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Thread: Sick Of Having Your Dl Cancelled?

  1. #11
    angellynn26, u can dl as much as u want im netbizkit@Kazaa. so can u Tikibonbon because i dont care. it doesnt take up bandwith (im runnig dsl) i might underderstand if u had dail-up, but if u dont live in the sticks MOST people have dsl.

    also jews muslims and christians all belive in the same "god". and back in the day (long ass time ago)(i think correct me if im wrong) the only people that belived in god were jews and muslims.

  2. File Sharing   -   #12
    Tikibonbon's Avatar It'll Get Ya Drunk!
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    Austin, Tx...ya'll
    actually it's more like only 30% max currently have broadband, also muslins believe in allah not god, interesting bit of data, if it were not for muslims, christianity would not exist. the to were similar enough that the muslims did not eradicate them during their holy wars. they also allowed the christians to use their temples.

  3. File Sharing   -   #13
    Originally posted by Tikibonbon@4 June 2003 - 02:05
    so the northern sates have had nothing but roses coming out of their asses?
    damn love all those crack whores in the new england area. and about that civil war deal, if you would do a little research on the subject and not read the history books at school, you would see it was not about the south wanting slaves and the north not, might i remind you that the north WAS NOT slave free. You might find out that the south wanting to increase its voting power wanted to give blacks the right to vote, albeit they would only count as 2/3 of a vote. the north i fear of the power this would give the south would have nothing to do with it. and if you don't believe me that the north wasn't the most welcoming of places for blacks, why don't you read some of richard wrights books on the subject. and since you talk about all these actrocities of the past you are assuming that all white southerners are proud of them, and hear i thought that was feeding the stereo types. what has the north done the deserve your respect and pride?
    Well, you don't have your facts straight, first of all. The southern states didn't want blacks to vote, they wanted their slaves to be counted as 2/3 of a person!!!! That way, the southern states would have a bigger population, giving them more representatives in the House. It had absolutely nothing to do with giving blacks the right to vote!!! Ever heard of Jim Crow laws? Being from the South you should be very familiar with them! They were designed specifically to prevent blacks from voting...duh! Furthermore, the Civil War had everything to do with power, not freeing slaves....I'm well aware of that! Freeing the slaves was an 'afterthought' designed by Lincoln to really get the South's goat during Reconstruction. It was just to piss them off. BTW, before you go there, yes I'm aware Lincoln owned slaves too! As for the north being "slave free", they were considered free states well before the Civil War. They still treated blacks like dogs, but they did not enslave need to check your facts again! AND...I never said I was proud of the North....stop adding words to mine! I actually said I'm ashamed to be an American...if that is true, then what love do I have for the North, answer, none b/c I don't give a crap, which was my WHOLE point. I brought up the southern issue because you seem to be so proud to be one, while at the same time spouting off about how proud you are to be an American! lol. Like I said before, which are you? An American or a Southerner? Last time I checked, the South lost the Civil War and is still a part of the U.S., so why separate the two? THAT was my point. What is the purpose in making sure the world knows you're from the South? Who cares?!? If you can only respond by putting words in my mouth that I never said, then what is your point? Are you going to confront what I'm ACTUALLY saying or just make it up as you go along??

  4. File Sharing   -   #14
    BTW, that Muslim crap you posted is HILARIOUS!!! You shouldn't talk about what you don't know about! "Allah" is the same God as the Christians and Jews! Jews and Muslims have the SAME history up to the point of Abraham. Abraham and his wife were in their 70's and she had not bore him a child. God talked to Abraham and told him he would have a child. So, his wife offered her concubine to mother his child and he slept with her and had a son. That son is the father of the Islamic people. Afterwards, by some miracle, Abraham's wife gets pregnant and they have a son. That son is the father of the Jewish people. The Muslims claim that their father is the special child promised by God and the Jews claim that their father is that child because he was born with Abraham's wife, not concubine. As for Christianity, lol, you are really twisted. Jesus was a Jew, dude. Jesus converted the Jews, not the Muslims!! Do you get anything correct? Where do you get this f*cked up information from?

  5. File Sharing   -   #15
    Tikibonbon's Avatar It'll Get Ya Drunk!
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    umm, weren't like 9.5 out of 10 blacks in the south slaves? and why must i be familiar with the jim crowe laws? i'm not a racist. and if you are ashamed to be american, it's legal to renounce your citizenship, or there is canada just north of us. and im not putting words into your mouth, just responding to what you say. i suppose i should be standing up applauding you for your shameful fate of being an american. btw, having served in the military and gone to war for my country, i find that sickening. and should i cower in fear of someone finding out that i live in the south? hell no! i love the area in which i live. damn beautiful country.

  6. File Sharing   -   #16
    It's also legal for me to stand up for what I believe in and fight to change what's wrong in this country! Why must the answer always be to leave? And...if you at least graduated high school, you should know about Jim Crow laws! Apparently history isn't your forte. As far as fighting for this country....goodie for you. Your "sickness" doesn't affect me whatsoever. Neither you nor most every other soldier in our services can tell me that you joined the military solely to protect our freedoms and not for any personal gain in your own life. I wasn't born yesterday, so don't give me that crap. Furthermore, noone ever put a gun to your head and made you join. Lastly, it must suck to be a part of a military operation that is considered to be the biggest BULLY in the entire world! I believe in that as much as you believe in God! lol.

  7. File Sharing   -   #17
    Tikibonbon's Avatar It'll Get Ya Drunk!
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    umm, maybe you should go talk to some muslims dude, might learn something.

  8. File Sharing   -   #18
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    well u know what will happen those user name u mentioned will just changede there user name now after reading this!!

  9. File Sharing   -   #19
    Originally posted by Tikibonbon@4 June 2003 - 02:40
    umm, maybe you should go talk to some muslims dude, might learn something.

    I'm done with really are ignorant, and I don't have time to talk to idiots. You can reply with whatever you want, it won't bother me and I won't respond. Go back to school or something, but don't talk politics, religion, or history until you have. You know nothing and have replied with nothing but ignorant, unfounded, untrue, unproven responses.

  10. File Sharing   -   #20
    Tikibonbon's Avatar It'll Get Ya Drunk!
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    still haven't shown me any proof pendajo

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