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Thread: ITS just to let you all know

  1. #141
    Poster BT Rep: +80BT Rep +80BT Rep +80BT Rep +80BT Rep +80BT Rep +80BT Rep +80BT Rep +80BT Rep +80BT Rep +80BT Rep +80BT Rep +80BT Rep +80BT Rep +80BT Rep +80BT Rep +80
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    rofl stoi

    regardless of u repeating the rules several times...every new guy pops out and ask the same statement


    read the FST CR agreement:

    if you are lazy, read the highlighted stuff here

    just in case u are more lazier i will paste it out for u

    Invite Trading

    The Staff at FST does not believe invite trading is an issue. We’ve found most BT staff we’ve spoken with agree on this. Sites that have issue mostly don’t have them or keep them limited. It’s strange to have invites and then chase and ban those trading them. Many sites give invites to members as a reward for participation, and its clear some members want them to trade and get into other sites.

    We’re aware some sites might not agree on this policy, though it’s the policy we’ve chose to take. If you’re here to ban invite traders, don’t ask for “Community Rep” rank on the site. Its better you choose to be a rouge element, although if this is road you choose you will be dealt with as such.


    We believe this approach with “Community Reps” will bring the community closer together. If you agree to the above you may contact FST Staff to request Community Staff rank...

    and as previously said in the thread there are staffers from trackers who did not agree with invite trading section so they never asked for CR...or when CR position was offered to them they denied it. Feeling (ScT staffer) is an example, he does not agree with that stuff and hence isn't a CR...but yet he is listed out in a thread (alone with other staffer whether they are CR or not) just so people know how to reach him if any help is required.

    Nobody is forcing staffer to be a CR (it's a choice)...if they want to be a CR they have to agree with the agreement...if they don't agree and want to ban invite trader at FST...don't be a CR.

    I think the agreement is pretty simple, which part people do not get?

    Quote Originally Posted by SgtMajor View Post
    But just as FST is defending the right of posters to do what they want within FSTs rules, then the right to respond to those open threads, in a polite manner of course, reminding them of what will or might happen, providing they stay OnT and within the FST rules, is also to be defended.
    the rules are clearly stated so idk what is left there to prove or to defend.

    beside, i think vast majority of traders already know the consequences of trade. Even if they don't, there is NO necessity of posting same chant "trading isn't allowed" in every single trade/ request thread for same tracker....not especially by 20 people at once.

    Last edited by squirr3l; 02-04-2008 at 09:55 PM.

  2. BitTorrent Invite Giveaways & Trades   -   #142
    Poster BT Rep: +23BT Rep +23BT Rep +23BT Rep +23BT Rep +23
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    Quote Originally Posted by bikernin View Post
    lol. just saw the tags on this thread

    anyway, if you think this thread will change something, dont waste your time

  3. BitTorrent Invite Giveaways & Trades   -   #143
    pro267's Avatar Poster BT Rep: +7BT Rep +7
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    Quote Originally Posted by sear View Post
    I hate trading...invites & accounts...however it's pretty bloody rich to say well people have to respect the site rules or get banned but it's ok for comm reps not to respect the rules of FST.

    There are plenty of staffers here who aren't com reps and I hope they ban every trader on this board. But all the comm reps I'm sure are well aware of FST's stance on this issue, no matter how much they or I disagree with it thems just the facts of life.

    But I will say I think one of the main points is that ITs has fuck all invites so the chances of people trading for one are very slim. Therefore the best bet is to report it to staff let them handle it and be done with it. Spamming the threads just intensifies the hype. And a mod can correct me if I'm wrong but I was told when I was invited ages ago that the idea was not to draw attention to this tracker.

    [OFF TOPIC]Fatcat mate why don't you leach? If you truly love ITs I'm telling you right now that's what it needs, so...[/OFF TOPIC]
    Damn Sear, this is so fucked up, I keep agreeing with everything you say it's just fucking annoying as hell.
    Anyway, I've tried to read most of the meaningful posts on the thread and there are a few things I want to add/stress regarding some of the points raised here:

    One thing I've noticed and is important to stress is that the bashing of iTS invite traders is not coming from iTS staff but from iTS members who seem to really care about the tracker. While I'm sure it was done with good intent I do think that (without naming names) a few of the members had gone too far with it, and although I hate to admit it I understand why Detale posted this thread: this is the backlash of the uncontrolled behavior by some of the members. People should just relax and try to think about the big picture: is spamming the threads really helpful in preventing trading of iTS invites? My answer btw is that no, it wasn't the spamming, it was the fact that there were simply no invites to trade. All the spamming did was build a hype around the tracker (which was created because of the actions of these vigilantes and not requested/endorsed by the staff), which in turn moved it up the traders' wishlist. The best thing iTS members can do is probably ignore the invite trading threads and report the account trading attempts as soon as they see them. If you read the posts made by the iTS comm. rep in this thread you'll see that he pretty much said that (ITS, please correct me if I'm wrong).

    This thread also got me thinking about the FST policy which states that account trading will be disallowed (while invite trading will be allowed) for trackers that have comm. reps here, and I feel that this rule is wrong on so many levels, and I'll try to explain why:

    First of all, the existence of such a rule indicates that FST acknowledges that account trading is wrong and hurts the BT community (otherwise why would they make an option to disallow it?). Well, my point here is that if account trading is wrong then it should be banned altogether and unconditionally. You can't have it both ways.

    Secondly, in my opinion this rule twists the arms of (most of) the staffers by forcing them to put up with something they do not believe in (invites trading) in return to a promise that another thing which they agree to even less (account trading) will be disallowed. I think that using account trading as a leverage in this way is just wrong, no matter what the benefit for FST members is. As an FST member, I'm willing to forfeit this benefit if it means that it is forced upon the trackers, and I'm sure many others feel the same way.

    Anyway, that's my 2 cents. Sorry for the long post, I expected it to be much shorter when I started it. Let's make it 3 cents then, shall we?

  4. BitTorrent Invite Giveaways & Trades   -   #144
    Detale's Avatar Go Snatch a Judge
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    Quote Originally Posted by vinhkhang01 View Post
    First of all, if anyone is allowed to say "YOU ARE ALLOWED TO TRADE ITS INVITES", if would be iTS staff members themselves.
    Please accept my apology if you're one of iTS staff members.

    If not, please leave this matter to them to handle and take care.
    Well please take note of my lovely purple stars I am a BT Mod here and FST rules say you can trade ITS Invites here and so I have every right to say


    I nor anyone else here has to be staff at ITS to say this because we are not on ITS now we are on FST

    Quote Originally Posted by stitched View Post
    he was talking about trading of ITS invites being allowed in FST since a few members of ITS seemed to be create an impression that ITS invite trading is not allowed in FST, mocking traders who would want to trade their ITS invites ...since he is a staff in FST,and he is trying to express his views in FST FORUMS,i think his views matter...he also meant if some one chose to trade ITS then its fine with FST,he didnt not imply that everyone SHOULD TRADE their ITS invite...he was not trying to offend anyone or disrespect ITS .... this is just my version of what he was trying to say....people always see what they want to see...
    Yes I have seen people trying to do exactly this, thanks for getting the jist of it.

    Quote Originally Posted by briand5379 View Post
    I don't think it's ever been implied that you can't trade iTS invites on here as I think most of us know all invites are fair game. I've seen some members saying the site doesn't allow it and that push the point your account will be gone if your caught and most times it's true so I really don't see what the issue is.
    Perhaps YOU yourself didn't but Others sure have flat out said this, when I have more time if it's still needed I will find the posts.

    Quote Originally Posted by benchez View Post
    Basically in a nutshell. FST doesn't give a shit about iTS and iTS doesn't give a shit about FST.

    Harsh, but I reckon that may be true.
    Sorry bro, you know I love you man but FST cares a great deal about trackers, we are one of the only trading forums that has CR's and filters UrL's for them we take care and try to have a respect for each other.

    Quote Originally Posted by bikernin View Post
    well so do all other sites. if the CR sees someone trading, he should go ban that guy from the site. i mentioned this at the end. and FST dosent allow account trading anyway
    the solution is enforcing the rules on the tracker and not here. im sure after making an example out of someone who trades invites, people will stop doing so automatically
    Quote Originally Posted by bikernin View Post
    yea you cannot do anything here. but you have the power to deal with it on your site. CRs have done it on numerous occasions.
    If I or any other staff member here find this to be true about ANY tracker not just ITS the CR will be immediately removed and them and their staff possibly locked from the invite section completely. This has happened before and dealt with severly.

    Quote Originally Posted by SgtMajor View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Detale View Post

    Ummmm no not really threads are locked here on a case by case basis. Sarge did I hit a nerve here? your posts sound a bit angry in nature did I insult you somehow? I am not bulling ITS I am stating that I don't like the fact that member are bulling other members.

    What members report here is confidential, I am not going by mere feelings here, Im going by what Iv read in thread upon thread. Things Iv seen with my own eyes.

    " Just as you defend the right to allow what goes on, I will defend the right of reply in all cases."

    Now this my man makes you look argumentative More or less saying I will oppose the reply of ALL cases, Not that this is what you are doing I know you better than that, but It makes you look like you don't have a clear opinion and you will argue a point just to oppose me.

    " It could be said what you are doing as the OP of this thread is bullying 1 tracker "

    Sure it could furthermore it could be said that aliens have just landed or that the moon is made of cheese

    "You...allowed posters to get away with things that gave the impression to think they could post what they wanted wherever they wanted with total freedom, that has been the real problem here, and it has been carried too far in certain cases"

    Please speak you mind bro, I honestly have no idea what you mean. If you see a post that you feel should be locked by all means report it straight away.
    Nothing could be further from the truth, nothing I post should ever be taken personally, just posting an opposing view that's all, I may have a harsh posting style but that's all that it is, I tend not to use flowery language (or smileys) and just get to the point, probably too bluntly sometimes, but hey, we are all different right?

    If you have seen things with your own eyes, and done nothing about it, then that creates the feeling that the same posters can do & say what they want, which comes back round to nipping things in the bud, and stopping those very posters from getting away with it.

    I will report more if that's what you want, but more reporting creates more work, but I'm sure now that clear guidelines have been drawn, more & more will report the abusive & spamming posters and those posters that take threads way OffT from what the OP intended.

    But just as FST is defending the right of posters to do what they want within FSTs rules, then the right to respond to those open threads, in a polite manner of course, reminding them of what will or might happen, providing they stay OnT and within the FST rules, is also to be defended.
    Sorry sarge I was tired and a little bitchy last night. Now I allowed posters to post their opinions. EVERY thread I have seen like this I have corrected the people saying that ITS invites are not to be traded so if I missed some it means I didn't see it. Believe me I don't normally go picking on 1 site for no reason, anyone that knows me will know this. But I feel it's our job to help FST members first and foremost.

    Honestly I'm not just saying this but I like when you report things you don't ever report crap you only report good solid problems that arise. More work!? Thats why we're here bro.

    The reason I started this post is because I saw the not so polite posts basically spreading falsehoods about FST rules that got under my skin.

    more to come I gtg right now

  5. BitTorrent Invite Giveaways & Trades   -   #145
    Polarbear's Avatar deep funk BT Rep: +5
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    i'm not an its member, but i learned that the tracker has a very small and devoted userbase.

    i can understand that members like to show their support and keep bad users away from the tracker.

    what some people don't realize is, that mini-modding in an its request or trade thread doesn't help the tracker at all. every single post like "we don't want traders" or "i told you, you are not gonna get it" does nothing but bump the thread and attract even more unwanted attention to the tracker.
    the more its threads with 35 replies, the more will follow.

    my advice would be just to ignore those threads in the invite section. i know that is hard, because we're talking about notorious spammer and wannabe staff here.

    if its has a very limited number of invites, the traders won't get it anyway. i propose to be cool and let them bump their own thread a few times. after a few bumps they will painfully notice themselves that they can't get what they want.

    if you want to show what sort of ideal member you are, ignore the its trade threads and let them die a sudden death. there's no need to show them your superiority.

    hardcore traders don't trade to get invites, they do it for fun. i've read some its trade attempts where i was quite sure, that the trader wasn't interested in the tracker at all.
    all he wanted was to proof himself and others, that he could get it via trading.

    those people want recognition, attention and a feeling of success. every reply, every pm they get gives them a certain satisfaction.
    the more they bump their thread, the more they admit their own defeat.
    that hurts more than (un)funny pictures and a rule lecture.

    if you want to hit the trader hard and support your tracker - ignore all threads that contain the letters "its" in the invite section.

    i promise you after a while they will disappear like magic.

    be active on its, not in invite trading threads!

  6. BitTorrent Invite Giveaways & Trades   -   #146
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    nicely put bear!

    hope things change after this thread lol

  7. BitTorrent Invite Giveaways & Trades   -   #147
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    this thread sure generated more publicity than needed for i*S

  8. BitTorrent Invite Giveaways & Trades   -   #148

    Spoiler: Show

  9. BitTorrent Invite Giveaways & Trades   -   #149
    Something Else's Avatar sex a wolf in a bag BT Rep: +70BT Rep +70BT Rep +70BT Rep +70BT Rep +70BT Rep +70BT Rep +70BT Rep +70BT Rep +70BT Rep +70BT Rep +70BT Rep +70BT Rep +70BT Rep +70
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    duh duh duh dededededede...deh deh deh deh deh deh.
    Now go away.

  10. BitTorrent Invite Giveaways & Trades   -   #150
    ~ATB~'s Avatar Poster BT Rep: +3
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    Thanks Detale for this awesome

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