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Thread: Do You Really Care?

  1. #21
    SuperJude™'s Avatar IRC Interloper
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    Somebody sure has issues it seems.

    Listen dude, you are really acting like a whining little child now. You got a message, just deal with it. I have been PM'ed here before and do I post whole threads about it?


    It's just the internet, not real life, though maybe people like you fail to see that simple but very true distinction.

    I mean good god have you no dignity? Self respect? You are new here and already you are in danger of being "that whiny pain in the ass" at the board.

    You are not likely to get very far with this logic of yours here, since the mods are well respected. Hell I don't even like a couple of them very much and yet I really respect them, so you are just coming off like some pissed off kid who had too much sugar today.

    Nap time?

    "We Love You SuperJude!"- the fans

  2. Lounge   -   #22
    NikkiD's Avatar Yen?
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    I can't believe this is really that big a deal! Is it really so difficult to post verified hashes without swearing?

    To address your "issues":

    Issue 1: You opened this up for discussion, but I'm not to have a voice in it? You could have just as easily appealed your case to myself or the other mods if you felt my message to you was unfair. You chose to make it public. I used specific examples so that the members could clearly see my reasoning for my actions, and the actions that I took. You are not the first to receive a PM from me or any of the other mods, and surely will not be the last.

    Issue 2: IMHO there is a big difference between the words "ass" (which in most places is allowed on network television) and "f*ck". The other main difference I see, is that gumbydancin isn't using the word in any inflammatory manner, whereas "f*ck rips fakes and bullsh*t" is obviously meant to raise eyebrows.

    You've had your responses as to whether people care about language in posts, and it appears that most do. I agree if someone comes to this site for no other reason than to find verified hashes, they probably would not care. But many of us see this as more than that. I hope this has cleared the matter up for you.

    I wish to express a welcome to you to this board, and hope that you will in fact keep posting. I didn't send you a message to try to drive you away from the board, but rather to take other's feelings into consideration when doing so.

  3. Lounge   -   #23
    I have to agree with Nikki, being rather un inhibited, I still do not find the need for excessive profanity. There are too many adjuctives available in a learned mind to resort to profanity all the time. Profanity has it's uses, just not as a staple of speech. I find id insulting to my intellegence that people may think I can not comprehend something other than dirt when conveying an idea to me...

    just my 2 f!#king cents

  4. Lounge   -   #24
    I would like to note, I do not spell as well as I speak!

  5. Lounge   -   #25


    Group: Members
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    I have been "alerted" as to my "holier than thou" attitude and warned for my foul language... My question to you is if I am posting QUALITY HASHES OF FULL ISOs WHICH I SHARE do you really care what else the post sez? I have yet to insult anyones mother, father, children---and I made fun of 1 or 2 people directly... do you really care? Do you think I should be banned/kicked out/"OUTLAWED"  for using the word fuck?

    Holy S**t I'm getting tired of dirty laundry being aired in public..The Mods and Admin on this board are great ..they pm when there is a problem not flame publicly...If you can't take abit of constructive critizism try another board...Very classy Nikkid

  6. Lounge   -   #26
    Join Date
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    If it's a choice between reading the rubbish in your threads and a few hashes then I'm sorry but I WOULD ban you.

  7. Lounge   -   #27
    Livy's Avatar Simpleton
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    looks like your sig is breaking the rules to. i think?
    @everyone else
    i agree, theres no need for the excess swearing.
    just put the hashes up, its as simple as that.


  8. Lounge   -   #28
    stoi's Avatar BCG Owner BT Rep: +45BT Rep +45BT Rep +45BT Rep +45BT Rep +45BT Rep +45BT Rep +45BT Rep +45BT Rep +45
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    Errm ok, i think this is the first time that ive nearly been speechless, i didnt even check to his reply on that post Nikki Quoted, if i did and seen it at the time, i Guess it might have been me getting a PM off the Mods and maybe getting Banned/Kicked .

    and the MP3 god, i went out of my way to help you on that post i done a search on this forum and a few other klite forums for you, i then searched klite with the autosearch feature for 30 minutes then as a last resort i checked the Sharereactor site for you and found them.

    Now its not my fault they were not on the Fasttrack Network, but i could tell you were desperate to find them so i found them for you on the Emule Network, Its not my Fault/Problem if you dont like those programs, for all i care you can wait years for those games now, i couldnt give a sh*t, this does not mean that i wont help someone else in the same way, but you can go to hell from now on, Ive been a member of this site since october, now that doesnt meen i know more than you, but i do know how this board works.

    If you had just said thanx, but no thanx i dont like emule etc, then fair enough, but the way you replied was just being a spoilt brat, and you spit your dummy out for no reason whatsoever.

    And yes i am a member of the sharereactor forum, but if p2p is going to survive i believe we should all use as many programs as possible to help the rare files get distributed quicker.

    Oh, and by the way ive already posted all 4 cds for ff7, also freelancer and Line of sight - Vietnam 1 month before they came out in the shops, but you dont see me asking for preferential treatment, if i do wrong i expect to be warned/asked nicely not to do it again, and just get on with posting.

    so all i can say is get a life, or maybe use it to try to get good speeds of emule instead of bitching about everything.

    and again thanx Nikki, like you said i could have dealt with it myself but i just didnt see the post till i read this thread.

  9. Lounge   -   #29
    Originally posted by CornerPocket@27 March 2003 - 07:56
    Since you want to open this for discussion and it not having nothing related to games in this post, it will be moved to the Lounge for all to opinionize your thought. The Mod that PM'd you did so as any of us would to any member. You want to share that's fine, that's the reason behind our Forum, yes the language can be toned down just a bit, that was all that was asked, no mention of Ban, etc as you so called chose to write. So let's recap some of your use of language in order to get a feel for the reason behind the request to tone the foul language and no more:

    Fuck the's the shit full version ISO
    Oh yeah....if u read this shit and wonder what the hashes for
    Fuck that...the real deal hash is this
    Who in the fuck would believe a game with an installed size of greater than 1GB
    Who's ur Daddy?

    put this shit in the verifieds

    ThE_MP3_G0d sez so!!
    fuck rips fakes and bullshit
    Oh yeah....if u read this shit and wonder what the hashes for
    fuck I'll get back to you with the allied disk
    Sound a bit excessive, i think so as well. Remember you opened it up for discussion so expect responses.
    That's alot of profanity there. Now imagine if everyone was allowed to do this? It would really get in the way of reading things.

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