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Thread: How can people be so naive?

  1. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by megabyteme View Post
    charlie, That isn't really a bad suggestion from my POV. The way I see things, everyone has a responsibility to bring something to the site(s) they join. This could be bandwidth, interesting discussion, new files, system necessary skills (for the site), or money.

    If someone is new, and they are having trouble "paying back" what they have taken, why couldn't/shouldn't it be money (we aren't talking about large amounts here) to help the site stay running?

    To me, it's kinda like Thanksgiving dinner...the host donates the turkey and hams (w/e) and guests are asked to bring some side-dishes. Some people bring rolls, potato salad (usually something to avoid), chips, and even sometimes napkins. Think of the few dollars donated as bringing the napkins. They are needed for the party and the host shouldn't have to supply everything. And honestly, some people are such lousy cooks that you wouldn't want them to bring anything else.

    Anyway, take this FWIW.

    Edit- BTW, there is nothing wrong with donating to a site you use and enjoy. Even if you already bring something else to the "table".
    Yeah, but I just find it rather disturbing that Moderators do this frequently on some sites, they're giving a picture to the new user that money is the only way out, and I don't think that's the right way to donate, to be 'forced' like that.

  2. BitTorrent   -   #12
    sez's Avatar c0V3r3Ð iN Ba57ArÐ BT Rep: +23BT Rep +23BT Rep +23BT Rep +23BT Rep +23
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    A while back i put a near analogous question only that at the time I was questioning the morality of people cashing in on piracy.It wasn't what I expected but turns out guys were more than ok with it.
    Am personally yet to be convinced that this ain't wrong coz if somebody is going to put a donate function for a humanitarian cause and then go blow the donations on tampons,themselves and theirs they are not only guilty of condescension but they bear no rectitude to question invite traders,sellers and ratio cheats.

    Its the money factor that separates a thief from a file sharer and its people like this that make the RIAA and their friends right.I don't know if this is public knowledge but a sysop wouldn't necessarily go to prison for running a tracker,its him/her making money out of the tracker that would make prison pretty much a given(of which I'd advocate the maximum sentence)

    It shouldn't be like this though,piracy is about sharing and caring and I know there are people who still believe in this creed.Allowing ourselves to be bundled together with carders and other internet thieves doesn't serve us any good to be honest.
    Ps was/is a business no doubt but its amazing how much change people can bring to a site if they make up their minds on it.
    My two cents..

  3. BitTorrent   -   #13
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    Maybe some but most of those sites are easy to seed on and a member is not forced unless he/she goes overboard downloading with a slow upload speed. Some sites I hear are hard to seed on by having a lack of leechers or everyone has a seedbox. You end up downloading things you will never watch or use. Is why a bonus point seeding system is good, free leech periods to let members without seedboxes buff their ratio a little.

    Quote Originally Posted by charliebitme View Post

    Yeah, but I just find it rather disturbing that Moderators do this frequently on some sites, they're giving a picture to the new user that money is the only way out, and I don't think that's the right way to donate, to be 'forced' like that.

  4. BitTorrent   -   #14
    megabyteme's Avatar RASPBERRY RIPPLE BT Rep: +19BT Rep +19BT Rep +19BT Rep +19
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    Please don't misinterpret my earlier posts. (And I am not saying that anyone has.)

    IRW, there are 3 types of business models. First, there is the non-profit. These are purely charity based, and all resources are used for the mission/cause/site and upkeep of the "business". Nothing is wasted, or taken out of the system. Second, is the not-for-profit. Basically, this is like a non-profit, but sometimes there is a small amount of resources in excess of the "necessities". These resources are not distributed amongst the administration, staff, or anyone else. They are saved and use when the business has a "shortfall". Third, is the for-profit business. In this instance, any extra money is divided up amongst the administration, staff, and anyone else who is a "shareholder" in the business.

    I have been talking about the first two. When it comes to this community, I believe that the intentions are that all proceeds be used for maintenance and expenses of the site.

    I am not a member of any sites (to my knowledge) that operate as for-profit entities. I, like most, in the community oppose such actions. I am also very impressed with anyone who is so devoted to the community that they would go through all of the time, effort, and risk involved to create and maintain such a site. Thanks to those who do!
    Last edited by megabyteme; 08-29-2009 at 01:24 AM. Reason: Made a few changes for clarity.
    Quote Originally Posted by IdolEyes787 View Post
    Ghey lumberjacks, wolverines, blackflies in the summer, polar bears in the winter, that's basically Canada in a nutshell.

  5. BitTorrent   -   #15
    Intr4ns1t's Avatar Pro-antinegativist BT Rep: +4
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    Well, it may come as a surprise, but I do this for the lulz, really. The effort is worth it to me as I learn alot about the world outside my myopic personal environment, and it's been a great time watching my site work itself out as a fun, low pressure tracker, that tries to take some of the seriousness out of the daily BT grind that makes torrenting a job at some sites. I've never had a single inclination to make money off it, and doubt I would keep it if we made a profit anyways.

    Anyone who's spent a decent amount of time at PtN's irc knows I have a decidedly negavtive view of money and my appreciation for the guys that do the grunt labor there would override any desire for personal gain in favor of giving them a chunk before I ever came close to it, but we don't worry so much about it.

    I do think that alot of the folks that start up new trackers grossly underestimate the amount of time and effort, not to mention passionate members, it takes to keep a tracker going the way it should, or at least as close to the way it should as possible. I think they also underestimate the degree of cooperation it takes to have a working staff team as well, and all volunteers as was pointed out earlier.

    Regarding the peripheral subject of encouraging members to donate to fix their ratio, we are never gonna have that option as staffers at PtN sadly enough
    Last edited by Intr4ns1t; 08-29-2009 at 03:13 AM. Reason: added a smiley for the smilies sake
    Quote Originally Posted by KFlint
    Think 9 is the new 10.

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