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Thread: 3x3 Eyes, Trigun, And Fushigi Yuugi Are Cool..

  1. #1
    Too bad I cant find the rest of the episodes. Missing 21 from trigun, 5/7 from 3x3 eyes stopped downloading, and 22 (along with others) from fushigi yuugi are nowhere to be found.

    Don't you hate it when you start watching a series and are left hanging when you dont have an episode?

  2. Movies & TV   -   #2
    It seems to me that you're an anime-fan (aka otaku).

    You should be able to find the missing pieces in Verified : Anime's (only)

    Hope it helps...

  3. Movies & TV   -   #3
    Cool! Now what do I do with that? lol, I'm a big time newbee here.

  4. Movies & TV   -   #4
    Oké, no probs, I think you're confused about the Sig2Dat-hashes & how to use them.

    Just go to KaZaA Lite - FAQ and look for the Sig2Dat Tutorial.

    I think you'll manage...if not, don't hesitate to ask....


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