Originally posted by ilw@5 June 2003 - 21:53
I'm pretty sure someone already has tried to sue, I remember reading something about it. But the companies won, reasons being that they weren't responsible for how guns are used and also hte fact that most guns used for criminal purposes were either stolen or otherwise illegally obtained.
it will cost some lost processes but in the end it will be worth that.... really no difference as to the cigarettes...

quote clocker
Legislation is currently before Congress which would indemnify gun manufacturers from civil suits. If it passes ( and it appears that it will) the family of a victim killed with a gun will be prohibitedfrom suing the manufacturer. The gun manufacturers will be the only industry afforded this sort of blanket protection. The NRA is a very powerful lobby in Washington.
yes but that can be turned back when it will be clear that the industry bribed politicians to let that pass...
they're financing the political parties there are rules for that, they violate those rules. When that will be brought to surface the laws will be reconsidered... It's a real winning situation.

@insanebassman, i agree the stupidity of those lawsuits also i agree on the fact that you should sue the people who missuses the "toys" but also the ones that provides those..
In this case i see it as a good instrument to get a grip on the weapon industry..

Humans will find a way to kill.... Guns are just another tool.
That makes it much more easy... and definitive.. Dumb people, people that suffer severe stress, have medication or are under influence of booze or drugs can kill way to easy. And even young children that have no idea of the destruction weapons can do, and how definitive the use of guns is can use them easy. Seen and heared a lot about accidents, seen the horrifying pictures of young stressed boys shooting in a school...
And don't talk about a child that by accident finds the gun of the father and shoots his brother or sister...
All that would never have happened as they couldn't get weapons that easy...

I think we don't get an agreement on the topic.. must be a cultural thing...