Originally posted by IWishAnon2609@16 November 2003 - 09:34
I've started using IRC more now, although much less files, I quite like. But wouldn't tracking of users IPs etc be much easier than even kazaa? I've asked a similar question about this before, but I understand IRC a teeny bit better now so I wanted to elaborate on my question.
Wouldn't a "bad guy" just need to enter a room, add himself to a download list, and type "queues" and "sends" to see whos in the queues and whos receiving the file. How easy is it to get an IP from a user name in IRC?, I know that the user names aren't registered or anything but surely its similarily as easy as what they do with kazaa?
My point being, that if this was true, since its so easy to just pop into a IRC room and see whats going on, doesn't this mean that its an even bigger risk than kazaa? Especially because IRC is such a good and reliable place (at the minute I think), to get movies? Wouldn't this make it a bigger target?

Thanks for your help.
long story short told


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