Were Can i download bittorrent ??
Were Can i download bittorrent ??
the program or the files?????
the program get it from ANY bittorent site just search for it man here
files search for a site
look at my first post its not hard to find just search in google think man or if u cant do that ask in requests for it
this is the one i use,
its not the official one, but i think its better as you can limit bandwidth as the other one just tkes everything.
and www.filesoup.com but you have to register to see the files and www.suprnova.org.
Some Torrent Sites
Bram Cohen's Homepage
Hope this helps
what is this shit.
Wizzanabe, you stick to crappy kazaa while the rest of us move on to bigger and better things.
What do you mean "what is this shit", its only one of the best ways to get new movies/software/games/tvshows/anim, and plenty of other "shit".
the stuff on bittorrent wont be seen for at least a month on the fastrack network. If you want shity .exes for games then stick to kazaa by all means but if you want the real cd images then use Bittorrent or even emule, they are both way better than kazaa and any version of kazaa you have.
But if you are so set in your ways not to see this, and still insist on using Kazaa, then thats your perogative, but i must say you are missing out.
the best torrent site for tv episodes: (normally this is where they get released first)