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Thread: Strange

  1. #41
    JPaul's Avatar Fat Secret Agent
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jon L. Obscene
    So why did he not just say "I don't understand"?
    I did'nt understand that word, so the use of it is no different to what you are acusing me of with confusing people with spelling mistakes, difference being, mine are unintentional, that word was typed intentionally and is probably used by a very small percentage of people, educated upper class word is what it is, fik workers like me don't understand it.

    Yeah, good point.

    Using perfectly good words, which people can look up in a dictionary if they don't understand them, is analagous with posting in a way which people find difficult to decipher.

    If you had your way everyone would use "nice speak". What's the point in having subtlety of meaning. It would certainly shorten the dictionary, let's do away with;

    OK, admirable, agreeable, amiable, approved, attractive, becoming, charming, commendable, considerate, copacetic, cordial, courteous, cultured, decorous, delightful, ducky, favorable, friendly, gasser, genial, gentle, good, gracious, groovy, helpful, hunky-dory, ingratiating, inviting, kind, kindly, lovely, neato, nifty, obliging, peachy, phat, pleasant, pleasurable, polite, prepossessing, seemly, simpatico, superior, swell, unpresumptuous, welcome, well-mannered, winning, winsome

    and substitute them with nice.

  2. Lounge   -   #42
    Jon L. Obscene's Avatar Canadain potatoes!!!
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    Did you not understand what I meant when I posted "Is'nt"?

    My point is we type/speak how we type and speak ffs.
    You have your way, I have mine, I refuse to put all my posts throught a spellchecker.
    I learn something new every day in the form of spelling and grammar etc, was'nt until a few months ago I found out thank you is 2 words. I hated english at school, therefore I will learn it at my own pace.

    If you're going to use words I don't understand then you have no right to moan/correct me when I use words you don't understand.
    the way I speak is not made up by me, its the creation of my surroundings.

    ffs jp if you typed the way you speak not many people would understand you would they?
    I type the way I speak, people understand me when I talk.


  3. Lounge   -   #43
    JPaul's Avatar Fat Secret Agent
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    I do type the way I speak.

    I can assure you I never use words here that I don't use in real life, both spoken and written communication.

    Your position is basically, feck it this is the way I am, I can't be arsed making it easier for people to understand me so I won't bother.

    That's a matter for you, however it does illustrate what you think of the people you deal with.

  4. Lounge   -   #44
    Jon L. Obscene's Avatar Canadain potatoes!!!
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    Yeah so I just been told.

    I'm short tempered and not good atm.

    I apologise to all concerned.


  5. Lounge   -   #45
    sArA's Avatar Ex-Moderatererer
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    I would contend that Jonno, on the whole is perfectly coherent and articulate enough to be understood by the overwhelming majority of forum members.

    On occasion however JP, particularly when you get with J2K4 and manker, your use of language and nuance can quite impenetrable.
    Last edited by sArA; 08-07-2005 at 05:07 PM.

  6. Lounge   -   #46
    NikkiD's Avatar Yen?
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jon L. Obscene
    Did you not understand what I meant when I posted "Is'nt"?

    My point is we type/speak how we type and speak ffs.
    You have your way, I have mine, I refuse to put all my posts throught a spellchecker.
    I learn something new every day in the form of spelling and grammar etc, was'nt until a few months ago I found out thank you is 2 words. I hated english at school, therefore I will learn it at my own pace.

    If you're going to use words I don't understand then you have no right to moan/correct me when I use words you don't understand.
    the way I speak is not made up by me, its the creation of my surroundings.

    ffs jp if you typed the way you speak not many people would understand you would they?
    I type the way I speak, people understand me when I talk.

    That's the whole point of what I was saying Jon. You use colloquialisms (phrases which are best spoken orally). When you talk it makes sense. In text, it doesn't make sense.

    I don't type the way I speak. (Although at times I'm guilty of run-on sentences, so that's not neccessarily true.) It wouldn't make much sense if I did. People often speak in phrases, rather than sentences, which don't translate to the written word well.

    I also take the time to read through what I've written and make sure that I'm getting my meaning across. I often edit if I find I can express something more clearly.

    Why do you find it okay for you to type as you speak, and think that everyone should understand you, when you say yourself, if JP were to do the same thing, no one would understand him?

  7. Lounge   -   #47
    Jon L. Obscene's Avatar Canadain potatoes!!!
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    Thats a 2 way question, works both ways and I never corrected jp, I asked.

    Besides, we've proven I'm in the wrong and I've apologised, I simply just wanted to answer that question considering it was posed to me.

    As I say, I'm sorry.


  8. Lounge   -   #48
    JPaul's Avatar Fat Secret Agent
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sara
    I would contend that Jonno, on the whole is perfectly coherent and articulate enough to be understood by the overwhelming majority of forum members.

    On occasion however JP, particularly when you get with that J2K4, your use of language and nuance can quite impenetrable.
    Yes but you know as well as I do that's just having a larf. Playing with words as it were.

    Different folk find different things entertain them. I just happen to enjoy wordery. I really do enjoy a well turned sentence. I find the works of PG Wodehouse quite delightful.

    j2 however just talks pish.

    [The above was brought to you without the assistance of a comma.)

  9. Lounge   -   #49
    Jon L. Obscene's Avatar Canadain potatoes!!!
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    Quote Originally Posted by j2k4
    In any case, Jonno, I hope you and the bacon are getting along and enjoying life in the kitchen.
    Yeah the bacon understood me fine, so maybe it's just this lot are not as intelligent and multilingual as bacon........hmm.......there's a thought *chinrub thing can't be arsed to look for code*


  10. Lounge   -   #50
    sArA's Avatar Ex-Moderatererer
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    Quote Originally Posted by JPaul
    j2 however just talks pish.
    Nah.....he just enjoys the art of obfuscation.

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