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Thread: Drugs

  1. #51
    Skweeky's Avatar Manker's web totty
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    Originally posted by nahan@10 April 2003 - 06:49
    what with all of you guys passing judgment on drug users?

    They are sick and need our help, hahaha
    not I said, there is a time and aplace for everything. Some people CAN controll it, others can't, and those that can't, yes, they are sick, and they do need help.

    Just don't think that everyone that uses drugs occasionally is some junkie that 'll end up in the gutters within the next few weeks....

    And indeed WeeMouse, it is very smart just to keep away from it. How much I like to get stoned or drunk once in a while, the next day, you don't feel that great, and you don't LOOK that great either .

  2. Lounge   -   #52
    Fasttracker A
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    Feb 2003
    Its a known medical fact that drinking prolongs life.

    dont condem all users because of a few bad eggs.
    I my self dont use any drugs, i do take part in the odd drink.

    How would you guys like it if a religious member of any perticular faith came here preaching to you.

    If you dont go to church you will go to hell.
    if you lead a life of sin you wi be judged by god.
    If you partake in pre -marital sex you cannot enter the kingdom of heaven.
    Blaa Blaa Blaa Blaa ........Bla

    Quite annoying yes ?

  3. Lounge   -   #53
    Skweeky's Avatar Manker's web totty
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    Originally posted by nahan@10 April 2003 - 13:46
    Its a known medical fact that drinking prolongs life. a certain extent...

    one glass of red wine a day is good, 10 a day not.....

  4. Lounge   -   #54
    Lurker, you have to be the most intelligent voice I have seen on this thread, myself included in that evaluation... PM me some links to what ever information you beleive relevant in dealing with drug use and depression.... and anything else you find interesting. (If you do not mind)

  5. Lounge   -   #55
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    Jan 2003
    An extremelly interesting topic. Most things have been coverered to a greater or lesser extent.

    I have to say I lean on the side of the don't take proscribed drugs, particularly class A. I myself have a liking for the fermented apple, however I managed to give up the cigarettes around 5 years ago. For lent actually and just kept going.

    I believe in freedom of choice and expression, so I cannot say that other people do not have the right to try putting substances into their body and see what happens. However Society has rights as well and I see and deal with people who are frankly a blight on society because of their drug dependance.

    It is a fact that the majority of crime (in the UK) is drug related. It is a fact that most of this crime is what is described a petty, though try telling that to the victim. It is a fact that most of this crime is against the weak, the elderly or the disabled. They are simply easier targets.

    Whatever fancy arguements you come up with the bottom line is that the people here are not representative of society. You own computers, have internet access and are for the most part educated and literate. Indeed it never ceases to amaze me that a lot of the people here use English so well when it is a second language.

    It is not surprising therefore that you have all controlled your drug taking. You wouldn't be here to talk about it otherwise, though it might have been a bit hairy for some of you - you go through it. This is not the world that Lamsey and WeeMouse are talking about. Yours is the comfortable middle class drug culture. Go to Possilpark in Glasgow of an evening and see it going on, see what is happening and see the people who won't walk the streets after dark because of fear.

    The way the heroin dealers work just now is quite interesting. They carry a couple of Ģ10 deals, in cling film, internally. You know what I mean. They meet and sell the deals to the drug user. The user takes this and after doing what they have to do smokes or injects it.

    Just so you know and keep things in perspective, the image of someone injecting heroin into their arm is fairly harrowing. However your good addict canīt do that. Veins have collapsed. So they go on to maybe their feet. End up injecting in to their groin. So they have heroin, which is probably cut to 20% with a mixture of other addictive drugs (cos they never really know what they are buying) which has been inside another person, which they then inject into their groin. How degrading is that.

    Organised crime, thereīs another thing. The yardies are becoming a major force in the north of Scotland - Itīs a good market for crack cocaine. If you want to see real violence then the yardies are pretty much up there with the best of them. They are only one of the major groups which is heavilly involved in drug trafficking. The drug ausers bring these types of people to your neighbourhood as well you know.

    Like I said at the start, you have the right to do what you want with your body, Iīll even help to pay for sorting it out when you go too far. However please donīt get or give the impression that it is just a bit of fun. Not until you have really walked amongst it and spoken to the people who it really effects. The silent victims, whose life isnīt worth shit, through no fault of their own.

    Lamsey and WeeMouse - Good on you. Do and say what you feel is right (Iīm certain you will) ignore peer pressure and what is "cool"

  6. Lounge   -   #56
    WeeMouse's Avatar Small and Squeaky
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    Glasgow, Scotland

    thanks man!

  7. Lounge   -   #57
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    nobody is sure yet. will update
    Most addiction is psychological. It takes will power to leave them behind. Most people who get into drugs do it for an escape, therefore they are weak willed. if you are weak willed, you are easily addicted. At this point, proof becomes academic. I have seen dozens of losers claim certain drugs are not addictive and then can not leave them behind
    I agree that there is a psychological component to most forms of addiction once you remove any physical component, however there are studies that validate the fact that a person who has become habituated to a particular drug has a higher susceptibility to become both physically and emotionally addicted to their particular poison which should be obvious.

    I havn't taken any 'drugs' and I am uneasy with that definition. I don't particularly trust all pharmaceutical companies and the medical industry especially where it is largely profit driven and 'evidence based medicine' which often involves little consumer input is the means used to test the efficacy of any given form of therapy/treatment including but not limited to the prescription of drugs.

    I don't endorse the taking of illicit drugs and havn't taken any myself, however neither do I find the argument that drugs are more acceptable if 'legally prescribed' very convincing (with some obvious exceptions).

    The FDA has shown itself to be complicit sometimes in the most fraudulent practices of large pharmaceutical companies from the testing and approval procedure to the marketing procedure. We all know this.

    My particular drug of choice was Xanax. I was told it was a wonder drug when I first was prescribed it and would stop my pulse rate jumping from 70 to 140 when confronted with a difficult situation. However the fight/flight mechanism is something that we were meant to have and when I looked further into the pharmacodynamics of the tablet it didn't take long to see why UpJohn knew they were on a winner. It induces panic attack in persons with anxiety. It attaches to the GABA receptors and causes hyperarousal/rebound anxiety which after a certain period worsens the original problem. Upjohn knew this.

    There are other analogies to other 'drugs'. My feeling is that you make informed choices and go beyond the drug companies literature if you are ever presented with a prescription for anything. Similarly if you take responsibility for what you decide to take, and do with your life, you will at least be cognisant of the consequences.

    There are many things in life besides substances that are habit forming. I think one person pointed to a very good article on 'internet addiction disorder'. They say that everyone has an addictive component to their personality and some more than others. I don't know, and I prefer to keep an open mind. I do know though that habits are easy to form and this applies to everything in life. They can be corrected with a little application.

    Of course I only know this because I have indulged in bad habits myself, and so I am being preachy. It doesn't bear re-stating. IT is pretty simple and logical.

  8. Lounge   -   #58
    Fasttracker A
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    Feb 2003
    Hey the two of you are making a differance, but if anyone should be helped it should be El -Produtino.

    That guy obiously needs all the help he can get .
    Next thing you'll know is that hes been smoking glue or drinking gasoline

  9. Lounge   -   #59
    Jibbler's Avatar proud member of MDS
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    Can't we all just get along? People have been using drugs, in one culture or another, since the existence of man. Personally, I like drugs, in moderation, and I feel that responsible adults should be free to choose, not delegated by law as in the US.

    If you are a supporter or not, the bottom line is that people will continue to take drugs. Some drugs will cause harm, some won't. More importantly, drug use will not go away. Harsh penalties such as jail and fines won't make people stop. Next time they hand you a "say no to drugs" brochure, you tell them to study the prohibition period with an open mind.

    It is time for a proactive movement toward legalization and ethical treatment. Some countries have already taken this route, and drug use in those countries has stablized, unlike the US where the drug rate continues to climb.
    Proud member of MDS

  10. Lounge   -   #60
    Originally posted by nahan@9 April 2003 - 09:54
    You guys like fags ......I hope you mean smokes ,cigs whatever.

    I guess thats all part of the anti smoking program,because everyone gets disgusted when you say your gonna go have a fag ,suck back a fag,buy some fags,craving for some fags,really need a fag.
    aaahhhh gross

    stupid brits.

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