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Thread: Dl Ps2 Games

  1. #1
    Hi. I've gone to this board and tried to dl the verified PS2 games. I've also done searches on Kazaa to try to dl games. I have yet to find one that doesn't "need more sources" - and yes I have been patient.... it's been looking for more sources for several days. Do they really exist out there? Does anyone have any suggestions on other places to dl games? (I've tried emule and it's a little better)

    Also can anyone suggest some good games - to buy or dl - I need some decent kid games as well as some that might interest myself and my husband (he likes shot em ups - I don't know what I like). We just got this thing so... I don't know what's out there.

    Lastly.... If you dl a game - does anyone know where you can dl instructions or find them online?

    Thanks for your help.

  2. Games   -   #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    HELL-you will be too_$oon enough
    use emule to download games.
    I hope you know that you will need a modded ps2 -Not manulas but complete walktroughs -CHEATSCHEATSCHEATS
    splinter cell
    metal gear solid 2
    socom navy seals
    gran tourismo 3
    jack and dexter-ratchet and clank for da kids

  3. Games   -   #3
    Thank you for the info and suggestions. And yes we bought one with a mod chip installed.

    Anyone else have more suggestions?


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