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Thread: For Broadband Users

  1. #91
    brotherdoobie's Avatar Long live Hissyfit BT Rep: +1
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    Next To Automated Alice
    Originally posted by Makaveli-tha-don@8 July 2003 - 09:09
    i got it finally and those of you didnt know about RegEdit option then follow below instructions and brotherboobie that was nice tip but i am sorry to say that you didnt have cluw what u was talking about.

    I wasnt going to reply to this post....but I have had one of those days.
    Listen here noob(I have no problems with noobs.. ) except ones who try to act like they know what they are talking about......when it's rather obvious that they dont.

    I decided to read thru all of your old posts and see what type of person
    u were.
    You seem like a decent enough fellow.......but please!
    Your knowledge of computers is very limited.
    So stick with what you know.

    Which is?..............

    Peace brotherdoobie

  2. File Sharing   -   #92
    Bebi's Avatar Super Duper Member
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    Apr 2003
    give me a link to this autofix thing, I went on pc pitstop and went to internet speed, page couldnt be displayed, typical bstrd thing

  3. File Sharing   -   #93
    I wasnt going to reply to this post....but I have had one of those days.
    Listen here noob(I have no problems with noobs..  ) except ones who try to act like they know what they are talking about......when it's rather obvious that they dont.

    I decided to read thru all of your old posts and see what type of person
    u were.
    You seem like a decent enough fellow.......but please!
    Your knowledge of computers is very limited.
    So stick with what you know.

    Which is?.............. 

    Peace brotherdoobie

    brotherdoobie credit of this Tip is still going to you, what i did was put that tip on right track and i know i am new in computing field and i am glad to say i am learning new things and i learned how to fix the regedit (TCP) and i told evey1. nothing is wrong with that and i have been going throuhg ur posts as well, u told every1 to go to Pitshop and do AutoFix there and read every1's comments none of us found ur made up Autofix option on pitshop website.
    Take Example of Bebi
    give me a link to this autofix thing, I went on pc pitstop and went to internet speed, page couldnt be displayed, typical bstrd thing
    and also when u change the number to 64240 you dont only change that u also need change other numbers as well (read my earlier post to understand that brotherboobie). so who is the noob. BOOBIE

  4. File Sharing   -   #94
    brotherdoobie's Avatar Long live Hissyfit BT Rep: +1
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    Next To Automated Alice
    Originally posted by Makaveli-tha-don@10 July 2003 - 10:44
    I wasnt going to reply to this post....but I have had one of those days.
    Listen here noob(I have no problems with noobs.. ) except ones who try to act like they know what they are talking about......when it's rather obvious that they dont.

    I decided to read thru all of your old posts and see what type of person
    u were.
    You seem like a decent enough fellow.......but please!
    Your knowledge of computers is very limited.
    So stick with what you know.

    Which is?..............

    Peace brotherdoobie

    brotherdoobie credit of this Tip is still going to you, what i did was put that tip on right track and i know i am new in computing field and i am glad to say i am learning new things and i learned how to fix the regedit (TCP) and i told evey1. nothing is wrong with that and i have been going throuhg ur posts as well, u told every1 to go to Pitshop and do AutoFix there and read every1's comments none of us found ur made up Autofix option on pitshop website.
    Take Example of Bebi
    give me a link to this autofix thing, I went on pc pitstop and went to internet speed, page couldnt be displayed, typical bstrd thing
    and also when u change the number to 64240 you dont only change that u also need change other numbers as well (read my earlier post to understand that brotherboobie). so who is the noob. BOOBIE
    I should not have replyed to your post in the manner I did.
    Nothing constructive comes of it.

    I am not here to try and show off.
    I am here because I love p2p and I am trying to pass any knowledge
    that I have aquired over the years.(since 95 on the web)

    When I post tips,it is only on matters that I have experience in.
    I have tweaked dial up connections for about 8 years now.

    I have been tweaking broadband for about 3.
    I f u read thru all of my old post this is true.

    The PC Pitstop autofix is on the site.
    Test your internet connection and scroll down to the bottom of the page.
    The link to the internet speed Autofix is there,as I have stated.

    changing the receive buffer size is usualy the only tweak that works
    on increasing your dl speeds.

    Use Google and research a littel
    Most other tweaks are myths.

    I have much to learn also.
    I however have been doing this for awhile.
    So I do find it funny when some one who is an obvious noob
    tries to act like they are a know it all.

    are you Still trying to figre out irc...........good luck.

    Peace brotherdoobie

  5. File Sharing   -   #95
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Melbourne, Florida
    Right on!!.......brotherdoobie......right on...........


  6. File Sharing   -   #96
    Well some of us have some other s**t to do but people like u sit all day front of computer wearing big ass glasses and u know what we call them (Freaky Nerds). and to bo honest i do wanna learn computer but i dont wanna waste my life like u been doing Since 95.

    Tweaking does not not work only by changing the recieve buffer size (looks like ur 8 years have been wasted).

    changing the receive buffer size is usualy the only tweak that works
    on increasing your dl speeds
    I am not here to try and show off.
    I am here because I love p2p and I am trying to pass any knowledge
    that I have aquired over the years.(since 95 on the web)
    what knowlodge u r talking about dude, u couldnt even figure out where the DefaultRcvWindow was in RegEdit until i instructed.

    again i am saying i am newb with proud and if i waste my time like u did i wouldnt be here posting my tips on Kazaa and i wouldnt have name like Brotherboobie.

    IRC is done and dusted, i didnt know about it first but i learned in one day, simple instructions. get Irc channel from IRCspy and us them in mIrc and then type Dir and get s**t like that.

    and Meehowski, did he pay u to say that and what was wrong with my comments.
    Right on!!.......brotherdoobie......right on...........

  7. File Sharing   -   #97
    brotherdoobie's Avatar Long live Hissyfit BT Rep: +1
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    Originally posted by Makaveli-tha-don@10 July 2003 - 13:47
    Well some of us have some other s**t to do but people like u sit all day front of computer wearing big ass glasses and u know what we call them (Freaky Nerds). and to bo honest i do wanna learn computer but i dont wanna waste my life like u been doing Since 95.

    Tweaking does not not work only by changing the recieve buffer size (looks like ur 8 years have been wasted).

    changing the receive buffer size is usualy the only tweak that works
    on increasing your dl speeds
    I am not here to try and show off.
    I am here because I love p2p and I am trying to pass any knowledge
    that I have aquired over the years.(since 95 on the web)
    what knowlodge u r talking about dude, u couldnt even figure out where the DefaultRcvWindow was in RegEdit until i instructed.

    again i am saying i am newb with proud and if i waste my time like u did i wouldnt be here posting my tips on Kazaa and i wouldnt have name like Brotherboobie.

    IRC is done and dusted, i didnt know about it first but i learned in one day, simple instructions. get Irc channel from IRCspy and us them in mIrc and then type Dir and get s**t like that.

    and Meehowski, did he pay u to say that and what was wrong with my comments.
    Right on!!.......brotherdoobie......right on...........
    You dont have the time to learn?...........but u have time to worship 2-pac.
    As far as being a nerd........guilty as charged

    Do u think your a G or something?

    You would not last a minute in my neighborhood boy.
    So lets drop the Gangsta pose,it does not suit u.

    brotherdoobie :flame:

  8. File Sharing   -   #98
    damn, spent 8 years tweaking an internet conection??? i agree w/ Makaveli-tha-don that u r a nerd brotherdoobie. Makaveli-tha-don is doing the right thing here by posting this tip and from waht i can tell he (u r a he right) help a lot of people. and y r u gonna come in this post and start talking trash to him.

    "You dont have the time to learn?..........but u have time to worship 2-pac."

    i think that any normal people would rather do that then spent 8 f**king years of their life to tweak a internet connection.

  9. File Sharing   -   #99
    You dont have the time to learn?...........but u have time to worship 2-pac.
    As far as being a nerd........guilty as charged

    Do u think your a G or something?

    You would not last a minute in my neighborhood boy.
    So lets drop the Gangsta pose,it does not suit u.

    2pac was the best rapper, he inspired me and i dont fucken worship 2pac, u wouldnt understand that thing go fucken learn how to tweak that and how to twaek this. thats all u can do. Tweaking can be very hard work so u r the real G, Happy Boobie

    what u mean that i wouldnt last a minute in ur neighborhood, i am talking about u BOOBIE not ur neighborhood. and u night be right i might not last a minute in ur neighborhood, oh oh oh i see thats why u dont go out, thats why u havent been out since 95. dont be baby go out, have some good time etc.

    anyway u still havent answered to what i wrote instead then that u started talking about neighborhood shit. thats not what i was talking about here, use ur upper side for once BOOBIE.

    oh yeah there is a new way to tweak ur modam so why dont u go and find that out, now u have something to do on ur weekend. Nerd

    Real Noob

  10. File Sharing   -   #100
    damn, spent 8 years tweaking an internet conection??? i agree w/ Makaveli-tha-don that u r a nerd brotherdoobie. Makaveli-tha-don is doing the right thing here by posting this tip and from waht i can tell he (u r a he right) help a lot of people. and y r u gonna come in this post and start talking trash to him.

    "You dont have the time to learn?..........but u have time to worship 2-pac."

    i think that any normal people would rather do that then spent 8 f**king years of their life to tweak a internet connection.

    kazaaliterock thx and respect to you man. u just made my point and i am male.

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