does anybody know
does anybody know
It is quite possible that you may have a virus on your computer. Update your anti virus software and do a full system scan. Goto these two web sites to get info on the file you asked about.
Computer Associates Web Site
McAfee Web Site
Microsofts Web Site
Hope this helps.
EDIT: Oooppppsss Make that three, found one other at the last minute. Thanks jay973
Two websites firefox?
My eyes must be tired,Im sure I see
McAfee has info about firedaemon.exe here.
What you have is considered a Trojan, and here is a description as well as the method of removal. This is not a newer trojan, you really need to make sure your AV definitions are updated
how can i take it off
ohh yea if u just usea firewall can u block it
firedaemon is a legit program.
are you in a college or university or some other computer-center?
speaking from experience, firedaemon is commonly used among XDCC 'hackers' (such as i used to be).
it is used to make a program a service, hence making it run while Windows systm boots up.
in this case, they use it as a tool to make the XDCC bot or FTP program run as soon as the pc starts. (iroffer in case of an XDCC bot [], or Serv-U in case of FTP program.
go to start -> search for files, and search for firedaemon.exe. chances are that you'll find even more files in its folder.
good luck.
im 13 im not in college i searched for firedaemon.exe in search and thats all i got like you i am a hacker and i used to use even more destructive virus (trojans worms) but i stoped because i got cuaght by the police nad i was on paroll so i stopped but still i dont want people to have threw open ports sooo what can i do
one time i downloaded a virus detecter i was up sateing myne and it ate up my computer i had to use my recovery disc