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Thread: Dos In Win98

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Hello all

    I was wanting to intergrate dos 6.22 into win98 if its possible. What i have done is to use Pm8 to install 98 onto one of my drives in order to play older games. But the dos version on 98 is not good enough (or not set up right) I get error messages about Ems and Xms. So if i cant put this version of dos on. Could someone give me any ideas on what to add to dos in order to enable these.

    Thanks for any help


  2. File Sharing   -   #2
    4play's Avatar knob jockey
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    win 98 uses dos 7 i think so i would not bother with 6.22

    and i think you can sort the memory problems using memmanager.

    if you can open it.

    You could also edit yor boot.ini file to boot dos instead of windows but it would be a pain.

    guide not really what your after but still useful info there you can use.

  3. File Sharing   -   #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    have you tried booting up with a Windows 98 Startup Disc?

  4. File Sharing   -   #4
    If you've still the old dos-installation disks, then there's a simple solution to your problem. I'm currently working on a win98 machine with DOS 6.22 as alternate boot option. The trick is to first install DOS, then copying the installation directory content into a backup dir and backing up the config.sys and autoexec.bat. Then you can set up Win98. Now boot with a dos-startup-disk and edit the msdos.sys (i think that was the name, could also be msdos.w40... it has to be something around 1kb and you can find it in the root of your installation drive). It will look something like this:
    [ Paths ]

    [ Options ]
    ;The following lines are required for compatibility, yadda yadda yadda
    Anyway, after "[ Options ]" and before "BootGUI" you gotta add the following:
    The result is, that you get a bootmenu at startup, where you can choose between startin Windows, or startin the former MS-DOS version (in your case that would be 6.22). We are running several PCs here configured like this, and never had any probs. Hope this helps

  5. File Sharing   -   #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Originally posted by MR-C@27 March 2003 - 09:01
    Hello all

    I was wanting to intergrate dos 6.22 into win98 if its possible. What i have done is to use Pm8 to install 98 onto one of my drives in order to play older games. But the dos version on 98 is not good enough (or not set up right) I get error messages about Ems and Xms. So if i cant put this version of dos on. Could someone give me any ideas on what to add to dos in order to enable these.

    Thanks for any help

    Try making a REGULAR boot disk for win 98 first and test that.

    If that doesn't work, you may be able to make a shortcut link on your desktop and configure the SHORTCUT to give the program it's linking to a lot of ram (conventional, EMS, and XMS&#33

    If that doesn't work, you need a Win98 BOOT DISK configured to boot to DOS which configures your computer to have a LOT of conventional memory free, XMS and EMS memory enabled.

    That means you'll need HIMEM.SYS in your config.sys file on that boot disk.
    and EMM386.EXE in your autoexec.bat on that boot disk.

    Use GOOGLE or some other search engine to find out how to configure them correctly.


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