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Thread: [Request] BitmeTV

  1. #1
    Poster BT Rep: +2
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    I want to be a member of bitmetv as i like very much tv shows I collect them and I think that there I will find very good packs with enough seeders and i heard that there are sorted very well . I can show ratio proofs from other trackers if wanted and I think I can mantain a ratio there without any problem as I do in all the trackers I have but I want bitmetv for some time and didn't find a person that has oone and is willing to give it .

  2. BitTorrent Invite Giveaways & Trades   -   #2
    wish's Avatar Poster BT Rep: +9BT Rep +9
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    It's really hard or even impossible to seed without seedbox @ BMTV

  3. BitTorrent Invite Giveaways & Trades   -   #3
    Funkin''s Avatar home skillet BT Rep: +4
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    It's not that bad. dragoi, if you get invited and don't have a box, just make sure to jump on all the popular torrents the second they're uploaded to the site(try to get on them when there's the only one uploader and a bunch of uploaders). Then only download maybe ten percent of the torrent, and let it seed.

    I partially seeded all the new torrents this exact same way when I first created an account there, and I built myself a nice buffer. Once you build yourself a buffer you can then start downloading whatever you want without fear.

    Good luck with your request. Try to be more active here and I'm sure you'll get invited no problem, as there are a lot bmtv invites out there.

  4. BitTorrent Invite Giveaways & Trades   -   #4
    IdolEyes787's Avatar Persona non grata
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    Partial seeding, with the exception of packs or maybe music files(which can be easily broken up), should be banned.Simple as that.

    Dragoi BMTV may not look down on it but partially downloading a TV show makes even less sense than partially downloading a game since a standard definition show is a pretty small file.

    I am not getting on you in particular funkin' I just loathe the practice in general.
    Why should I waste my bandwidth(which I pay a premium for) for no good purpose?Neither of us are really sharing anything are we?Someone is only using me to selfishly pad their stats.

    I am not trying to sound the least elitist here but if you cannot seed on BMTV properly I suggest sticking to other TV sites a few of which are every bit as good.

    Feel free to disagree.It is a forum after all .

  5. BitTorrent Invite Giveaways & Trades   -   #5
    Funkin''s Avatar home skillet BT Rep: +4
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    I'm not going to sit here and come down on people for partial seeding since I've done it a couple times myself in the past. And that would make me a hypocrite if I tried to lecture people on it. And being a hypocrite is something I try to not make a habit of being. But I will completely agree with that partial seeding is not a great thing. And I respect trackers like BCG for not allowing it.

    But...I only gave him that advice because I was trying to help him survive at that site if all he has is a home connection. I felt a little bad to tell him about that method, as this type of downloading is something I don't normally do, and don't really agree with. But as I'm sure you know, it can be quite difficult to maintain a good ratio at Bitmetv(let alone getting a comfortable buffer) if you don't have a fast upload speed.

    Tv shows are normally around 350mb in size. Which is quite small to all the members there that either have a fast download speed, or are renting a box. For those people, it literally takes minutes to download a file of that size. And with someone that has a max download speed of lets say 360kb/s, you'll finish downloading that file in about a half an hour, or maybe a little longer or a little less. And by that time, that torrent can be left with forty seeds and only one or two leechers. And you're not going to get much upload on that file if you have an average DSL line.

    I gave him that advice because it would be a shame if someone trusted him enough to give him an invite, and he ends up downloading a few gb's of older shows which he might not get much upload at all from, and the account gets disabled.

    For me partial seeding was only needed at Bitmetv when I first became a member. And is no longer needed for me as I've been a member there for almost two years, and I have a comfortable ratio. Usually anything that I download(no matter how old) gets at least a little trickle of upload back, and that's all I need. But when you're a new member, you cannot survive on a trickle of upload.

    And again I'll agree with you that someone doesn't need to be a member at Bitmetv if your connection is slow or average. There's another tv site out that is just as good as Bitmetv(better in my personal opinion). It has all the content Bitmetv has, and is easy to seed at. Bitmetv was the first tv tracker I became a member at when I first started using bittorrent to download. And if I would have known at that time how Bitmetv was, and I knew about that other tv site I'm talking about, then I would have defintely picked it instead of Bitmetv. Especially since I use that other site more.

    There are way more worst ways to get your ratio started at a new site that is hard to seed at than partial seeding. And if he insists on becoming a member there, and has a slow home connection, I think partial seeding to get him started is a lot better than donating for GB's. If he's actually going to spend money to try and survive at a tracker, well then he might as well as rent a seedbox.

  6. BitTorrent Invite Giveaways & Trades   -   #6
    Poster BT Rep: +8BT Rep +8
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    little advice from a new bmtv member,nearly a month.
    want to dl a lot but also want to maintain a very good ratio, get a seedbox because you wont seed back in a short time, or ever, without it.
    you may want to skip dl those 720p unless you cant find it somewhere else cos it's even harder to seed back.
    I made some mistake when I started bmtv, I managed to seed back with my seedbox then I came to realize I dl too much so it just get way too hard to reach a 3.0 ratio to be a VIP, so I stoped dl those unnessary telly but it was too late, I now have a 131 D/ 55 U, ratio - 2.3, if I had paid enough attention to the rules I could've become a VIP at the same time when I get to power user, which is due in few days. now it seems just impossible unless I buy some upload credit, which I've never done on any tracker, I'd rather to donate to be vip on a tracker than buying upload credit.
    jumping in the swamp earlier is always a good idea.
    btw, you can always dl from other tracker, unrar, then seed on bmtv, it maybe late but every drops counts for low speed member, doesnt it ?
    hope this helps a little.

  7. BitTorrent Invite Giveaways & Trades   -   #7
    Poster BT Rep: +2
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    Oct 2008
    got the invite , thanks to all for the advices
    Last edited by dragoi; 12-02-2008 at 02:44 PM.


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