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Thread: The scene, a couple questions

  1. #11
    JA's Avatar //Me<3You!? BT Rep: +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100BT Rep +100
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    Quote Originally Posted by NippleCake View Post
    Not every site uses p2l. And "racers" fxp releases from different sites to different sites (when i say sites i mean ftp's). There can be multiple racers transferring one file at the same time, for example if Entourage.S06E07.HDTV.XviD-NoTV is pre'd, 10 different racers, all on different ftps, could all race it to another site. This would be at exceptional speed.
    You betcha. They race it per the second. (Which is quite pointless and silly if you ask me)

  2. File Sharing   -   #12
    DanielleD87's Avatar bunny
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    The very top of the scene is select old fashioned affil groups. All affil groups release content but few dictate the rules and the scene standards which all other affil groups follow.

    The scene is nothing but a giant race. Only one group can upload that particular content like the recent episode of True Blood. If anyone tries to release after the fact and it is not an internal then it will get nuked. If the first group to upload the release does not follow the rules (like if they did not deinterlace) the original release would get nuked and that allows a proper to come in.

    When an affil group releases their release (True Blood or whatever) they usually upload it to a private high speed box then from there up it to around 10 topsites usually. Then through scripting or specialized programs made for the affil groups a button is pressed that sends a text command to all of those topsites to pre that episode. All of those topsites announce GROUP just released True.Blood.... line in IRC and the files are then moved from the groups folder to the proper section in the site. On the backend those topsites announce the new release to sometimes multiple pre databases. All of the pre chans echo each other both ways. So, if groupA releases a release it goes from the pre databases there and migrates over to the pre chan on topsiteB. GroupB releases on topsiteB and it bounces back the other direction and topsiteA announces it on its prechan.

    The higher up and more private pre chans talk to eachother directly on the database level but on the lower end they get echoed over IRC. Farther down the pyramid since they are just echos there is no addpre option (to bounce pres the other direction) and usually there is a delay of 4 to 6 seconds on all pres or at least on the pre chans connected to most higher up p2l ftps. When I was upping for a torrent site a lot of the torrents wouldn't up because I was getting them a second or two before the pre chans would even announce it on the bt sites to they wouldn't accept my release automatically thinking it was non scene. So when you see on your BT site, '44 seconds after pre' usually tack on another 4 seconds. I'm use to 0-15 sec from pre so on bt level that is like neg 6 seconds from pre to 10 seconds from pre.

    Anyways, the pre chans are what tell you what is out and when it came out and organizes all of the information as to what is what. The affil groups up the releases to the sites, the sites post that info to pre db, and the couriers transfer the files from place to place.

    As to another question asked above: Yes 0day BT sites miss out on some releases. Often p2l sites standout in that most of them get the same content aka most are missing the same files. It takes someone who is really in the scene to fill in the smaller releases on torrent sites. Why? Most p2l sites are tied to strict topsites with rules like, 'no later than 5 minutes from pre' and sometimes a group will have a hard time getting their release distributed. Maybe they are a smaller group, or they only released on one continent or something, but by the time it comes around the bigger topsites can't get it unless a siteop makes an exception. If you're on at least 10 if not 20 or 30 topsites then some of them are bound to get the random releases most 0day bt sites miss out on.
    Last edited by DanielleD87; 08-24-2009 at 09:41 PM.

  3. File Sharing   -   #13
    Rart's Avatar Hold The Line
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    Wow very informative. Thanks a lot for the info!

  4. File Sharing   -   #14
    Poster BT Rep: +25BT Rep +25BT Rep +25BT Rep +25BT Rep +25
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    very helpful, iv learned a few more things to thanks and great post

  5. File Sharing   -   #15
    This seems like it would almost be like a full time job
    I'm interested in this. How can these people release 24h24?

    Are they selling their releases? (trackers, irc)

    They must have a job, but if they haven't the time because their are in the scene how can they work?

    Does every crew store ALL their releases into a topsite? how big are these topsites? 40TB? 80TB?

    sorry for my english, I have tried to read but I don't understand all.
    Last edited by vreu00; 08-26-2009 at 11:08 AM.

  6. File Sharing   -   #16
    lukee's Avatar Suit up!
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    This is how it works.

    In this case we'll follow the newest episode of weeds.

    1. its capped & encoded (This differs between different groups some have other methods)

    2. it gets uploaded to the groups private directory on their HQ server, lets call it "Atlantis".

    3. It is then copied into the public directory when the time is right.

    4. This is where the real distribution process starts. Its first raced to all the other affil ftp's. This was done by "courriers" (aka racers) who are in charge of spreading the release to other ftp's. In the good old days a courrier did all of this by hand. Now the vast majority is done by automated scripts. This is where the use of RAR's comes in. It is very possible that 3 people can be racing the same release to the same ftp. How is this done? well, each racer races different rar's. If there were no rar's (1 single file), only one person could upload the release!

    5. The release spreads to "dumps" (Large ftp's with slower pretimes) and torrent sites.

    To check for dupes theres something called a pre chan. Before a release is released it checks the pre DB to see if theres already that episode released.

    The scene is like all criminal circles. You can find bribery, black mailing, extortion etc.

  7. File Sharing   -   #17
    DanielleD87's Avatar bunny
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    Quote Originally Posted by vreu00 View Post
    Does every crew store ALL their releases into a topsite? how big are these topsites? 40TB? 80TB?
    No they do not have to if they do not want to.

    The largest topsite I've seen is in the 60TB range. I'm not sure if it gets larger.
    86x1000 but to be fair I was (and do not want to be) ever on such a large site. It becomes dangerous. I like the 10x1000 size better.

  8. File Sharing   -   #18
    sez's Avatar c0V3r3Ð iN Ba57ArÐ BT Rep: +23BT Rep +23BT Rep +23BT Rep +23BT Rep +23
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    Quote Originally Posted by vreu00 View Post
    This seems like it would almost be like a full time job
    I'm interested in this. How can these people release 24h24?
    well it is a full time job,I know of somebody who chose to quit(to TL) coz gaining and maintaining sites had begun to take a toll on his RL like literally(depression etc).Its especially hard if you aren't bringing anything to the table coz then you'll have to be extremely innovative otherwise you aint gonna gain sites and you risk losing the ones that you are on.

    That's why you'll see somebody camp at a pre-channel for a consecutive three days(no jokes) just so he can have his buddies pre a scene notice that proves spx(somebody)has wormed his way back to the scene again after his last ban.

    Are they selling their releases? (trackers, irc)
    They don't sell(real sceners i.e),they will infact buy(music especially) and even encourage you to do the same.

    They must have a job, but if they haven't the time because their are in the scene how can they work?
    With the example of ebooks,the person doing the scans probably runs a magazine stand or he works distribution,so technically he can feed his family and still be in the scene just so long as he leaves the work of trading to others.
    ^^ an interesting read from once upon a time.
    Last edited by sez; 08-27-2009 at 12:16 AM.

  9. File Sharing   -   #19
    DanielleD87's Avatar bunny
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    Yah. A close friend of a friend was almost raided. It was scary. He lived(lives) in canada and US forces came to his house when he wasn't there and nailed a couple of papers onto his door saying he had to go south to the united states and submit himself. It was a good number of pages. He scanned them, sent them to my friend, and then disappeared. After I saw them there was debate if it should be upped as a scene notice. This was years ago though during a big raid.

  10. File Sharing   -   #20
    iLOVENZB's Avatar FST Crew BT Rep: +1
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vercors View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by pone44 View Post
    Is Bt is missing a lot of content that is released by the scene?
    Unfortunately yes, but the scene is also missing some of the content available on P2P
    Not really, they get their shit the same as any p2per does.

    I've noticed in some scene notices insecurity of scene members uploading to ScL, SCC, TL etc and even provide screenshots. Makes you wonder doesn't it?

    TradingStandards was a scene group who used p2p sources (they're banned now).
    "Computer games don't affect kids; I mean if Pac-Man affected us as kids, we'd all be running around in darkened rooms, munching magic pills and listening to repetitive electronic music"

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