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Thread: Hi Peeps I Just Wondered If U All...

  1. #1
    wot is linux is it just like win xp and is there anybody using linux

    im using win xp and i just wondered if it compared in any ways

  2. Lounge   -   #2
    MagicNakor's Avatar On the Peripheral
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    Linux is just another OS. It's open source, though, and I believe you can get it for free (legally). It's usually used by the more technically minded person, not quite as user-friendly as the other OS out there. I haven't used the latest versions of Linux, so this could be completely inaccurate, and I honestly don't remember enough about it to make a decent comparision between it and XP.

    things are quiet until hitler decides he'd like to invade russia
    so, he does
    the russians are like "OMG WTF D00DZ, STOP TKING"
    and the germans are still like "omg ph34r n00bz"
    the russians fall back, all the way to moscow
    and then they all begin h4xing, which brings on the russian winter
    the germans are like "wtf, h4x"
    -- WW2 for the l33t

  3. Lounge   -   #3
    k thx anywayz i think i will stick with xp

  4. Lounge   -   #4
    from what i know linux is more stable than windows or so
    some techies say. less errors and reboots. i have never actually used it.

  5. Lounge   -   #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Originally posted by p2pmaster@28 March 2003 - 23:06
    wot is linux is it just like win xp and is there anybody using linux

    im using win xp and i just wondered if it compared in any ways 


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