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Thread: Burning Protected Cds

  1. #1
    Hi friends,
    How can I burn a copie of a seems-to-be very well protected disk, FS2000 from big dad $microsoft$ ?
    (I borrowed the disk from a friend, after many corrupted downloads from P2P sites.)

    I tried with Nero, no go, wasted a couple of disks in the intent.
    Please give some clues: which burning software ?; Step by step procedure, etc

    Same problem with Lilo&Stich

  2. Software & Hardware   -   #2
    BROCKSTER's Avatar Poster
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    united kingdom
    download off kazaa clonecd with xxl and that wiil do it and its easy just choose copy cd simple as

    hope this helps

  3. Software & Hardware   -   #3
    Guest burn protected CD's nowadays, sometimes CloneCD isn't enough, but if u have a good burner (preferably a Lite-On or Plextor) and use Clone CD U shuld be able to bypass most CD protections...for the ones U can't go to ...( I guess the link is self-explanatory )

  4. Software & Hardware   -   #4
    I always use Nero, and choose to write to disc first..for some reason doing a copyrighted cd on the fly crashes all the time, but when I write to disc first I get success..

  5. Software & Hardware   -   #5
    Clone Cd Would do it. Or Make a manual image using roxio or nero then burn.


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