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Thread: Fox Hunting

  1. #81
    Biggles's Avatar Looking for loopholes
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    As I understand it the argument for Fox hunting is that it is a country thing and townies just don't understand.

    Bollocks! is what springs to mind.

    I was raised in the North of Scotland (not replete with towns) and there were no eejits charging around on horseback hunting foxes. However, there were lots of people fishing for salmon and hunting with guns - both deer and pheasant. All most pleasant in the pot.

    The horseback hunt was the sport of the gentry and they hunted wild boar and deer. The problem is they hunted them to extinction. The fox hunt is a rather lame substitute because there was nothing left to chase - so much for "custodians of the countryside". Oscar Wilde referred to them "as the unspeakable chasing the uneatable"

    Incidently, foxes eat wabbits - without foxes we would be over-run with the little blighters.

    However, as much as the hunting fraternity despise the townie if you were to say "actually I don't want your produce I will buy from other sources" you would hear them squeal like... well like wild boars actually. They could not survive without the townies and their Euro subsidies - despite their protestations.

    One of the funiest things I have seen on TV recently was the look of abject disbelief that the Met. would bop their betters over the head if they blocked the road to Westminster. They were aghast and called the boys in blue "animals". I think they thought the police had truncheons marked "for hippies, leftos and peaceniks only" I almost wet myself... although that might just have been due to too much apple.

    So yes, I approve of the ban. I was delighted that Scotland banned it a while back although admittedly we only had about a dozen hunts mostly down in the border regions. I did hear a chap on the radio the other week saying that they had not scrapped their hunt as they had moved onto drag hunting and he said "it is a lot more fun than I thought it would be" (although in a strangulated accent I could not even begin to emulate). So don't be surprised if, after all the tantrums, there are few if any hunts that throw in the towel and shoot all their dogs and horses. Hunting is a huge social thing as much as anything else and when push comes to shove they have already bought the nice red jackets and all the tack.

    On one last note, I am old enough to remember one of the earliest excuses given to preserve hunting was that it is purely tradition and most times the fox gets away well now he just gets away a bit more often.
    Last edited by Biggles; 11-18-2004 at 07:03 PM.
    Cogito cogito ergo cogito sum

  2. Lounge   -   #82
    Gemby!'s Avatar Poster
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    Oooo I've argued about this with my dad, ofcourse I am always right, especially in this case

    Ban it, it's cruel

    Single handedly destroying the NHS from the inside

  3. Lounge   -   #83
    Biggles's Avatar Looking for loopholes
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    Quote Originally Posted by gemby!
    Oooo I've argued about this with my dad, ofcourse I am always right, especially in this case

    Ban it, it's cruel

    Banned it is!
    Cogito cogito ergo cogito sum

  4. Lounge   -   #84
    Jon L. Obscene's Avatar Canadain potatoes!!!
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    Yup, it passed

    Aparently it wont end in Feb when the ban take effect, altho I did'nt hear why


  5. Lounge   -   #85
    Biggles's Avatar Looking for loopholes
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jon L. Obscene
    Yup, it passed

    Aparently it wont end in Feb when the ban take effect, altho I did'nt hear why

    Oh! I thought I heard the opposite. The Government tried to make it in 18 months or 3 years but The Commons voted for 3 months. Perhaps I mis-heard.
    Cogito cogito ergo cogito sum

  6. Lounge   -   #86
    keyser_soze's Avatar Poster
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    Yeah ban it, theres no need for it in todays society, I come from a hunting area and believe me when I say that virtually no money is generated from the hunt and the money that is just goes back into organising the hunt for next time, I've had some great quotes on tv, 1 of the best being "If there was no fox to chase then it would be just people charging round the countryside on horse back and wheres the fun in that" and that to me just about sums up the mentality of participants. Round here they also have hound trails where the dogs follow a trail that has been laid with an aniseed rag so why can't they just do the same, they could still get pissed up and charge round the country but without anything dying, I might even have a go at it myself that being the case The folk involved are'nt even country folk more land owners, the real country folk are trying to earn a crust and are too busy for poncing about on £20,000 horses, The real reason they want to carry on kill foxes is.......... big drum roll.... because they want to kill a fox, its all part of making small minded ppl feel just that little bit bigger.
    Right, off my soap box now that I feel that little bit bigger for mouthing from the safety of my pc

    Btw fishing although I don't personally like it is in a slightly different category because being cold blooded a fish trying to get off a hook is more of a defense reaction than it actually feeling pain although the resulting wound is wide open from other bacterial infections that may kill the fish anyway, sorry for going over old ground but I only read the post upto page 7

  7. Lounge   -   #87
    TheDave's Avatar n00b
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    its all part of making small minded ppl feel just that little bit bigger.
    just realised that. its something they can do but we cant

  8. Lounge   -   #88
    Jon L. Obscene's Avatar Canadain potatoes!!!
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    Quote Originally Posted by Biggles
    Oh! I thought I heard the opposite. The Government tried to make it in 18 months or 3 years but The Commons voted for 3 months. Perhaps I mis-heard.
    I watched the other day and they said the same thing I heard today, the ban will take effect from Febuary but wont be finalized for some time, why this is I'm not sure.


  9. Lounge   -   #89
    manker's Avatar effendi
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    I think they used the Parliament Act to rush the ban through. I was listening to parts of it live on the radio earlier.

    Fox hunting will be banned from February.
    I plan on beating him to death with his kids. I'll use them as a bludgeon on his face. -

    --Good for them if they survive.

  10. Lounge   -   #90
    keyser_soze's Avatar Poster
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    Thats how democracy works the masses have spoken, I dont particularly like a lot of laws in this country but I have to live with the majority so what makes hunts ppl think uk law does'nt apply to them, I might fancy chasing a snob in a red coat and white lycra(gay) pants round my garden while setting my dog on them and hiiting them over the head with a stick but the law won't let me so I guess I'll just have to live with it Another point is if I was to set my dog on any animal I would probably face some time in jail and at least a ban from keeping animals so if I can't do it in my garden no1 else should be able to do it in my countryside. I've just realised how much the fox hunting issue is pissing me off

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