Thank you everyone for the suggestion.

I am very happy to say that alot of users are willing to help us out in making this tracker a success. Who said posting this on a public site is a bad mistake? I feel glad posting it in this very site since i've found quite a few users who are kind enough to help us.

My buddy ,fightclub, has come up with a list of pro's and cons of major trackers and we'll sum the list up and we'll see how our tracker can stick up with the rest. We need alot of planning and such if we want everything to work out without any hitch.

And i agree with stroj, since you people are free to either choose to join the tracker or just ignore it. No one is poiting a knife at your throat demanding you to join our tracker. If you have some constructive criticism, then do post here. If you're going to say "oh great another tracker" or "don't start a tracker please" then it's best for you to not post anything at all.

Once again, i thank everyone for offering your help and we appreciate it very much.

P/s: yes, we do realise there are already a lot of general/0day tracker. We're not following any of the paths. I promise we'll be much more unique
