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Thread: Stop It

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Would you please stop saying "think about it". Do you actually think that people just type the first thing that comes into their heads without giving it some thought. Are you the only person mature enough to understand issues. It generally comes before (or after) an explanation of something staggeringly obvious.

    If you pour water into your computer it will cool it down, but it may also cause a short circuit, think about it.

    It's a really patronising phrase "think about it". Hey good idea. I wouldn't have bothered thinking unless you suggested it. I'm not as advanced as you.

    Those who use the phrase you know who you are. Front and center to explain yourself.

    Otherwise people may have to out you, using the search function.

  2. Lounge   -   #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    hahah :"> well JimF I know I am one, but that is only because so many people I know end sentances with this phrase therefore it sticks thus becomes habbit. Sorry if I offended you or seemd condescending but that wasn't my aim! Were there others who done this? As I do feel slightly offended if you came all the way out here to tell it if it were only me? (as you could have PM to tell me to stop it)

  3. Lounge   -   #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Originally posted by ezyryder@1 April 2003 - 23:37
    hahah :"> well JimF I know I am one, but that is only because so many people I know end sentances with this phrase therefore it sticks thus becomes habbit. Sorry if I offended you or seemd condescending but that wasn't my aim! Were there others who done this? As I do feel slightly offended if you came all the way out here to tell it if it were only me? (as you could have PM to tell me to stop it)
    There's plenty who do it. To be honest I hadn't even thought of you brew boy. I think I only notice it sometimes. In a certain context.

  4. Lounge   -   #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Yes. As far as I remember the only times I used it was when I really wanted people to think why I said what I did. Such as the time I posted the first verse of Star Spangled Banner... however, i do agree it can be annoying.

  5. Lounge   -   #5
    I will try and make sure I do not use this or other patronizing phrases.
    I'm just glad I was referred to this format, and hope I don't write too much to freak people out ...or bore them ...I guess boring them would be worse.
    Hey, ezyryder. What's up?

  6. Lounge   -   #6
    Is that really as annoying as those people who make a career out of posting "You're posting in the wrong forum, DUDE!".

    I'm talking about the habitual offenders, not the ones who slighty nudge misdirected noobs in the right direction. It's those holy rolling forum correctness Nazi's that sizzle my bacon,.........thinkabout it.
    Aren't we in the trust tree, thingey?

  7. Lounge   -   #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    Originally posted by JmiF@1 April 2003 - 23:34
    Would you please stop saying "think about it". Do you actually think that people just type the first thing that comes into their heads without giving it some thought. Are you the only person mature enough to understand issues. It generally comes before (or after) an explanation of something staggeringly obvious.

    If you pour water into your computer it will cool it down, but it may also cause a short circuit, think about it.

    It's a really patronising phrase "think about it". Hey good idea. I wouldn't have bothered thinking unless you suggested it. I'm not as advanced as you.

    Those who use the phrase you know who you are. Front and center to explain yourself.

    Otherwise people may have to out you, using the search function.
    Good topic!

    I'll think about it.


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