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Thread: Kids gone wrong

  1. #21
    bigboab's Avatar Poster BT Rep: +1
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jon L. Obscene View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by limesqueezer View Post
    How can a adult be a victim of 9 year old child ? This is just really, really funny. Are those kind of parents such big cowards or whats wrong with them.
    Tell that to Mr. and Mrs Bulger.
    Tell that to anyone who's ever had their car tires slash by a kid and couldn't do a thing about it.
    What would you do if a 9 y/o put a brick through your window or killed your dog or stole you tv and the police can't press charges or the kid gets off with a slap on the wrist, what would you do?

    I think people would start taking the law into their own hands. If a kid puts a brick through your house window, do you go and put a brick through their house window? Where would it all end?
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  2. The Drawing Room   -   #22
    limesqueezer's Avatar kwasheni rejtash
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jon L. Obscene View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by limesqueezer View Post
    How can a adult be a victim of 9 year old child ? This is just really, really funny. Are those kind of parents such big cowards or whats wrong with them.
    Tell that to Mr. and Mrs Bulger.
    Tell that to anyone who's ever had their car tires slash by a kid and couldn't do a thing about it.
    What would you do if a 9 y/o put a brick through your window or killed your dog or stole you tv and the police can't press charges or the kid gets off with a slap on the wrist, what would you do?

    Well it could be problem if a groups of children would do something like that but if only 1 kid is a problem i would deal with him. In fact some kid stole my bike some time ago and he doesn't do it anymore. After we were done with that kid he started to fear the dark after all the stories we told him and his drunk father couldn't do a thing about it also, cause he was a looser anyway and he beat up the kid. That kid was around 11 years old and i was 17.

  3. The Drawing Room   -   #23
    Jon L. Obscene's Avatar Canadain potatoes!!!
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    Wow I have to hand it to you, you certainly are brave, going after an 11y/o an' all.
    Point being, no one has the legal right to do it. That child could have pressed charges against you for harrassment or some such so once again you lose and are a victim to a child. You also probably had no idea what his father would do, as Bob said, where would it end?

    Anyone can be a victim to a child, in some cases more so to a child than adult.
    It's much easier to press charges against an adult than a child.
    So you answered my question by saying if a 9 y/o put your windows in you would go after them?
    Also you say it would be a problem if it were groups? well in most cases they are groups, so you have 7 or 8 9y/o's put all your windows in and slash your tires, what would you do?

    Btw, Hey Bob, long time


  4. The Drawing Room   -   #24
    limesqueezer's Avatar kwasheni rejtash
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jon L. Obscene View Post
    Wow I have to hand it to you, you certainly are brave, going after an 11y/o an' all.
    Point being, no one has the legal right to do it. That child could have pressed charges against you for harrassment or some such so once again you lose and are a victim to a child. You also probably had no idea what his father would do, as Bob said, where would it end?

    Anyone can be a victim to a child, in some cases more so to a child than adult.
    It's much easier to press charges against an adult than a child.
    So you answered my question by saying if a 9 y/o put your windows in you would go after them?
    Also you say it would be a problem if it were groups? well in most cases they are groups, so you have 7 or 8 9y/o's put all your windows in and slash your tires, what would you do?

    Btw, Hey Bob, long time


    We don't have laws here where a child make charges against anybody if you scared him. And why would he do that, he didn't even know what that is and when he was running to his father all scared he only got more troubles. I never heard that it is illegal to scare somebody, if u have such laws than you really need more dumb laws. I don't know how a 10 year old kids got soo much power at your city that they can terrorize you and at same time sue you. I know my rights and the laws.

  5. The Drawing Room   -   #25
    Jon L. Obscene's Avatar Canadain potatoes!!!
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    Ah ok, well in the UK and Canada it's called threatening behaviour towards a minor and is quite a serious charge. It stops children getting beaten up by older teenagers for lunch money etc.
    And I agree, the law needs to be harsher, but isn't that what this thread is about? kids than run amuck? lawlessness amoung children?
    First you argued that it's ok cos their kids now you say they should be punished?
    I'm not sure whether you're agreeing or not.
    If you are (as your flag says) from Yugoslavia then as far as I know the kids out that way are worse in many cases and used in inapropriate ways by adults?
    Here and in the UK kids are protected from that, unfortuantely the law gives them too much protection so much so that they get away with too much.
    But they do need protecting. And regaurdless of laws right or wrong, a child does know whats right and wrong.


  6. The Drawing Room   -   #26
    j2k4's Avatar en(un)lightened
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    Oh, please...
    Quote Originally Posted by Jon L. Obscene View Post
    Ah ok, well in the UK and Canada it's called threatening behaviour towards a minor and is quite a serious charge.
    Yes, yes, but he doesn't live in the U.K. or Canada, he lives near border, where they have no laws and stuff.
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  7. The Drawing Room   -   #27
    limesqueezer's Avatar kwasheni rejtash
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jon L. Obscene View Post
    Ah ok, well in the UK and Canada it's called threatening behaviour towards a minor and is quite a serious charge. It stops children getting beaten up by older teenagers for lunch money etc.
    And I agree, the law needs to be harsher, but isn't that what this thread is about? kids than run amuck? lawlessness amoung children?
    First you argued that it's ok cos their kids now you say they should be punished?
    I'm not sure whether you're agreeing or not.
    If you are (as your flag says) from Yugoslavia then as far as I know the kids out that way are worse in many cases and used in inapropriate ways by adults?
    Here and in the UK kids are protected from that, unfortuantely the law gives them too much protection so much so that they get away with too much.
    But they do need protecting. And regaurdless of laws right or wrong, a child does know whats right and wrong.

    Sounds to me like adults need to be protected, not the kids. You say that u don't know what i want. Like the same i could say about you. First you talk about how unfair some kids can behave and than you want protection for them.
    Children need to be protected and parents need to do their job. If they can't watch for their children cause they get divorced or they don't have time its their fault (wrongly raised or without parents) It can't never be their fault, or do you belive that satan made them bad from birth. The problem is in the system or the parents. Maybe you need that law, but than only cause you are incapable to raise the children. Its your choice, if you want to be controlled like a robot. In Yugoslavia there arn't any such things, like they might teach you in school. We are doing well without cameras on every corner of the street and without such laws. And as i know there are always cases of violation against children in USA and UK mostly, in countries where you have the most laws for protection. We don't need such laws and we are going good without them. The problem is in respect.

  8. The Drawing Room   -   #28
    Jon L. Obscene's Avatar Canadain potatoes!!!
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    You're not making much sense.
    You sway one way then the other.
    Of course children need protecting against things they don't understand and from bad people but they also need to be held accountable for their own actions.
    Sounds like where you live is paradise with freedom of speech and no crime, not the picture I know but I guess you never know til you live somewhere.
    Also I never said you don't know what you want, not that I know of anyway.
    I also never mentioned the USA.
    The point being once again is children DO KNOW right from wrong at an early age.
    Do you or do you not agree with that?

    Although I seriously think you have been blinded as to what really goes on on your streets and would hazzard a guess at you being quite young and fighting from a childs point of view.

    Just adding something I thought of, perhaps part of the reason for a bad kid is not due to the parent but possibly from a bad parent of another kid who produces a bad kid who will be looked upto at school.

    And you still didn't answer my question of what you would do if a group of 9y/o's put your windows in and slashed your tires, please answer this question in order for me to get more of an idea of your views.


  9. The Drawing Room   -   #29
    limesqueezer's Avatar kwasheni rejtash
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    First of all i don't agree with this new law, but i agree with the law that children need to be protected, thats where everybody agrees.
    I agree that children know whats right ot wrong but they don't know how somebody feels when they did something wrong to him/her, for them its just fun, they weren't taught to have responsibility or respect. Why they are like that: you heard my oppinion who's fault it is.
    On my streets there is nothing serious dangerous going on. Sometimes maybe some get drunk and brake something accidently, and maybe somebody steals some fruit from the trees, what i did also when i was young I mean you go to disco and than maybe you drink something and get into troubles. This sounds to me like real youth, nowdays i think kids are more cybre than outside. Not that i heard that somebody in my town murdered someone. For one you can't buy guns anywhere. The only trouble makers are cops here mostly when they come in numbers.
    There are maybe some gipsy people here that might slash your tires, but not as young as 9. If a 9 year old would do that to me i wouldn't probably even know that it was a 9 year old one, or how would you know who it was ? But, ok if i knew who it was i would go to his parents and demand money.

  10. The Drawing Room   -   #30
    Jon L. Obscene's Avatar Canadain potatoes!!!
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    Well that is the first post that actually makes sense to me, would seem that you've altered your perseption somewhat.
    I pretty much agree with you on most points there and yes to some degree kids don't unstand the annoyance/hurt they cause but they don't just do it for fun, usually it's to annoy the person they target.
    I'm guessing you live somewhere small and quiet if thats the case you are lucky as I now am as this town is pretty crime free, but I've also lived the other side where people are afraid to walk down certain parts of town because of gangs of kids.

    So I'm going to sum up with kids DO KNOW what they are doing and IMO anyone who dissagrees is either uneducated to the problem or is blind to it.
    The laws all over cross boundries which make it difficult to enforce certain things, the laws need to be more flexable wheras one law can protect a kid in one instance but protect adults and others in another instance.
    In otherwords kids NEED to learn respect and discipline and unfortunately the only way that has ever worked has been strong punishments namely in corperal punishment to some degree or at least the threat of it.
    If a child skips school it's unfair to punish the parents in most cases but in some it's the right thing to do, this is one instance where the law needs to be more flexable.


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