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Thread: Interesting. Have at it Meg and Idol.....

  1. #81
    IdolEyes787's Avatar Persona non grata
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    Quote Originally Posted by IdolEyes787 View Post

    I also pledge that if Trump wins re-election in 2020 I will be killing myself, having entirely lost faith in mankind.
    As God is my witness, I'll take Sarah Sanders with me though.
    Respect my lack of authority.

  2. Lounge   -   #82
    IdolEyes787's Avatar Persona non grata
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    Her orphan children can be raised by rats who will at least teach them better values.
    Respect my lack of authority.

  3. Lounge   -   #83
    shaina's Avatar Poster
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    Quote Originally Posted by IdolEyes787 View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by shaina View Post

    PS. So far 99% what Fox News has said has been true!! Do you dispute that??!!. CNN MSNBC for 2 years has lied??!! Do you dispute that!!!!??
    As I have eyes, ears and a semblence of a brain I'm going to have to give that an affirmative, breaker breaker.

    I also pledge that if Trump wins re-election in 2020 I will be killing myself, having entirely lost faith in mankind. Btw I fail to see how some people having more money is a positive when it comes at such a terrible cost to things like democracy, integrity and the environment.

    PS. I don't dispute that MSNBC is bias in their editorial opinions. I don't see them airing doctored videos of anyone and promoting them as the truth though. Likewise I don't see CNN disseminating racist viewpoints.
    Sorry Idol, as i will always if i am wrong admit it!! I meant to say the 2 years plus of the Russia collusion crap that you saw 24/7...

    And as of now there is no one to beat Trump, and i don't in any way wish you any harm buddy......

    And no they did air doctored viewpoints of videos many many times to suit the Left Wing views/agenda/narrative, and got caught and are now being sued!! and never apologized, they just tried to spin it in other ways, and really you can't tell the difference on MSNBC and CNN who is actually news anchors or opinion commentators. The best and the biggest laughs i had is when they had the Porn star lawyer Avenatti on every minute, and now look like idiots!!!

    Lets see if i can make it short and get your opinion Idol.....

    Lets take Trump Trump Trump out of the picture and put Pence's face as the president..
    You will still have the same direction/agenda of the Republican party running the country, meaning yes you have the figure head and advisers and specialized people in there jobs, advising and giving the direction of what needs to be done, do you like the policies and the way the Republicans want to run the country?? That is and should be the only debate. As i will tell the truth i think Trumps mouth is his Bigly downfall!!!.. Because the States as a whole obviously liked the policies/agendas right?? You can't tell me that the American people are that stupid and actually voted for President because they like Trumps face
    I would think an intelligent person votes for there leaders in a Democracy Country because of there Agenda and there view where the country should move forward or have a pitch or gimmick like legalizing weed here and having the biggest young person turnout at the poles?? Is that wrong thinking??

    So Meg... You don't like my views or opinions because i like/agree with the agenda of the Republican party, and i am not fond of Trump at all even know i do think he is funny at times, seems to me you don't?? Is that right?? Do you agree with all of the Democrats policies they are spewing?? Abortion?? Borders/Immigration ?? Socialized Health Care?? Raising Taxes (which will without a doubt affect the middle class the worst as always!!)?? Getting rid of Cows?? No more Planes?? and on and on!!!
    Lets see if you can actually reply without a "Hate" or Anti Semitic comment because you don't like someone else's view

    And really another funny thing... When a lot of Left wing interviews are done, it is in places like New York or Blue States with huge populations, that will give you zero accuracy of what the country really thinks, or the other problem is how the population is spread in the US, that is why you could never have the popular vote to choose the President....

    And Happy Memorial Day Weekend to all the Yankees...

    Seems like Fox News Cares about American Veterans/People, and CNN and MSNBC doesn't want to take a break on Bashing Trump
    Last edited by shaina; 05-25-2019 at 06:16 PM.

  4. Lounge   -   #84
    shaina's Avatar Poster
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    Quote Originally Posted by IdolEyes787 View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by IdolEyes787 View Post

    I also pledge that if Trump wins re-election in 2020 I will be killing myself, having entirely lost faith in mankind.
    As God is my witness, I'll take Sarah Sanders with me though.

    What about Kellyanne Conway??

  5. Lounge   -   #85
    shaina's Avatar Poster
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    Quote Originally Posted by IdolEyes787 View Post
    Her orphan children can be raised by rats who will at least teach them better values.
    You have to admit, S Sanders or anyone no matter what president/party is in power,it is a very tough job.....
    Last edited by shaina; 05-25-2019 at 05:40 PM.

  6. Lounge   -   #86
    IdolEyes787's Avatar Persona non grata
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    Quote Originally Posted by shaina View Post

    What about Kellyanne Conway??
    Looking at her cryptkeeper face I always assumed she was already dead.
    Respect my lack of authority.

  7. Lounge   -   #87
    shaina's Avatar Poster
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    Going to Vent, because my wife dislikes politics...

    I am on a few sites and live news for the Middle East... And i am watching and reading what is going on at the Israel/Gaza barrier, and they get these kids to run up to it try to cut through streaghten barb wire fence and they start running with a kitchen knife/knife or a pair of scissors or some sort of explosive device, so saying that lets compare the border at Mexico/US and they have a small bag full of change of clothes and maybe some beef jerky from there journey?? Which one actually has a better chance of looking like they actually want to get help and hopefully better there life??. Now by no means am i saying that the person at the Mexican border is innocent and doesn't have the intention to do harm to Americans, but i think it is right in your face if someone has a knife or an explosive and is approaching you .. Now depending on which web site or news i watch, it amazes me that some will not report that person has a weapon or explosive (And yes i saw it live that they did!!), and how people will react to the reporting..
    Really makes you think eliminating facts can really spin a narrative.......

  8. Lounge   -   #88
    shaina's Avatar Poster
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    Quote Originally Posted by IdolEyes787 View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by shaina View Post

    What about Kellyanne Conway??
    Looking at her cryptkeeper face I always assumed she was already dead.
    That is hilarious Idol!!!
    Not sure if she has to work 24hrs dealing with Trumps Mouth!!! but she always looks exhausted for sure, and boy can she spin shit to get him out of trouble!!, and i am not saying she is lying by any means, but again what comes out of his mouth!!, never comes across as the actual agenda..
    I am not sure if i ever said this before.. But before the 2016 election i never!! watched Fox News, mainly CNN and before Trump became president i know there was someone else that ran CNN and it was never like it is now!!, MSNBC was always a crackpot news outlet!! but wow!! Idol how things have changed since Trump won CNN is nuts!!!!! and honestly i am not sure if it is the Republican policies or is it just Trump?? You just can't see it if you know what i mean.....

    Here is my prediction even this early on 2020.. If the Democrats go on the platform they are spewing now they will get the popular vote and lose the election Badly like they did last time 2016!!!!! You got the few big states with large population will go Democrat (hens the popular vote) and the rest of the country wants noting to do with that crap!!! Again my opinion right or wrong, that is what i think
    And all the polls have at least 3 Democrats that would beat Trump right now Biden, Bernie, and I think they said Warren (LOL!!)??, amazing all white and two of them ready for the grave, but we all no polls are full of shit, it is like no one tells the truth on who they are really going to vote for when polled/asked..

    Again just my opinion.......
    Last edited by shaina; 05-25-2019 at 09:48 PM.

  9. Lounge   -   #89
    The gerrymandering republicans put in place is still there. The crazy voter registration laws. Incorrect voting location info. Closed voting locations ("funding issues"). I expect Tr*mp to win again. Republicans can't win a legitimate election.

  10. Lounge   -   #90
    shaina's Avatar Poster
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    Quote Originally Posted by MacGyverSG1 View Post
    The gerrymandering republicans put in place is still there. The crazy voter registration laws. Incorrect voting location info. Closed voting locations ("funding issues"). I expect Tr*mp to win again. Republicans can't win a legitimate election.
    So i am to understand that there was more voting locations for Obama?? And what is so crazy about the voter registration law MacGyver?? And are you saying if you have the proper ID required to prove you are an American citizen and of age to vote, you can't go to any voting location to do that?? I mean you can mail in your vote if you are an American Citizen and not in the Country right??

    Wasn't it proven that in Georgia there was people that were not American Citizens trying to vote and refused?? And actually some did vote and proven after they they were fake ID's?? I do know every election you hear the same accusations on the losing party?? And i watched every media station out there Left/Right it didn't matter, the reporting was if you were in line at the time the voting stations/places were closed you got to vote, was that false?? Do you have legitimate sites proof of that?? I know there is a few sore losers out there that think they should have or did win but that was all proven fake?? Including the Democratic presidential nominee for 2016....
    I think we went through this a while back??

    The truth really is the differences in the states there is more Conservative/Moderate people,spread out , and the Democrats used to be more of a middle line party and the Republicans were considered nutbag Christian extreme Conservative Rightest!!!! Times have changed and so has the parties. Again just my opinion, and you can look at it that fuck Trump is going to win!!! or for me it is more Yes i am happy the Republicans won because i like there agenda/policies. Again i will repeat my previous comment, forget about TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP!!!, and say you know i like the Democrat parties agenda/policies better that is why i would like them to win, again, if it was Pence or Willie Lump Lump that was the Republican presidential nominee, you wouldn't want them to win right MacGyver?, And where you live?? I would be surprised to see the Democrats win?? And buddy illegal votes don't count ok, that is only allowed in socialist countries
    Last edited by shaina; 05-26-2019 at 03:47 AM.

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