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Thread: Last one to post wins the internets

  1. #2821
    IdolEyes787's Avatar Persona non grata
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    Quote Originally Posted by macgyversg1 View Post

    plus, he goes to some hick town every week to get his ego stroked and spread lies. If you repeat them enough times, people start to believe.
    snyder warns against the treacherous use of patriotic expressions and the mindless repetition of political catchphrases, whether in the news media or from the government. “think up your own way of speaking,” he challenges readers. “when we repeat the same words and phrases that appear in the daily media, we accept the absence of a larger framework,” and permit a narrowing of vocabulary and thought that only empowers the strongman.

    The popular understanding and interpretations of trump are dominated by his words and phrases — “sad!” “fake news!” — and by his use of those words to rouse supporters, identify opponents and distort verifiable reality. “to abandon facts is to abandon freedom,” snyder writes. “if nothing is true, then all is spectacle.” and trump thrives on spectacle; indeed, his rise has been based on it.

    A leader’s constant repetition of “shamanistic incantations,” as snyder puts it, and the people’s misplaced faith in an oracular strongman over evidence and reason — these are ways truth begins to fade. Throughout history, despots have “despised the small truths of daily existence, loved slogans that resonated like a new religion, and preferred creative myths to history or journalism.”
    and that elevation of mythology over truth has consequences. “post-truth,” snyder writes, “is pre-fascism.”
    Respect my lack of authority.

  2. Lounge   -   #2822
    IdolEyes787's Avatar Persona non grata
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    Trump ignores hurricane, refuses to cancel rally.
    Clearly he's a man of priorities just unfortunately not the right ones.
    Respect my lack of authority.

  3. Lounge   -   #2823
    Quote Originally Posted by shaina View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by MacGyverSG1 View Post
    If the FBI could actually do a real investigation maybe evidence would be found. It would take much longer than a week, and have no limits on who they can interview and what leads they can pursue. An investigative reporter might some day find evidence after a lengthy investigation. Of course Tr*mp will just call it "fake news" like everything else.

    Democrats don't want open borders. Another faux news lie. This country was built on/by immigrants. We need immigrants. Letting no one in, unless they are rich and/or white is not a good plan.

    Hillary didn't lose the election, it was stolen from her. She definitely made some mistakes, but as I've said before, the republicans stole it. It should be whoever gets the most votes wins. That's how all other elections work. The electoral college is archaic and doesn't work the way it was intended anymore.
    Come on now Kavanagh didn't rape anyone and you know it, and remember it can backfire even worse for the Democrats to waste more money and still find nothing, time to move on to bigger fish like maybe Keith Ellison

    And yes democrats do want open borders, light vetting and many loop holes that have been shut by Trump, and yes the US was built on immigrants, but not the shit there is today, that is the truth even on Fake News CNN

    And be real on Clinton she stole the Primaries from Sanders on the same voting system, if you think about it we wouldn't be talking about Crooked Hillary if that was not true, and come on now it wasn't stolen by any means It was the Russians or maybe it was the Fake Polls on all the fake news stations that had her leading by a landslide with the archaic voting system, just seeing there faces on CNN and MSNBC was priceless, and if you really think i thought Trump was going to win?? Fuck No!!
    But i don't see him making the US worse or it collapsing like Clinton and all the Democrats thought...

    And it seems you don't approve of Fox News, but yet every time there is a live speech from either side Dems or Reps politicians it seems that the facts were all reported or from Fox News, and the crap from Fake news sites are never spoke of, Oh wait both Fox and Fake news talked about Gang Rapes and Temperament and Russian collusion LOL!!
    And what is Ford doing with the 750 thousand dollars in the Go Me Funds accounts?? 2 masters degrees and yet i don't think she knows how to do her own banking but she can use the internet and send stuff that she can't remember if she did
    Great news on Fox not a peep on CNN!! An aid Jackson Cosko, a recent staffer for Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, D-Texas...

    Again Trump is not doing anything wrong and he is trying to fix all the fuck ups from Obama and in 4 weeks we will see what happens then

    You read this and say it is fake news and shouldn't be on every news channel and reputable web site, this is serious!!!! And he is not walking the streets either no bail and i can't see him getting out soon....
    I have no doubt that Kavanaw sexually assaulted Dr. Ford (and probably a few more). A real investigation would prove it. That one week shit show was a joke. Tr*mp shits on the FBI all the time, but this one week investigation that was controlled by the white house, is the greatest ever!

    How much money did the republicans waste on all the congressional investigations in Hillary Clinton? More than the investigation into 9/11. Republicans just wanted to keep Hillary in the spotlight for a whole year because they knew she would be the Democratic presidential nominee. Bengahzi and the email server bullshit was just a smear campaign paid for by taxpayer money. Millions of dollars wasted.
    I have no doubt that Bernie got screwed. Still not going to make me vote for Tr*mp. The primaries aren't affected by gerrymandering, just like the national polls that showed Hillary with a lead aren't. That's why everyone (except for Crooked Republicans) was surprised when Hillary lost. Even Tr*mp was surprised.

    Just Tr*mp being elected has made this country worse. The country is even more divided (Putin's plan). The Russian collusion is definitely real. Tr*mp has been dealing with the russians for decades. It's the only way he can borrow money anymore. Of course with all the money laundering he has done with them, he has no choice.

    Faux news never talks about the bad shit Tr*mp and the republicans do. That would confuse their viewers and make them second guess them. Why do you think that most people in red states don't know that "Obama Care" and the Affordable Care Act are the same thing? Republican misinformation.

    I have no idea what you are talking about concerning Go Me Funds or twitter stuff. Sounds like bullshit made up by republicans to taint Democrats before the midterms. Typical republican strategy. Spread lies to do damage before election. Then post a retraction after the fact buried on faux news website. "We thought is was true at the time", bullshit excuse. Democrats need to take a page from the republican playbook. If republicans are going to continue to cheat and lie to steal elections, it's time to do the same.

    What are all these fuck ups that Obama did? Make the air, water and land cleaner. Protect consumers from corporations. Provide healthcare to people without it. Stabilize the economy. Get equal rights for same sex couples. Get Iran to sign nuclear deal to keep a watch on them.

  4. Lounge   -   #2824
    Quote Originally Posted by IdolEyes787 View Post
    Trump ignores hurricane, refuses to cancel rally.
    Clearly he's a man of priorities just unfortunately not the right ones.
    Would be nice if hurricane took him out. But then we would have to deal with the shit eating grinning jesus freak.

  5. Lounge   -   #2825
    shaina's Avatar Poster
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    Quote Originally Posted by IdolEyes787 View Post
    Trump ignores hurricane, refuses to cancel rally.
    Clearly he's a man of priorities just unfortunately not the right ones.
    You know what, enough already!!!

    Yes he has a rally it is in Pennsylvania, what do you want him to do jerk off!! and what about Fridays Rally

    Rally on

    Rally Cancelled

    You know he can be reading children's books to 5 year olds and still run the country without being in the White house right?? Even Obama and Bush did. And it does show that he is worried about the election in less than a month?? Did you see what Mike Pence is doing??
    What are you going to say next, he is unfit to be the President and impeach him because he chose to go to a rally and maybe he will say some good things and give his blessings to the injured and suffering people affected by the Hurricane

    Time to give it up buddy

    That is just a laugh!!!
    Last edited by shaina; 10-11-2018 at 02:56 AM.
    The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money

  6. Lounge   -   #2826
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    Quote Originally Posted by MacGyverSG1 View Post
    Would be nice if hurricane took him out. But then we would have to deal with the shit eating grinning jesus freak.
    Actually i should have started off that i am glad you are ok Buddy

    In all honesty MacGyver , who did you vote for?? I know you would have said Sanders in the primary, but your choice would have to be Clinton....
    And funny the state you live in Trump did win right?? I can tell you i spoke to a few people while i was there and it had to be the hardest decision people had to make and if you go back to my original posts before all of this crap, i said that i can't see Trump winning and Clinton should win by a landslide!! The Truth!!
    But she lost!!, and in all fairness Trump again has done nothing wrong to hurt the Country (even know the stock market closed down today)...

    And the bigger puzzle is why did Nikki Haley resign??

    PS. And really i can't stand the way he talks at times and yes his smart ass grin is brutal, but the track record and his what he spoke of in his campaign he is following through, that no one can dispute, the only thing you can say is you don't like it and assume you didn't vote for him?? So let me know when he does something that has hurt you personally or your family, then we have something to really discuss?? Not his beliefs or his mouth or the partiy that won the majority in the election..
    Idol is just fanning the flames and without a doubt really doesn't give two shits

    Hey Idol what do you think of Trudeau praying in a Mosque with known ties to terrorists, yet main stream media just brushed it off?? Or a known Muslim goes out and rents a van and kills multiple people in cold blood yet no terrorist assumptions , but he was mentally unstable person because he couldn't get dates with girls?? And this occurred in a Muslim resident area , but during a working day has all cultures ??
    I must be a conspiracy theorists , too much Sun news
    The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money

  7. Lounge   -   #2827
    shaina's Avatar Poster
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    Quote Originally Posted by MacGyverSG1 View Post
    What are all these fuck ups that Obama did? Make the air, water and land cleaner. Protect consumers from corporations. Provide healthcare to people without it. Stabilize the economy. Get equal rights for same sex couples. Get Iran to sign nuclear deal to keep a watch on them.
    -Make the air and land cleaner?? Where?? Clean coal that will produce thousands of jobs will kill the air??

    -No Corporations in America?? No Jobs, no tax breaks no jobs, that is just reality, unemployment is the lowest ever why???

    -Health Care?? With deductibles who the fuck can afford it!! Near impossible to fix his fuck up, and Obama knew it was going to blow up like this and figured the next Dem could fix it, but even on both Dems or Reps are having difficulty doing this...
    As an American citizen what do you suggest??

    -Stabilize the economy?? Nice try don't watch Don Lemon CNN, and even if i agree with you Trump is has taken it to another level that is facts that are not disputed on any news site, and i can tell you they dislike reporting it, but wait it's been two years and the Buttered Popcorn Head has not destroyed the Economy in America!! WTF!!!

    -Equal rights for same sex couples?? As of now what has changed?? I didn't hear or see any changes? Complain when if there is any changes, and that was the Democrats platform not the Republicans, the Dems Lost!!! what do you want?? But really don't complain about this until you actually see or hear changes not speculation.....

    -The Iran deal? The Iran deal didn't do anything but give/fund psychopaths billions and cause chaos across the middle east and kill millions of people, but it did make Kerry's son in law very happy, and before you think of bashing Israel?? that is actually happier (but not trusting as far as they can trow them), for they are not the only new closet ally's to Israel saying the deal was extremely bad Jordan, Egypt Saudi Arabia UAE ,and it didn't stop there nuclear or ballistic missile building, that has been proven many times, and if that was true,that they are not trying to take over the middle east, why are there proxies terrorists all over the place while there own people in Iran are suffering?? and why is Iran scared shit and threatening every minute death to America and Israel and begging to keep the deal going with the EU?? to keep the agenda going, and let the people of Iran suffer more plus they are bleeding tons of money funding all of there proxy terrorist fighting there war agenda, and sooner or later they will have to come to the table and make a deal that really stops there agenda...And Russia has tons of interests in the Middle East, and is a crack whore for power and greed!! and one of the biggest instigators and is keeping there hands in all there pockets
    yes playing all sides, and where ever the money takes him....

    Trump is so fucked up and unpredictable he has everyone scared shit!! Yet he has no troops in North Korea or attacked Iran, what do you think those two places would look like if Bernie Sanders was in charge?? Or better yet Clinton?? Or better yet what America may look like?? Trump has his uses to keep the world safe

    I won't touch the Kavanaugh crap anymore, that is what the Democrats want just more bashing on the guy. Now you just have to realize that you have a new Justice on the supreme court, Justice Brett Kavanaugh, and you have a better chance of impeaching Trump....
    Last edited by shaina; 10-11-2018 at 03:01 AM.
    The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money

  8. Lounge   -   #2828
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    Quote Originally Posted by IdolEyes787 View Post
    snyder warns against the treacherous use of patriotic expressions and the mindless repetition of political catchphrases, whether in the news media or from the government. “think up your own way of speaking,” he challenges readers. “when we repeat the same words and phrases that appear in the daily media, we accept the absence of a larger framework,” and permit a narrowing of vocabulary and thought that only empowers the strongman.

    The popular understanding and interpretations of trump are dominated by his words and phrases — “sad!” “fake news!” — and by his use of those words to rouse supporters, identify opponents and distort verifiable reality. “to abandon facts is to abandon freedom,” snyder writes. “if nothing is true, then all is spectacle.” and trump thrives on spectacle; indeed, his rise has been based on it.

    A leader’s constant repetition of “shamanistic incantations,” as snyder puts it, and the people’s misplaced faith in an oracular strongman over evidence and reason — these are ways truth begins to fade. Throughout history, despots have “despised the small truths of daily existence, loved slogans that resonated like a new religion, and preferred creative myths to history or journalism.”
    and that elevation of mythology over truth has consequences. “post-truth,” snyder writes, “is pre-fascism.”
    More left wing crap that was posted in the Washington Post.....

    Now this is really fake news right?? oops maybe left??

    That is the new and improved Democrat voters
    Last edited by shaina; 10-11-2018 at 03:11 AM.
    The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money

  9. Lounge   -   #2829
    IdolEyes787's Avatar Persona non grata
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    Quote Originally Posted by shaina View Post

    And the bigger puzzle is why did Nikki Haley resign??
    My current best guess is that the current administration will be drawn it to yet another massive scandal. This one being complicit in the murder of a journalist by the Saudias due to Jared and the Trumps being in bed with Mohammad bin Salman because.. greed.

    Actually though if you eliminate stupidity and lust, then greed is the answer to any question asked about the motives of the current administration.

    Think what you will of Trump but even you will grant I hope that he never does anything because he actually cares about people.

    I don't know about you Shay but personally I would really be questioning my politics if the only governments in the entire World who seemed to agree with when where authoritarian ones or outright dictatorships. Then again I don't watch Hannity so what the fuck do I know?

    PS Concerning the Trudeau stuff. I thought we already established that you can't argue that the one bad act by one person justifies other people doing similarly awful stuff.
    Last edited by IdolEyes787; 10-11-2018 at 12:26 PM.
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  10. Lounge   -   #2830
    IdolEyes787's Avatar Persona non grata
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    "Hillary Feeds Angry Left-Wing Mob with Authoritarian Rage". You're kidding me , right? Who wrote that? Goebbels?

    Sorry I should have said " Tokyo Rose" as clearly someone without any balls wrote that.

    Also replace "angry" with outraged, "left-wing" with the majority of Americans, "authoritarian" with project much and "mob" with Republicans doing more pathetic fear monger messaging to their scared and hate filled little base.
    Last edited by IdolEyes787; 10-11-2018 at 01:36 PM.
    Respect my lack of authority.


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