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Thread: Everyone keeps on about America

  1. #51
    DanB's Avatar Smoke weed everyday
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    Quote Originally Posted by NikkiD
    Yes, Jon, I understand that. The key words being "for his country". What is the specific reason that the UK is fighting this war? Because the US is fighting this war.

    I reckon if Iraq hadn't have been invaded it would have probably carried on like it had done since the last Gulf War.

    Quote Originally Posted by jonno
    @RF .... No, they were/are defending against people who are told by god.
    Mr Bush has said that he too has been told to fight this fight by God too

  2. Lounge   -   #52
    Rat Faced's Avatar Broken
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jon L. Obscene
    @RF .... No, they were/are defending against people who are told by god.

    A quick question if you don't mind (to anyone who reads) What do you think would have been the outcome if we had not invaded and after 9/11 they just quietly went looking for Bin Laden?

    I'm curios
    They knew where Bin Laden was. They could have taken him out at any time, however the delayed... look at who were the only people flying out of the USA shortly after 9/11 then ask yourself why.

    In addition, the Taliban offered to hand him over... to any country other than the USA as they believed he wouldnt get a Fair Trial there.. well Cuba shows they were probably right there too.

    Finally, the only Al Queda Training camps in Iraq were those in the Kurd controlled North East, where Saddam couldnt get them. They were actually fighting with the Kurds and USA to invade Iraq... so you tell me, does Bush give a stuff about Bin Laden?

    Its actually been quite handy for him, being able to point to Al Queda in Iraq the last few month... even though they had absolutely no influence there before the invasion...

    An It Harm None, Do What You Will

  3. Lounge   -   #53
    Barbarossa's Avatar mostly harmless
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    Quote Originally Posted by DanB
    I wasn't aware that there had been any bombs by Islamic fanatics in the UK
    Every day I thank my lucky stars that this still be true..

  4. Lounge   -   #54
    manker's Avatar effendi
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jon L. Obscene

    @Manker ..... Thats my point, we argue about stuff but just because we dissagree we don't go killing thousands of inocent people. It was a retaliation with brute force to someone who attacked the US , why did they attack the US? For what reason?
    I just wrote the reason. They attacked the US because of the US' foreign policy.

    Please read what I've written, Jonno. That is the reason I've stayed out of this thread for as long as this.


    Yes - If you wish to put it simply - we argued with Saddam about looking at his factories, when we reached disagreement we killed thousands and thousands of Iraqi civillians.

    When I say we, I'm talking of the coalition.
    I plan on beating him to death with his kids. I'll use them as a bludgeon on his face. -

    --Good for them if they survive.

  5. Lounge   -   #55
    Rat Faced's Avatar Broken
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jon L. Obscene
    that a soldier signs up with the knowledge he may someday have to risk his life for his country.
    I'll try a different tack then...

    A country is its people, not one person.

    Blaire wanted to be Bush's lapdog, the population (ie the country) didnt want to go in.

    Only 30% of the UK population supports the Iraq War.. ie: They are not fighting for their country.

    An It Harm None, Do What You Will

  6. Lounge   -   #56
    Jon L. Obscene's Avatar Canadain potatoes!!!
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    I personally think the reason is because they have been a threat for a long time and it has affected our people, again, we are retaliating, the US and the UK are Buddies in goverment, Bush and Blair got together like a couple of kids and said "Lets go show these fuckers who their messing with" , gung ho.
    They are fighting for England and the safety of the people of the world.

    Terrorism is a disease which needs iradicating, where do you start? at the heart.

    Our boys are fighting for our right to live, does'nt matter who sent them where, they are fighting for me, and you and everyone else, so we can see the olympics or football or other big events without someone saying "I hope there's not a bomber in there" or words to that effect.
    So we can get on a plane without the fear of it being mercilessly rammed into a building, so we can go to big cities in our homeland without the threat of a car exploding as you walk past.

    They fight for peace, in this mad fucked up world the only thing some people understand is force, they wont talk, they wont chill out, they hate and want death and destruction. If thats the only way then so be it.
    When this is all over, maybe 2morrow maybe not for 50 years, our childrens children have the chance to live life without the fear of being caught in the middle.

    One day there will be peace, whether or not the human race will be around to see it is another question altogether

    And with that I think I will leave this topic and thankyou all for sharing your thoughts


  7. Lounge   -   #57
    Rat Faced's Avatar Broken
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    they are fighting for me, and you
    They may be fighting for you, they certainly are not fighting in my name..

    An It Harm None, Do What You Will

  8. Lounge   -   #58
    manker's Avatar effendi
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    No, thank you.

    What a load of cliched rubbish. Did you even listen to one person's point?
    I plan on beating him to death with his kids. I'll use them as a bludgeon on his face. -

    --Good for them if they survive.

  9. Lounge   -   #59
    DanB's Avatar Smoke weed everyday
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    Quote Originally Posted by manker
    No, thank you.

    What a load of cliched rubbish. Did you even listen to one person's point?

    This is why we should have stayed out of this thread

    Ok Jonno, just remember there weren't any terrorists in Iraq before the Coalition invaded

  10. Lounge   -   #60
    Jon L. Obscene's Avatar Canadain potatoes!!!
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    Quote Originally Posted by NikkiD
    To what purpose did they invade Iraq?
    Sorry I missed this. And considering you're the only person who answered my question.

    To irradicate the threat of Hussien.
    Did you trust him?

    Ok bye

    @Manker . That's called believing in the good, optomism, glass is half full

    Last edited by Jon L. Obscene; 11-12-2004 at 05:25 PM.

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