Quote Originally Posted by 3RA1N1AC
you sure about that? the quotation tags are just messed up, so it's hard to immediately recognize where the quoted text ended and your response began. i think when that thread was last active, the FST forum used a mixture of standard <HTML tags> and the [bracket style] which most forums use nowadays. but now the HTML sections of those messages are displaying incorrectly.

I've not mis-spelled that many words in my entire life, and it certainly isn't my style, 3RA1N1AC.

They are the words of another, to be sure.

It just occurred to me (apropos of nothing at all) that I was promised a CD autographed by an extraordinary Aussie bluesman; I should have taken a note over it, as I have never heard another word on the matter.

The promisor seems to have vanished!