..... choose the folder u have just made on your desktop and extract there onece finished it can be in either of two formats lots of files or a cue and a bin.

    if in the folder there is about 20 or so files then choose the first file and right click open with then choose winrar. make anothe folder on you desktop called games or along those lines once it opens with winrar in the winrar box there shud be a cue and a bin displayed higlight them both and exract to the second folder you just made yey presto uve got a cue and a bin and you can delete all those files before in the right hand corner of your desktop there shud be the daemon tools symbol (red lightening bolt) right click on that choose mount image then go to the folder with the cue and bin in it and there should be one cue file open that

    4 now open nero close the wizard and in the left hand corner theres different formats or ways to burn etc choose cd copy then a set of options shud be displayed at the right copy options then make sure in the drive with source cd box it says f generic or wot ever letter urs is as long as it says stealth dvd after it your okay

    6. click on the read options tab tick ignore illegal toc type and where it says data mode 2 tick the box and choose write uncorrected .

    7 go to burn tab then choose 4x speed (makes it easyer for your ps2 to read it runs smoother) and choose disk at once

    8.then burn

    hey presto fully working cdr ps2 game i burn all mine like this and ive never had a problem and i thoughd id share it with you to help you all

    if you have any problems with ur ps2 breaking its not my fault it im just telling you how to burn the cds if you have any problems post here but i havnt had 1 out of 30 ps2 games ive got a messiah 2 chip in mine but loads of others read cdrs so make sure
    hope this helps someone and maybe it cud be made a pinned topic or sticky so its easy to find (mods??)

  2. Guides and Tutorials   -   #2
    does your ps2 have to be chipped

  3. Guides and Tutorials   -   #3
    BROCKSTER's Avatar Poster
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    Dec 2002
    united kingdom
    yes but there are ways without mod chips but u have to open ur ps2 and mod chips are better

  4. Guides and Tutorials   -   #4
    christ. I wish I had this guide before I sold my mod-chip.. heh. well its way to confusing and out of my 'league' for me to burn ps2 games, but thanx for the guide.. Ill forward all my friends to it

  5. Guides and Tutorials   -   #5
    BROCKSTER's Avatar Poster
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    Dec 2002
    united kingdom
    its not hard its quite simple if people have anyproblems or questions about burning there ps2 games just post here

    ps (u need a mod chip )

  6. Guides and Tutorials   -   #6
    Hey. If you are in the US (NTSC system) can you play a PAL file on a modded (Messiah 2) PS2? Do you have to do anything special when burning or booting?

  7. Guides and Tutorials   -   #7
    Proffesional Dumbass
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    Oct 2002
    say i borrowed a game from the video shop and i wanted to copy it how would i do this?

    could i make an image using blindwrite and then follow the rest of the steps

    or would i need a dvd burner?

  8. Guides and Tutorials   -   #8
    BROCKSTER's Avatar Poster
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    united kingdom
    ANSWER in ur other post

  9. Guides and Tutorials   -   #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Virginia Beach, Virginia
    everyone needs to joing brocksters board, anyways I am having questions about ps2 games, some of them are dvd roms, but some of them arent' so do you have to make the ones that are on dvd and the ones that arent' on cdr?


  10. Guides and Tutorials   -   #10
    BROCKSTER's Avatar Poster
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    united kingdom
    dvd go on dvd discs IF you have a dvd write other wise they need ripping and puttin on cdr (i wasnt sure ur question so if this is not wot u needed to know explain wot u wud like to know and i will be happy to help u ) gonna do a ps2 bit on my forum so peeps can go there as well

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