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Thread: I'm Back...

  1. #71
    if somethingawful saw that they wouldent be happy
    Last edited by ziggyjuarez; 05-09-2005 at 02:39 AM.

  2. Lounge   -   #72
    Busyman's Avatar Use Logic Or STFU!!!
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Washington D.C.
    Quote Originally Posted by Chewie UK
    Heh, what a bunch of complete pricks seem to be running this FST, eh?

    From what I've read here (and I haven't seen the image/thread under scrutiny) it would appear that a moderator saw fit to leave the image up. Has this moderator been moderated for 'gross lack of judgement', hobbes? The dozey fucker should have removed it before it caused too much offense and then PMed a warning to Samurai.

    This apparently isn't the first time that moderation has been meted out where completely inappropriate.
    You lot really haven't got a fucking clue when it comes to man-management, have you?

    Samurai is highly regarded by many members that have witnessed or received his assistance, guidance and overall contribution to many forums at FST; do you really want to drive him and other likeminded people away from FST, in favour of the post-whores? If so, then let us know and we'll all fuck off over to LivingWithStyle while you delete all but the Lounge over here.

    Moderators: GET A FUCKING GRIP.
    Samurai: You may feel more welcome here, mate.
    It wasn't all that. Point made but damn dude.
    Silly bitch, your weapons cannot harm me. Don't you know who I am? I'm the Juggernaut, Bitchhhh!

    Flies Like An Arrow, Flies Like An Apple

  3. Lounge   -   #73
    Samurai's Avatar Usenet Fanboy
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    May 2003
    London, United Kingdom
    Quote Originally Posted by bigboab
    @Samurai, do you have any other accounts and if so do any of them have warnings? I was just wondering if it was an accumulation thingy.
    No Sir. I only signed up with this account almost 2 years ago now and generally haven't felt the need to make another. I'm not into the spamming nonsense that plagues this forum and I didn't see myself getting moderated sometime in the future. There is no accumulation thing as I haven't been warned / moderated before

    At the end of the day, the post was up for 4 days before it was taken down and I was put on moderation. I know for a fact it was visited by mods other than Rip The Jacker without anything being said either in the thread, or via PM.

    I wasn't feeling well for 24 hours so wasn't on much on the day it was closed but when I returned and found I couldn't post or anything, it was then I noticed a PM from RTJ saying that I was on moderation.

    Busyman & Skizo - Thanks for your words guys. I was hoping I wasn't alone on this one. I'm glad others have found this situation ridiculous. Busyman - you might need to clear your PM's buddy I tried to PM you but I think your inbox is full

    Quote Originally Posted by Chewie UK
    Heh, what a bunch of complete pricks seem to be running this FST, eh?

    From what I've read here (and I haven't seen the image/thread under scrutiny) it would appear that a moderator saw fit to leave the image up. Has this moderator been moderated for 'gross lack of judgement', hobbes? The dozey fucker should have removed it before it caused too much offense and then PMed a warning to Samurai.

    This apparently isn't the first time that moderation has been meted out where completely inappropriate.
    You lot really haven't got a fucking clue when it comes to man-management, have you?

    Samurai is highly regarded by many members that have witnessed or received his assistance, guidance and overall contribution to many forums at FST; do you really want to drive him and other likeminded people away from FST, in favour of the post-whores? If so, then let us know and we'll all fuck off over to LivingWithStyle while you delete all but the Lounge over here.

    Moderators: GET A FUCKING GRIP.
    Samurai: You may feel more welcome here, mate.
    Hey Chewie, thanks alot. I believe you have hit the nail on the head with that post.

    Quote Originally Posted by Chewie UK
    do you really want to drive him and other likeminded people away from FST, in favour of the post-whores?
    This was actually something I brought up previously with RTJ, as he/she was trying to educate me in why I was put on moderation. Here is a snippet of a PM I sent...

    Quote Originally Posted by Samurai
    It's pick and choose with you guys and I'm being singled out all because I don't spam the lounge with needless shit like xxxxxxxxxxxxxx to make myself "known". This forum is beginning to turn into a bully's playground where anyone who spams in the lounge with 100 posts a day can say or do whatever they want.

    Thanks alot.

    You have just proved me right
    As stated previously, if I was PM'd I would have done something about it. End of story. Whether I "knew" or not whether it is wrong is not in question, we've covered that. The pic was posted after 2 videos of executions were posted already.

    Chewie - I'm gonna take a look over to LWS in a min, thanks for the link

  4. Lounge   -   #74
    Rip The Jacker's Avatar Retired
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    Los Angeles, CA
    You know, it's kind of funny (and sad) how some people take this so seriously.

    You were put on moderation for 2 days, it's not like you were thrown in jail for 2 days.
    I mean, really... this is the internet. Samurai if you want to discuss it, PM me. Decisions made by the mods are not up for public discussion.

    Some people take the internet way to seriously...

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