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Thread: How To Make NZB Files

  1. #1
    Filliz's Avatar ______________
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    First of all you'll need Yenc-Power-Post-A&A-11b.
    Download it here

    Setting up this version of PowerPost is the same as setting up PowerPost2000,which is explained in this guide by FKDUP74.

    Except for one thing:
    • Go to 'View' > 'Program Settings'

    • Click on the 'Headers' tab.
      There you will see 'Unique domain ID':

    Change this to anything you like,but DON'T touch the .local part.
    Or just leave it as it is

    Now that you have completed your setup you are ready to start posting files with/or start making an .NZB file:

    • Click "Add files"

    and choose the files that you want to make an .NZB of.
    A screen will pop up.

    • Go to the last tab 'Checksums':
      There you will see the option "Generate .NZB file".
      Click it!...

    ...and choose the directory to where you want to save the .NZB to.

    Note: Even if you're not planning on uploading the files to Usenet,you still have to select a newsgroup to where you would be uploading to,otherwise you can't generate the .nzb.

    All done?
    • Click 'OK'.
      You will see a message pop up saying that you didn't change the subject line.
      Just click 'Yes' and ignore it.(Unless you're planing on actually uploading the files ofcourse)

    You're all done now.
    You can find the .nzb you just made in the directory you chose to save it to.
    Easy,isn't it?

    When you do decide to post the files along with an .NZB on Usenet,make sure that you put the .nzb last in the queue line.
    Otherwise people might be using the .nzb before all files are uploaded to the group.
    Last edited by Filliz; 02-26-2005 at 08:34 AM.


  2. Guides and Tutorials   -   #2
    If your a NewsLeecher user and youve just updated a group or done a search and find something you would like to share then...

    1. Highlight all the files that you want as part of the NZB file.
    2. Right click and select Export to NZB File.
    3. Choose a name and then seclect OK.

    The new NZB file will be saved to the default folder you have setup in NewsLeecher and your all set to share it now.
    Last edited by RealitY; 02-26-2005 at 09:56 AM.

  3. Guides and Tutorials   -   #3
    Chewie's Avatar Chew E. Bakke
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    Feb 2004
    Newsbin Pro v5 can create nzb files in the same way as NewsLeecher:
    1. Highlight files to be part of nzb
    2. Right-click and select Create NZB from Posts
    3. Find a folder to save to, enter a name for the file and hit Enter

    I have an idea that this facility existed in NBP v4, too.

  4. Guides and Tutorials   -   #4
    This is from FAQ on how to make a nzb file with Newsbin Pro:

    1) Highlight all the headers you want to include in the NZB file
    2) Right-click in the Post List and select "Save Posts to Disk"
    3) In the resulting "Save As" dialog, navigate to the folder you want to save the nzb file in and specify a name.
    4) Click the "Save" button. The NZB file should now be in the folder you specified.

  5. Guides and Tutorials   -   #5
    kleintje103's Avatar The keygenner
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    Keygen planet


    Hey thanks evryone you guys realy helpt me.
    but if i try to download it in neeuwsleecher the server is incorect or something like that and than he become red and jumps away can you help me plz???

  6. Guides and Tutorials   -   #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Is there (are there) any tools to edit the nzb file itself? Generating the 'root' nzb file is straightforward, but I've tried developing some 'stealth' techniques and haven't quite figured out everything, as the resulting file doesn't quite work (get all sorts of errors trying to upload).

    Any possibilities, or do I have to keep plugging away with the nzb spec in one hand, and what'll be left of my brain in the other...?!

  7. Guides and Tutorials   -   #7
    You can edit it in notepad although Im not sure what your trying to do really...

  8. Guides and Tutorials   -   #8
    fkdup74's Avatar Pneuberator.
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    Sep 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Beck38
    Is there (are there) any tools to edit the nzb file itself? Generating the 'root' nzb file is straightforward, but I've tried developing some 'stealth' techniques and haven't quite figured out everything, as the resulting file doesn't quite work (get all sorts of errors trying to upload).

    Any possibilities, or do I have to keep plugging away with the nzb spec in one hand, and what'll be left of my brain in the other...?!
    I'm not sure wtf you're trying to do, but don't like the sound of it
    don't think I want to help someone do any "stealthy" shit....
    I am just a worthless liar. I am just an imbecile.
    I will only complicate you. Trust in me and fall as well.
    I will find a center in you. I will chew it up and leave.
    I will work to elevate you just enough to bring you down.

  9. Guides and Tutorials   -   #9
    4play's Avatar knob jockey
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    Jan 2003
    It really cant be that hard its just simple xml

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

    <!-- Generator: im the generator -->

    <!DOCTYPE nzb PUBLIC "-//newzBin//DTD NZB 1.0//EN"">
    <nzb xmlns="">

    <file subject="article_subject_goes here" date="xxxxxxxxxxx" poster="posters_name_here">
    <segments><segment number="1" bytes="xxxxx">id_goes_here</segment></segments>

    make sure tags dont stretch across lines and that they are always closed pretty simple.

    not sure why you would want to do this by hand. It might be handy for cutting out files but thats about it adding would be a real pain.

  10. Guides and Tutorials   -   #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    In the most recent version of Xnews you can create a .nzb file.

    1) In the newsgroup window highlight the files for which you wish to create the .nzb.
    2) Right-click and choose "Export to NZB".
    3) Use the save dialogue as normal.

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