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Thread: P2p Users Warning

  1. #11
    kAb's Avatar Poster
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    any1 have a screenshot? i missed it

  2. File Sharing   -   #12
    Skillian's Avatar T H F C f a n BT Rep: +1
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    Dec 2002
    This is the link. The address has slightly changed but this was the homepgae on April 1st.

    edit: click the bit that gives you the "not-guilty" form!

  3. File Sharing   -   #13
    Jibbler's Avatar proud member of MDS
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    Jan 2003
    Originally posted by SuperJude™@4 April 2003 - 19:12
    Never forget the greed involved. While we pirate files adn RIAA loses out, an ISP then gains correct?

    Very correct. For those of you who read "Blender" (its a music magazine by the makers of Maxim and Stuff). This months issue lists "10 ways to fix the music industry". One of their suggestions was to apply a tax to broadband internet providers who allow filesharing on their servers. This tax, would cost each of us pennies, but would bail out the music industry and would offset the lost revenue that piracy creates.
    Proud member of MDS

  4. File Sharing   -   #14
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    That tax would only go to the big content companies -- the little guys wouldn't get any of it, even if they are more 'popular' on p2p networks...

    Plus, if the 'loss' is anywhere nearly as great as the movie/music/software industry makes it out to be... how come they don't declare those losses in THEIR taxes and stock reports?

  5. File Sharing   -   #15
    problem is the music industry has gotten TOO RICH with their CONTROL of the supply - demand economics and especially THEIR control over the prices no matter what. they should do some cost-cutting as simple as that.
    1. No hard media (downloads) => No replication costs
    2. No Albums => Get the song you want. Simple as that.
    3. Dont spend $ on marketing too much. => Use MTV / VH1
    4. Decrease the prices such that people dont mind paying for the tracks they download.. "legally" and on a per track basis
    OR.. an annual download license.
    5. DONT MAKE IT PAY-PER-VIEW because I hate that concept (several companies were dabbling with that idea).
    6. Give up a few of your perks (the limos and the jets...) (that is the issue.. they dont have losses.. of any kind.. they basically want to be on an EVER increasing revenue stream.. and cant stand the GOOD FIXED revenue they get.. they want MORE (than it is justified for them to have)

  6. File Sharing   -   #16
    Originally posted by SuperJude™@4 April 2003 - 21:12
    Well of course they have to go looking for it, and frankly, as I have stated before, as much as RIAA and MPAA are on one hand makinga stink, do you realize just how much money filesharing has brought in for the ISP's who carry broadband? I mean really so many people get broadband just to download faster, and personally if it weren't for that and the way some dial ups works nowadays, I would gladly pay nothing for an ISP if I couldn't swap files.

    Never forget the greed involved. While we pirate files adn RIAA loses out, an ISP then gains correct?

    true. that way everything can be tracked by the "man in the middle". Old story.

    long story short.... it is next to impossible in terms of expenses for them to do so.

    if they the benefits of broadband actually were to decrease so would the number of users.

    maybe there should be broadband traffic sharing with the music companies...

    problem is how are you going to model it ? ie. where the previous post ideas come in.... annual subscription services like cell phones have airtime.
    ( i dunno but it HAS TO change its business model)

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