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Thread: What is the f*cking point?

  1. #1
    NikkiD's Avatar Yen?
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    Port Dover, Ontario
    You go through life, struggling for everything you have. A roof over your head, food on the table, clothes fo your kids, a little bit of happiness. And you think you're doing pretty well. Then you meet someone you think you can spend your life with. You think that maybe, just maybe, you've found someone that will help ease your struggle and make it a little more worthwhile. After a while you realize, they don't, they just make it worse, spending your money at every turn, their every focus isn't on you, it's on the person you thought they didn't love anymore... so you struggle harder, both to provide, and to make them love you. And even though they say they do, they screw you over at every turn. But you fight for it because you think love is more important than all those material things, and that if you love him enough, you can make him realize that he needs to support you in your struggle. But he never sees and just keeps screwing you.

    Finally after years of struggling, you realize the love is gone, and all you're left with is a mountain of debt that you never would have had, no roof over your head, no food on the table, no clothes for your kids, and certainly no happiness. You want them out of your life, to try to start over, put the pieces back together somehow, but now all of a sudden they've decided that they want to help you, they put on a good show, but that's all it is, and they only make it worse, and you begin to hate them. And you try and you try and you try, but they just won't leave. Your world is crumbling to dust around you, you have nothing left, everything being taken away from you and all you want is your life back but they won't even let you have that.

    So I ask.... what is the fucking point?

  2. Lounge   -   #2
    jetje's Avatar former star
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    every new day can have a sparkle that light the life in you again...
    every new day you have a chance to get things sorted
    every new day is a day for new chances
    every new day .......

    Take care of yourself Nikki......

  3. Lounge   -   #3
    Jon L. Obscene's Avatar Canadain potatoes!!!
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    The point is to survive.

    Life will continue to throw shit at you, whether it be through other people or just events.
    As human beings we have to stay strong enough to stand upto whatever is thrown at us.
    You've stood up through a lot of shit many people would have given up because of, and as I've said you ARE strong enough to come through anything.
    There is light at the end of the tunnel Nik

    Sometimes life is a deep, Black Hole
    and all you can do is give up.
    But, in giving up, what are you accomplishing?
    The Black Hole is then sucking you up.

    Life is tough and life is hard,
    sometimes harder for others.
    You think that it will never end,
    and that in turn makes it harder.

    If we take one day at a time, Sad face crying
    and refuse to let go,
    life will ease up
    ...and I know you wanna say "no."

    You wanna say "no, I can’t handle it anymore."
    Then, it is time to reach out.
    Reach out and have someone help you.
    Don’t be ashamed,
    it is not your fault.
    You should not be blamed.

    People will help you make life less of a burden.Tunnel with Light at end
    But first, you must find your own happiness.
    It may take months and it may take years.
    It will also take bad days filled with tears.
    But, if you tell yourself there is light at the end,
    and let yourself mend,
    The Black Hole will die, will be happy you didn’t.


  4. Lounge   -   #4
    Barbarossa's Avatar mostly harmless
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    Over here!
    Making a difference.

    If you don't make a difference there is no point. If what you say or do inspires someone else, then you are worthwhile.

    We are just dust in the wind, but the difference we can make can last forever.

  5. Lounge   -   #5
    Jon L. Obscene's Avatar Canadain potatoes!!!
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    Port Dover
    Quote Originally Posted by barbarossa
    If you don't make a difference there is no point. If what you say or do inspires someone else, then you are worthwhile.
    She does make a difference and she does inspire
    Ask around, there's a lot of people round who will say the same

    Last edited by Barbarossa; 04-03-2007 at 12:11 PM.

  6. Lounge   -   #6
    DarthInsinuate's Avatar Died in battle
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    you can do what i, before you go to sleep think of ways you could die before you wake, that usually cheers me up
    The Sexay Half Of ABBA And Max: Freelance Plants

  7. Lounge   -   #7
    *goddess*'s Avatar Oh bugger BT Rep: +7BT Rep +7
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    Tough call, not much any of us can say Nikki. I hope the venting at least helps a lil, maybe looking at it in text will help you make the final push and start getting your life back.

    At least getting yourself back on track towards getting your life sorted is a good expample for your kids to follow.

    I'm probly not making a lot of sense, but I am sorry for ya Nikki and hope it works out for the best....... whatever that may be. We don't know till we give it a go.

    Can be a bit bloody hit and miss...... this life thing.

  8. Lounge   -   #8
    bujub22's Avatar THE GREAT
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    vent nikki go fo a walk to clear head and come back and see if there anything that can be change at the moment not in the future and remember put your felling first before someone else cuz u cant make anyone happy but yourself

  9. Lounge   -   #9
    TheYogi's Avatar Happy FreeLoader
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    You will find your path, Nikki.

    Simply because you deserve it.

  10. Lounge   -   #10
    clocker's Avatar Shovel Ready
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    The point, dearheart, is that every day you make it through- you won.
    Maybe not a grand victory, but we take what we can.
    "I am the one who knocks."- Heisenberg

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