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Thread: Last nights shooting in Jerusalem

  1. #1
    Totti's Avatar Poster BT Rep: +21BT Rep +21BT Rep +21BT Rep +21BT Rep +21
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    Well it finally happened we have had a big terrorist act in Israel the first in about 3 years this situation is just getting out of control! Israel retreated from Gaza and the Palestinians keep shooting rokets(kasames) at ISraeli settlements like Shderot and Ashdod. Israel has no other choice but to retaliate i wish we had some other choice but when you have an organization that literally calls to destroy you country and says that they will continue the terrorist attacks the reality is simply absurd
    Express your opinion i am open to anythnig you have to say

  2. The Drawing Room   -   #2
    Barbarossa's Avatar mostly harmless
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    So shooting the guy that perpetrated it isn't justice enough, you have to go and find some innocent defenceless people to bomb, is that it?

  3. The Drawing Room   -   #3
    bigboab's Avatar Poster BT Rep: +1
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    I think Israel should withdraw to the 1948 agreed boundaries then negotiate the puchase of the settlements from the Palestinians, with UN agreement. Anything is worth a try to stop this senseless slaughter from both sides in the conflict.
    The best way to keep a secret:- Tell everyone not to tell anyone.

  4. The Drawing Room   -   #4
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    actually a former primeminister (ehud barak) offered more than bigboab's suggestion of withdrawal to the 1948 "agreed" boundaries (the arabs didn't agree) and was willing to even share the capital Jerusalem however the Palestinians wouldn't discuss it - all or nothing. just like the decision in 1948 of 50:50 by the un which led to the independance war.
    meanwhile the senseless 'slaughter' is primarly from one side to another, regardless of the misleading media presentations. the restraint of the Israeli government considering the daily shooting of rockets (which actually killed people not to mention house destructions) is unbelievable.
    Just last entire communities were evected from their houses in order to offer their land as a first steip in truce for the palestinians hence known as Gaza - and what did they make of the fertile land? with all the international aid as well? ... Even the Eygptian government won't have anything to do with them as exemplified a few weeks ago when the borders were shut down. the palestinian leaders are of the worst corrupt kind know. they live in palaces while their people whom the aid is geared towards are sent to blow up dreaming of virgins.
    the late bombing this post was started with killed young teenagers (such as 15 years old!) whom were peacefully studying holy text while being shot multiple times.
    this is just one of many incidents - most of which you don't even hear about. some times cause thank god the pepetrators are caught before hand (thanks to the check points which due minamize human rights however save lives by the minimal secutirty they provide), sometime cause people are "only" inujured and not killed and sometimes cause paris hilton seems to get all the front pages.

  5. The Drawing Room   -   #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Barbarossa View Post
    So shooting the guy that perpetrated it isn't justice enough, you have to go and find some innocent defenceless people to bomb, is that it?
    i don't think it's about "finding some innocent defenceless people to bomb" at all

    there is no indiscriminatory tit-for-tat retaliation involved; it is the terrorists who kill innocent, defenceless people

    israel has a perfect right to take out the perpetrators of this attack, or terrorists who conspire to kill yet more innocent israelis; and if a group claims responsibility, or are found to be responsible, then israel can and indeed should respond with force

    protecting its citizens is the first priority for any government; removing the group of organizers who plan such terrorist atrocities are justifiable targets for elimination

    what's the alternative - sit around and wait for the next attacker, letting them come in endlessly? it is pure fiction to believe that israel will indiscriminately kill innocent palestinians, in a tribal 'eye for an eye' manner. they are not barbarians. the terrorists, on the other hand...

    Quote Originally Posted by bigboab View Post
    I think Israel should withdraw to the 1948 agreed boundaries then negotiate the puchase of the settlements from the Palestinians, with UN agreement. Anything is worth a try to stop this senseless slaughter from both sides in the conflict.
    that sounds like a good idea
    Last edited by hopeful1; 03-09-2008 at 05:43 AM.

  6. The Drawing Room   -   #6
    Barbarossa's Avatar mostly harmless
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    Quote Originally Posted by hopeful1 View Post
    what's the alternative - sit around and wait for the next attacker, letting them come in endlessly? it is pure fiction to believe that israel will indiscriminately kill innocent palestinians, in a tribal 'eye for an eye' manner. they are not barbarians. the terrorists, on the other hand...
    Well I hope you're right, but I will await this weeks news with trepidation


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