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Thread: What Type Of Gamers Are Out There?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    of quite a few of these well known gamers. They say x-box is good, and yet they are honorable gamers. Playstation has been around alot longer, and has many more games than x-box could ever hope to have...yet they say it's a bad gaming system, and they are honorable gamers. X-box has two games with it's system the honorable gamers tell me...I care why? The gaming world has been reduced to people who do not act appropriate, and say things like x-box owns you, or some other idiotic statement... Which system is backed by the more mature group, answer that for me... (If anyone has read Julius Caesar, they may get a kick out of this one )

  2. Games   -   #2
    MagicNakor's Avatar On the Peripheral
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    The PC.
    things are quiet until hitler decides he'd like to invade russia
    so, he does
    the russians are like "OMG WTF D00DZ, STOP TKING"
    and the germans are still like "omg ph34r n00bz"
    the russians fall back, all the way to moscow
    and then they all begin h4xing, which brings on the russian winter
    the germans are like "wtf, h4x"
    -- WW2 for the l33t

  3. Games   -   #3
    Benno's Avatar Poster
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    Originally posted by MagicNakor@2 April 2003 - 01:41
    The PC.
    Yep the PC for me too.

    You Better Keep In Mind That I Can Read Between The Lines

    Never argue with an idiot, they drag you down to there level and beat you with experience!!

  4. Games   -   #4
    Join Date
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    X-box for me, but I dont say that playstation 2 sux. If I had the money, I would have a playstation 2, a cube and an X-box B)

  5. Games   -   #5
    ahctlucabbuS's Avatar <
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    I own a PC. That should make it clear

  6. Games   -   #6
    Join Date
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    me too, but I own a x-box too

  7. Games   -   #7
    stoi's Avatar BCG Owner BT Rep: +45BT Rep +45BT Rep +45BT Rep +45BT Rep +45BT Rep +45BT Rep +45BT Rep +45BT Rep +45
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    Originally posted by marine_aart@2 April 2003 - 15:42
    X-box for me, but I dont say that playstation 2 sux. If I had the money, I would have a playstation 2, a cube and an X-box B)
    i do own all of them, PS2 is good for the amount of games, but its been out for over a year more than the xbox and gamecube, so you would expect it to have more, PS2 is great but the controller for FPS games is crap. But the other types of games it has just about makes up for this.

    The Gamecube, is a good system also, those that say its just for Pre teens are way out, im 30 and timesplitters 2 is great, not as good as goldeneye on the N64 but still a good game.

    The Xbox does have the best graphics of all the systems and the idea of the hdd is great, The controler is great for FPS games but not as good as the PS2 controler for driving games.

    All the above systems has uppers and downers in their own right, I like the PS2 for the amount of games, but sometimes the quality can leave a lot to be desired, but it does have final fantasy, GTA and Gran Turismo series, but The xbox has the 2 halo games at the moment and im sure a lot more games to come.

    so for quality i would go for XBOX, PS2 and then the gamecube.

    As for the PC argument, If I had a decent enough pc to play all the new games then i might have an oppinion, but as i dont and have just a 650mhz 8meg g/card il just leave that argument to someone else.

    And as i was always told at school for essays, its quality not quantity that counts

  8. Games   -   #8
    PC B)
    I also own:
    Nintendo. (yes the ORIGINAL nes)
    And I emulate:
    NEO GEO.
    I don&#39;t have the resources to buy an X-box or ps2.
    I&#39;ll just wait untill they&#39;re down at the local salvation army&#33;
    (yes its true you can score good shit there&#33

  9. Games   -   #9
    kAb's Avatar Poster
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    PC and...


  10. Games   -   #10
    Join Date
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    I see you have a decent argument about system qualities. However, I believe that sony will always prevail when facing x-box. Sony has been in the business longer, and knows more about the gaming world. X-box was a risk (just like all business ventures.) It could have been a complete failure, though it wasn&#39;t, it was a possibiliy. The playstation two has the home field advantage in a sense, they know the cdrom console gaming industry alot better than Nintendo, or Microsoft could ever hope to know it. Don&#39;t get me wrong, I&#39;m sure they explored every bit of information they had available, to see what the gamers wanted, but honestly, who would know better than the ones who have been successful in the business?

    Sega Saturn = Failure
    Sega Dreamcast = Failure (Some will say that it was great, but how great can it be when sega has to feed off of other systems to survive; The other system being sony playstation.)
    Playstation = Complete Sucess
    Playstation 2 = Complete Sucess (Only a complete success because of it&#39;s predecessor.)
    Gamecube = Complete Sucess
    X-Box = Complete Success (Though it was a risk for microsoft, they took it, and they did well...mostly because gamers nowadays are crazy over graphics, and system power, rather than decent games...Cant have everything can you?)

    That&#39;s how I see the entire deal, I will always stand behind sony, simply because they probably are making more money in the console struggle as it stands. The majority of the money they are making is due to them being well-known, and word of mouth tends to spread quicker than news in this country. (An exaggeration for those of you who have no sense of humor.^)
    X-box will continue to make money because people like the system, though I see nothing special about it. I have owned it, and really disliked the controller, so basically that&#39;s the reason I sold it...not to mention the shortage of games, another reason why playstation is more popular than x-box. For the people who are going to post, and say that I&#39;m your homework, check statistics, and only then can you tell me I&#39;m wrong. I would like to state that these are my assumptions, and mine alone. I stated the obvious if you have a problem with it, go whine, because I&#39;m not in the mood.

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