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Thread: There Is No War! Its A Fake!

  1. #1
    You have been mislead for decades!

    Your government has only been telling you we were at war to keep you under control!

    The military actions are staged.

    Haven't you wonder why all the soldiers look alike?

    Because they are the same group of 'ACTORS'!!!

    Have you seen a war?


    You can't trust anyone!

    The people around you, friends, uncles, fathers who claim to have been in a war...they were all brainwashed by your governments into believing they fought in some battle or other.

    Don't let them control you!

    Don't believe what you see on TV!

    Its all one big movie!!!

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    We're the ones to trust.

  2. The Drawing Room   -   #2
    1/2 Man, 1/2 Amazing
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    This has to be one of the stupidest things I have ever read.

    1. I havent seen God, but I believe in him.
    2. I havent been in outter space, but everything shows it there.
    3. When that damn tree falls in the woods, and no ones there, and I go back to see it, and its fallen, id have to say it fell.

    Just because you dont see something with your own eyes, doesnt mean its a fallacy.

    You were born right? Out of your mothers womb? How do you know? You didnt see it, recollection wise, or remember it... maybe you were randomly generated.


  3. The Drawing Room   -   #3
    Originally posted by Schmiggy_JK23@31 March 2003 - 06:02
    This has to be one of the stupidest things I have ever read.

    1. I havent seen God, but I believe in him.
    2. I havent been in outter space, but everything shows it there.
    3. When that damn tree falls in the woods, and no ones there, and I go back to see it, and its fallen, id have to say it fell.

    Just because you dont see something with your own eyes, doesnt mean its a fallacy.

    You were born right? Out of your mothers womb? How do you know? You didnt see it, recollection wise, or remember it... maybe you were randomly generated.

    You were born?

    Out of a..What was that word...Womb??

    Whats this about a space?

    Some people will believe anything.

  4. The Drawing Room   -   #4
    Barbarossa's Avatar mostly harmless
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    Jun 2002
    Over here!
    This is in extraordinarily bad taste considering the bodies of 10 UK soldiers have just been flown back to the UK to be buried by their families.

    Maybe you'd like to explain to them how a fake war has killed their loved ones.

  5. The Drawing Room   -   #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    bad taste, true. I also think someone has miss-understood 1984 to a large extent, so I am guessing he watched the movie? The novel isn't so much how the government lie but how 'authority' makes you believe whats not true. Oceana is a totalitarian state where everyone knew that it was strange when the view-screens came up with new facts. People still should have known that this never happend, but the power of authority held over them by Big Brother led them to defy the laws of physics and math - logic basically. I think authority was one of the main themes in the novel as well as love and relationships (such as O'Brian, he really cared for Winston and shocking him was upsetting).

  6. The Drawing Room   -   #6
    It's not that the war is fake. Please do not alienate large groups of people by telling them there is no fire while their hair is burning. Rather, look to the underlying causes. There are some. (I do not recommend anyone checking too deeply into this if you have kids or spouses you're responsible for. Making them orphans and widows is not conducive to a good future.) The future is my concern. A few tips, for all of you reading this.
    If you want to know why something is being done, or who it is being done by, merely ask yourself, "Who benefits?"
    Who benefits?......Who benefits?......
    Well let's apply this to the Iraq situation, and see what we can come up with, shall we?
    Is it the Iraqis? I don't know. I haven't been there, and I do not trust our, (U.S.), television.
    Is it the rest of the world, especially those countries which have developed (or traded for) the same technologies which Iraq...(and the U.S.) both have?
    Doubt it, unless making smaller countries paranoid as all get out is a positive thing.
    Is it the general-civilian population of the U.S. in general? My, how we love to be loathed worldwide! Um, actually, we don't like that. At all. No. We don't benefit.
    Let's one "appears" to benefit.
    Oh, wait! Wait!
    Does the "actual" power structure running the U.S. benefit?
    Let's see what the government has to reap:
    1. More $ for war. ("Must keep fighting those terrorists! They're gonna kill us!")
    2. More freedom in branding certain activities as "terrorism", which, of course, allows government to sidestep the Geneva Convention. (They're not "War Criminals", they're terrorists, and we'll take any steps necessary to eradicate them!")
    3. Alienation of most of the rest of the world, which will allow for either Bush, or whichever President happens to be in office at the time, (It might take a couple years yet, but watch for's coming&#33, to take an "Us against Them" stance regarding the free World, which, of course, allows for martial law and complete emergency footing for........well, forever, I guess. ("Does anyone have a match...I want to light my cigar. Oh, just pass me the Declaration of Independence, it's almost burnt to nothing, but it's still on fire! You used it to light the Constitution?
    Well, that shows some vim there! You didn't really need to, though. The United States has been in a declared "State of Emergency" for decades!")
    I'll write again shortly about what "that" situation has been able to bring to pass!

  7. The Drawing Room   -   #7
    This is for ezyryder.
    Have you forgotten the part in 1984 when O'Brien says to Winston:
    "You want to see what the future looks like? Imagine a boot stamping on a human face. That's the future. Forever."

    I had to paraphrase, since the book has been lent to someone, but this is not a declaration by a person capable of what "love" is. It is a statement of power. O'Brien loved power...not Winston. Winston was merely another in a long line of broken men, broken by the code which O'Brien applied to life.


  8. The Drawing Room   -   #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    It is all down to ones interpretation, but yes I see why you said that. I didn't suggest O'Brien loved Winston but in his words, when he was shocking Winston, there was an element of guilt and hypocrisy. O’Brien throughout the book did seem on a more civilized level than most. If I do remember correctly then O’Brien was nice to Winston throughout. Do you remember the time when he turned off his Viewing-Screen and it surprised Winston? I felt O'Brien saw himself in Winston; O’Brien didn't love big brother but the power instead. With love for power came more knowledge of the “truth” and with this knowledge came responsibilities, which is why he had to shock Winston and reintegrate him.

    As for the quote, think about it this way, would someone in love with big brother say that? It sounds like the views of someone not blinded by love and propaganda but fuelled by power. So yes, I agree largely with what you are saying but I think there was still an element of hypocrisy and care in there (sorry this has all gone off at tangents, my mind is thinking ahead of what I am typing)

  9. The Drawing Room   -   #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    I am aware I am no doubt bleathering a whole load of nonsense
    I have to read the book again, it has been years and I wasn't so old when i read it! So my interpretation is probably wrong, but I still feel authority was one of the main themes, do you not agree?

  10. The Drawing Room   -   #10
    kAb's Avatar Poster
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    Dec 2002
    hey morons, he was kidding.

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