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Thread: Sheikh Yassin Assassination

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  2. The Drawing Room   -   #2
    Biggles's Avatar Looking for loopholes
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    I have followed this on the News and have come to the conclusion that it is fuel for the fire. Blind paraplegics, do not, for the main part, constitute difficult targets to hit. They could have done this at any time in the last 20 years or, for that matter, simply have not released him from jail when they had him.

    Although it is hard for us to comprehend, Yassin was at the moderate end of Hammas. This appears designed to cause more ruptures in the political structures of the Palestinians. In short term it will almost certainly mean the deaths of ever increasing numbers of innocent Israelis and Palestinians. Sharron plays hard, always has done, always will do by the looks of it. It may well be a gamble that Sharron will never have to answer for, as his political days look numbered on many fronts.
    Cogito cogito ergo cogito sum

  3. The Drawing Room   -   #3
    sArA's Avatar Ex-Moderatererer
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    Funny, but I thought that Assassination of a political or religious leader was considered an act of war. Although not officially recognised as a country (by the west), the Palestinians still feel that it was an attack on their soveriegnty, likewise, they do not recognise Israel so we have a conundrum.

    The most concerning development, regardless of the 'official' position of either side is that this attack seems to have been designed to incite further conflict. I heard of senior Hammas officials stating that this was an attack on Islam (surprise) which could significantly change the stance that Yassin took and thus the focus of Hammas. Despite his support of terrorism and refusal to enter into peace talks, he at least maintained that the struggle was about land and kept the issues secular.

    This attack has I fear just made the whole middle eastern issue a whole lot worse.

    The world has been quick to condemn the act, but the US has had its hands tied by its continued obligations to Israel thus preventing it from condemning too strongly. Sharron aparently is 'fine' with the US response which will no doubt further seed anti US feeling.

    Regardless of the good reasons to want this man dead, it was a provocative act.

    Feelings in the region are just too high to let this one go. I think it was a gross act of miscalculation, agression and arrogance to think that there will not be serious world wide ramifications from this...

    I just hope I am wrong.

  4. The Drawing Room   -   #4
    One theory I've heard is that Sharon has done this to appease the hard line right wingers who are unhappy with Israel exiting Gaza and the removal of Jewish settlements.

    Another theory is that this is a strategic strike designed to produce a wave of retaliatory suicide bombings so that Israel can re-enter Gaza after the withdrawal citing security as the main reason. It will be 'interesting' if this turns out to be the case.

    It should be noted that most of Europe has condemned this and the UN has said it's a breach of International Law. The US has found the attack "worrying" but has not condemned it outright.

    The Israeli interior minister, the minister for justice, the leader of the Labour party and the leader of the Shinui party have all condemned the attack. Their arguments range from worries about the inevitable retaliation and doubts about whether the assassination will achieve anything with regards to weakening Hamas.

    Apart from a massive increase in suicide bombings I can't see what Israel gets out of this, unless the second theory I mentioned is correct. After all.. 64 year old quadriplegics who are partially sighted don't make the best military planners. He may, as Sharon has argued been a "spiritual inspiration" to the suicide bombers, but I'm sure he'll be even more of an inspiration now he's dead/martyred.

  5. The Drawing Room   -   #5
    Originally posted by leftism@23 March 2004 - 02:56
    Apart from a massive increase in suicide bombings I can't see what Israel gets out of this, unless the second theory I mentioned is correct. After all.. 64 year old quadriplegics who are partially sighted don't make the best military planners. He may, as Sharon has argued been a "spiritual inspiration" to the suicide bombers, but I'm sure he'll be even more of an inspiration now he's dead/martyred.

    I think Israel just shoved a huge lightening rod up its ass by "cannonizing" this man.
    Aren't we in the trust tree, thingey?

  6. The Drawing Room   -   #6
    mogadishu's Avatar {}"_++()_><.,{}}[":+
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    I think this is the worst possible thing israel could do to themselves. What do they expect to happen in retaliation? But maybe they do want more suicide bombings. After all, the only reason they are not being treated like Apartheid South Africa by the rest of the World is the suicide bombings. The more violence there is, the harder it is to distinguish who is really right in the conflict.
    signature removed, check the boardrules.

  7. The Drawing Room   -   #7
    cpt_azad's Avatar Colonel
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    Another theory is that this is a strategic strike designed to produce a wave of retaliatory suicide bombings so that Israel can re-enter Gaza after the withdrawal citing security as the main reason. It will be &#39;interesting&#39; if this turns out to be the case.
    exactly what i was thinking. remove sharon, and the middle east will be a much happier place, don&#39;t you agree ? oh, while at it, make palestine a sovergn nation with it&#39;s own land and government, and a better leader (yasser arafat has his faults too), but all this will happen if you simply take sharon out of the picture.

    Jeff Loomis: He's so good, he doesn't need to be dead to have a tribute.

  8. The Drawing Room   -   #8
    Originally posted by cpt_azad
    exactly what i was thinking. remove sharon, and the middle east will be a much happier place, don&#39;t you agree&nbsp; ? oh, while at it, make palestine a sovergn nation with it&#39;s own land and government, and a better leader (yasser arafat has his faults too), but all this will happen if you simply take sharon out of the picture.
    I don&#39;t think removing Sharon would make all that happen. It would be nice if it were that simple, but it&#39;s not.

  9. The Drawing Room   -   #9
    j2k4's Avatar en(un)lightened
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    Oh, please...
    Much is being made of the fact Yassin was a blind, wheelchair-bound elder of Hamas, and, owing to his infirmity, not himself much of a threat.

    Usama bin Laden, in every instance I have seen him (video, etc.) has always used a walking stick, moves with care, and appears to be somewhat sickly.

    FDR led the U.S. war effort in WWII from a wheelchair.

    I don&#39;t buy the poor old cripple line.

    Having said that, I don&#39;t believe Israel&#39;s move facilitates any sort of peace process, and in that vein, cannot be viewed as positive.

    The assassination of Yassim would appear to indicate a resolve to throttle an arm of the Palestinian amalgam that Arafat deigns himself unable (ultimately) to control.

    If Israel is counting on other elements to discern the difference between Hamas and Arafat, or the PLO proper, I think they&#39;ve got a long row to hoe.
    "Researchers have already cast much darkness on the subject, and if they continue their investigations, we shall soon know nothing at all about it."

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  10. The Drawing Room   -   #10
    Busyman's Avatar Use Logic Or STFU!!!
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    Originally posted by j2k4@23 March 2004 - 15:06
    Much is being made of the fact Yassin was a blind, wheelchair-bound elder of Hamas, and, owing to his infirmity, not himself much of a threat.

    Usama bin Laden, in every instance I have seen him (video, etc.) has always used a walking stick, moves with care, and appears to be somewhat sickly.

    FDR led the U.S. war effort in WWII from a wheelchair.

    I don&#39;t buy the poor old cripple line.

    Having said that, I don&#39;t believe Israel&#39;s move facilitates any sort of peace process, and in that vein, cannot be viewed as positive.

    The assassination of Yassim would appear to indicate a resolve to throttle an arm of the Palestinian amalgam that Arafat deigns himself unable (ultimately) to control.

    If Israel is counting on other elements to discern the difference between Hamas and Arafat, or the PLO proper, I think they&#39;ve got a long row to hoe.
    Regarding your comments about the disabled, I couldn&#39;t agree more.

    If you lead a terrorist organization should I care about your mobility if you deemed an enemy.

    Israel is constantly getting suicide bombers up the ass so when terrorist say they will step attacks well ....what they were on a lesser schedule before?

    Peace starts both ways. I don&#39;t hear much about the suicide bombers stopping their attacks so I think it is fitting they go after the leaders of terrorism.

    At least they don&#39;t go after children which is much more despicable.
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