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Thread: emule plus connection problems

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2003


    Alright, just got emule plus a couple of days ago. Downloaded 1 Game within hours without problems... Recently though, he has troubles with the servers. They don't seem too respond very fast, most of the time it takes too long too connect and emule goes too the next server. He also can't seem too be able too hold the connection properly, usually about 3 hours and 1 download goes with 0,6 kb/s and then everything goes red again and the connection gets lost. Usually i can connect too Servers like 'Donkey server 1' and 'Project Grande' but now they are unable too connect me and i have too go for a smaller server like 'Byte devils'who doesn't download a thing. Sometime i can get into the 'Razorback 2' server but that usually only takes a couple of Hours and it disconnects again. Its a pitty, because the things i have on too download came from the Razorback 2 Server.

    Any tips on how too get the connections back the way they where? iHave tried too alter the options but it doesn't improve.

    its just that i always hate it when i have a couple of downloads going and when they have about half or more complete they go red and they won't go further.

    I also don't understand the 'lowid' part.
    Last edited by vegeta_ssj12; 01-07-2005 at 11:58 PM.

  2. File Sharing   -   #2
    Samurai's Avatar Usenet Fanboy
    Join Date
    May 2003
    London, United Kingdom
    1. Do you have a lowid?
    2. Are you using a router?
    3. Are you using a firewall?
    4. When you connect to a server, there is a globe in the bottom right with 2 arrows around it. What colour are they?
    5. What connection do you have?

  3. File Sharing   -   #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    1. They say i do, yes.
    2. Yes.
    3. The router has a firewall i guess
    4. Yellow
    5. Cable

    On my other computer the left arrow is yellow and the right arrow is red. But thats Emule, not emule plus.

  4. File Sharing   -   #4
    Samurai's Avatar Usenet Fanboy
    Join Date
    May 2003
    London, United Kingdom
    You need to configure your router to allow emule plus. This is known as port forwarding. I recommend you read the manual for your router on how to do this.

    I also highly recommend a software based firewall on your PC too. Sygate Pro is the one to have.

    Basically, because of these problems, you're getting a LowID on the ed2k network. If you set your router's firewall to DMZ you'll see what I mean. Do not do this unless you know what you're doing however.


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