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Thread: Everyone keeps on about America

  1. #61
    manker's Avatar effendi
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    Question asked:
    Quote Originally Posted by manker
    Did you even listen to one person's point?
    Answer given:
    Quote Originally Posted by Jon L. Obscene
    @Manker . That's called believing in the good, optomism, glass is half full
    What is the point. I may as well talk to that virtual bartender thing
    I plan on beating him to death with his kids. I'll use them as a bludgeon on his face. -

    --Good for them if they survive.

  2. Lounge   -   #62
    DanB's Avatar Smoke weed everyday
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jon L. Obscene
    Sorry I missed this. And considering you're the only person who answered my question.
    And there was me thinking I had answered your question too

  3. Lounge   -   #63
    Jon L. Obscene's Avatar Canadain potatoes!!!
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    Yes I did, I read all and thanked everyone for their views, did you not see that bit?

    The above was in answer to you saying it was cliched rubbish


  4. Lounge   -   #64
    BigBank_Hank's Avatar Move It On Over
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    Its nice to see some new faces in here instead of the same group of us arguing all the time.

  5. Lounge   -   #65
    Rat Faced's Avatar Broken
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jon L. Obscene

    @Manker . That's called believing in the good, optomism, glass is half full

    No, thats whats called having a Broken Glass...

    An It Harm None, Do What You Will

  6. Lounge   -   #66
    Jon L. Obscene's Avatar Canadain potatoes!!!
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    I reckon if Iraq hadn't have been invaded it would have probably carried on like it had done since the last Gulf War.
    Building and testing of chemical weapons in Iraq and surrounding area?
    Planes smashing into buildins?
    It's been like this for years, maybe not quite to the scale it is now, but what about the other attcks on the world trade centre and various others round the world, they've been going on years, it just needed a trigger to spark it all off. 9/11 was that trigger.


  7. Lounge   -   #67
    DanB's Avatar Smoke weed everyday
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jon L. Obscene

    Building and testing of chemical weapons in Iraq and surrounding area?
    Planes smashing into buildins?
    It's been like this for years, maybe not quite to the scale it is now, but what about the other attcks on the world trade centre and various others round the world, they've been going on years, it just needed a trigger to spark it all off. 9/11 was that trigger.


    Has it been proved that Saddam had anything to do with 9/11?

  8. Lounge   -   #68
    NikkiD's Avatar Yen?
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    I personally think the reason is because they have been a threat for a long time and it has affected our people, again, we are retaliating, the US and the UK are Buddies in goverment, Bush and Blair got together like a couple of kids and said "Lets go show these fuckers who their messing with" , gung ho.
    They are fighting for England and the safety of the people of the world.
    Yes, that's exactly what THEY did. The government is supposed to represent the wishes of its people, no? The people don't support this decision. The government, in this case Blair, is making unsupported decisions because of his "buddy" George Bush.

    Terrorism is a disease which needs iradicating, where do you start? at the heart.
    Yes, exactly. Is Iraq the heart? Not that I've seen.

    Our boys are fighting for our right to live, does'nt matter who sent them where, they are fighting for me, and you and everyone else, so we can see the olympics or football or other big events without someone saying "I hope there's not a bomber in there" or words to that effect.
    So we can get on a plane without the fear of it being mercilessly rammed into a building, so we can go to big cities in our homeland without the threat of a car exploding as you walk past.
    When has UK been attacked? The longer they buddy up with the US, the more they make themselves a target. The US is a target because of its foreign policies. The more the UK adapts these policies the more of a target it becomes. Fighting this war is not eradicating terrorism and protecting UK citizens from attacks. It is making the likelihood of an attack on UK soil increase.

    Good reason or not, the fact that the UK is standing shoulder to shoulder with the US will make terrorists take more notice of it. I don't agree with it. I don't support it. However, can you not see how this can be construed by terrorist? If you are friends with the enemy, then you become the enemy.

    They fight for peace, in this mad fucked up world the only thing some people understand is force, they wont talk, they wont chill out, they hate and want death and destruction. If thats the only way then so be it.
    When this is all over, maybe 2morrow maybe not for 50 years, our childrens children have the chance to live life without the fear of being caught in the middle.
    Is it for peace? Isn't the foundation of peace that everyone deserves to have their own way of life and their own beliefs? There will never be an end to the fighting as long as everyone forces their beliefs on everyone else. Period. Retaliating doesn't foster peace. It creates a chain reaction. The US went into Iraq with the pretense of doing for those that could not do for themselves. But are they taking into account what the citizens of Iraq want now that Hussein is gone? Do you see what I mean with this? I could go on and on about this.

    One day there will be peace, whether or not the human race will be around to see it is another question altogether
    As long as governments see fit to shove their noses into others personal freedoms, there will not be.

    Our belief structure is different that that of the people in the middle east. Does that mean it is better? We seem to think so, but do we take into account what they think? We're arrogant to think that our way of life is right and theirs is wrong. I may not agree with it but I don't deny them the right to live their lives the way they see fit. Who are we to tell them they're doing it wrong? The only way there will ever be world peace is if EVERY country keeps to themselves and leaves everyone else alone. That will never happen. Someone will always be out there to tell others they're doing it wrong.

  9. Lounge   -   #69
    Jon L. Obscene's Avatar Canadain potatoes!!!
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    Eurgh, no I said this earlier that they went in because they could'nt get Bin Laden, so they went for Sadam, bit childish but like I said, it was gonna happen sooner or later, if left alone what would saddam have done?
    How far would he have gone?

    I'll ask you the same I asked Nikki, Did you trust him?

    The End Justfies the means.


    Edit: : Nikki , I'm only gonna answer this bit cos I really would like to get out of this thread

    When has UK been attacked?
    Were there no Uk people in the twin towers? Bali? and the hundreds of other attacks?
    Last edited by Jon L. Obscene; 11-12-2004 at 05:41 PM.

  10. Lounge   -   #70
    DanB's Avatar Smoke weed everyday
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jon L. Obscene

    The End Justfies the means.

    Good post Nikki

    edit - earlier on Jonno you claimed they had invaded our country and you were scared to go out in case you got caught in a bomb. To then say oh but English people in other countries were caught up in it sort of ruins your whole paragraph
    Last edited by DanB; 11-12-2004 at 05:44 PM.

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