Here I come to the kazaa forums again. My hopes is to see some new things...... Not here though.
I see the same threads on games like command and conquer and unreal..............
WHY !!!!!!!!!!!
I have posted the solutions before. and the possible cause of things not working.....
1) if you got it from Kazaa, then your probley screwed anyway. There is no error correction on Kazaa and Kazaa jumps supernods on its own which will destroy a bin file............
2) some games like command and conquer, CM4 and Iron storm may need the cd copied to a hard drive folder and installed from there or use deamon tools. For some reason installing from the cd will give a violation error or file not found error when its on the cd........
3) check all bin files with some type of error checking program. Like cdmage.....................there are others that work fine also.......fix them if you find any. Alot of times the file is ok, just not in the right order and can be fixed.
4) YOU DON'T NEED THE STINKING .bin file........................................just set nero correctly and burn it.
data mod 1
block size 2352
write whole disk at once....
its not that hard folks.............
Some .iso may do better with clone cd or something different.......Aliens v.s predator comes to mind....
Use the forum your self some time waiting on someone to post and help....
5) get the right file to start. this means verified hashes folks.................
some of ya need to just pay for the game or get an Xbox by looking at the types of questions I see.