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Thread: The PS3 is Hacked!

  1. #1
    kondrae's Avatar Trance BT Rep: +19BT Rep +19BT Rep +19BT Rep +19
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    In yo face! Straight from Geohot himself… You know, the first person who successfully unlocked the iPhone, has again outdone himself: he’s hacked the PS3. Oooh — that must feel good.
    Read it and weep… To quote Geohot verbatim –
    I have read/write access to the entire system memory, and HV level access to the processor. In other words, I have hacked the PS3. The rest is just software. And reversing. I have a lot of reversing ahead of me, as I now have dumps of LV0 and LV1.
    3 years, 2 months, 11 days…thats a pretty secure system
    Took 5 weeks, 3 in Boston, 2 here, very simple hardware cleverly applied, and some not so simple software.
    The exploit itself isn’t released yet, but if you take a look here, you’ll see what’s up. It’s legit.
    Stay tuned… Big things ahead. And you know that!
    - source: geohotps3

    Last edited by SonsOfLiberty; 01-24-2010 at 04:38 AM. Reason: Added Image For Flair :)

  2. News (Archive)   -   #2
    SonsOfLiberty's Avatar The Lonely Wanderer
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    Few faults with this...okay, yes it's hacked, but hacking the "now defunct PS3" the big one, so obviously the hardware is going to be different with new things going on inside the slim, for one thing it's not backward compatible so the code will be different.

    Next, I think we should start a poll on this, but how many people here would download a PS3 at 50GB? Let alone how many people have Bluray Burners (I'm sure quite a few, but not enough) and how many are willing to pay for the insane price on the BD-50 (sure it might be able to get scrubbed (junk data removed), but I can tell you I beat there using up most of the disc space on that disk, just imagine God Of War 3 for free)? Shit I think for on BD-50 there like $10, still you save $50, but most people are capped and I beat their capped at 50GB, and if not, some people will be like okay no problem to get this, just imagine the download times let alone? ....this will still be for the rich and who can afford it, which will not be many right we are gonna have endless thread about is it region free, does it have to be burned on Bluray (duh?) and why won't it work, how do I flash it This is a VERY long way from being actual playable and do what end you can use it

    Oh and you know Sony is going to come with a firmware update to fuck with this guy now And any future models that are being made will have additional security checks, but I'm sure if he is still cracking all versions of the iPhone I'm sure he can get back, can you say "lawsuit" Dude will be visited by MIB very soon, you can beat that, since he's stupid enough to say what "city" he's located it, track IP/Whois/Owner of his blog and they got him....better release the code soon.

    Note: If you think this changes the "console war tide" it won't, people are still not gonna buy PS3's, the gaming selection isn't there yet, maybe 20 "good games at most" and maybe 5-10 "great games" plus PSN just doesn't compare to XBL yet....the PS3 is still a good buy with Bluray, but also hinders it in the cost of "BD's", DVDR's are way cheaper PS3 is getting there, soon they will be ='s, but not yet.
    Last edited by SonsOfLiberty; 01-24-2010 at 06:26 AM.

  3. News (Archive)   -   #3
    Rart's Avatar Hold The Line
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    What exactly do we have in terms of proof that he has actually hacked it?

  4. News (Archive)   -   #4
    SonsOfLiberty's Avatar The Lonely Wanderer
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    Those links and what Google say right now, just web sites and some guy saying it's hacked....I wouldn't doubt it though, think the 360 started the same way.

  5. News (Archive)   -   #5
    iLOVENZB's Avatar FST Crew BT Rep: +1
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    OMFGWTFGTFO 1337!!!!!!

    Seriously I remember some guy on TL claimed the same thing .... fake. I want proof first .
    "Computer games don't affect kids; I mean if Pac-Man affected us as kids, we'd all be running around in darkened rooms, munching magic pills and listening to repetitive electronic music"

  6. News (Archive)   -   #6
    lightshow's Avatar Asleep at the wheel
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    Well, if the PS3 can be modded to the point where you can just play backups (like the firmware xbox360 hack), then if nothing else, more blueray burners and blueray media will be sold.

    If the industry sees this pickup and reacts by producing more media, we may get media moving in at a cheaper price.

    This is, however, if the modification of the ps3 is done by a simple (see wii modding) way that the mass can do on their own.

    It would be nice to get blueray media on the cheap...
    I miss the days of random nut '03
    Click for more activation options, then activate by telephone. Run the keygen.
    if I call them, aren't they going to get me? (you know, down there)

  7. News (Archive)   -   #7
    Mr. Torrentstorm BT Rep: +3
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    I can't wait untill the cracked patch will be released.

  8. News (Archive)   -   #8
    SonsOfLiberty's Avatar The Lonely Wanderer
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    We don't even have proof it's real yet, there have been claims before it's been hacked....

    "He" only states he's inside of it, he's still got to dump/decode/decompile and will still take awhile.
    Last edited by SonsOfLiberty; 01-24-2010 at 06:45 PM.

  9. News (Archive)   -   #9
    Poster BT Rep: +3
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    Quote Originally Posted by SonsOfLiberty View Post
    Few faults with this...okay, yes it's hacked, but hacking the "now defunct PS3" the big one, so obviously the hardware is going to be different with new things going on inside the slim, for one thing it's not backward compatible so the code will be different.

    Next, I think we should start a poll on this, but how many people here would download a PS3 at 50GB? Let alone how many people have Bluray Burners (I'm sure quite a few, but not enough) and how many are willing to pay for the insane price on the BD-50 (sure it might be able to get scrubbed (junk data removed), but I can tell you I beat there using up most of the disc space on that disk, just imagine God Of War 3 for free)? Shit I think for on BD-50 there like $10, still you save $50, but most people are capped and I beat their capped at 50GB, and if not, some people will be like okay no problem to get this, just imagine the download times let alone? ....this will still be for the rich and who can afford it, which will not be many right we are gonna have endless thread about is it region free, does it have to be burned on Bluray (duh?) and why won't it work, how do I flash it This is a VERY long way from being actual playable and do what end you can use it

    Oh and you know Sony is going to come with a firmware update to fuck with this guy now And any future models that are being made will have additional security checks, but I'm sure if he is still cracking all versions of the iPhone I'm sure he can get back, can you say "lawsuit" Dude will be visited by MIB very soon, you can beat that, since he's stupid enough to say what "city" he's located it, track IP/Whois/Owner of his blog and they got him....better release the code soon.

    Note: If you think this changes the "console war tide" it won't, people are still not gonna buy PS3's, the gaming selection isn't there yet, maybe 20 "good games at most" and maybe 5-10 "great games" plus PSN just doesn't compare to XBL yet....the PS3 is still a good buy with Bluray, but also hinders it in the cost of "BD's", DVDR's are way cheaper PS3 is getting there, soon they will be ='s, but not yet.
    this dude supposedly hacked the iphone, why would he lie about hacking the ps3? also, not all ps3 games r 50gb. most r nowhere near 50gb. think about it, why would a multi-console game, like madden 10, be 50gb on the ps3 when it is only 6.5gb on the 360.

    if u don't think this will boost ps3 sales, u r insane. hacked consoles tend to do very well, ps1, ps2, psp, x360, wii, nds. now i'm not saying it will surpass consoles "x" in sales but i'm sure there will be a huge boost ion ps3 sales.

  10. News (Archive)   -   #10
    WakeMeUp's Avatar Obey! BT Rep: +2
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    No need to rumor now, we have to see the hack ourselves.
    Last edited by WakeMeUp; 01-24-2010 at 11:19 PM.

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