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  1. #21
    shaina's Avatar Poster
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    Quote Originally Posted by megabyteme View Post
    You do realize that clip was making *all* Democratic arguments, don't you?
    Of course i did!!!, but that was the old Democratic party and there values, it has completely changed!!!
    That is why i said and keep asking you for your true opinion that would be the best to run your country!!, It is not the party they belong to anymore.. Trump really is a Democrat, not a Republican... But to Become President, he never could have beaten Clinton and all the money in the pot/primary race to make her president.. Being real here, Bernie beat her hands down!!, and what happened there?? Another crack pot with great ideas and no way of implementing them, the truth on some great ideas!!, and his record has been checked and really has done nothing for the whole country, and in his state is not one with any real problems to fix. His methods won't work, in a Democracy platform....
    Now you see all these young Democrats go on TV and preach most of his ideas and asked how will they get done or paid for, the answer is when we implement them it will work itself out. Most of them don't understand basic math!!...And tax the wealthy 90% ya they are going to invest in the US for sure.. You keep saying Trump is Putins stooge, yet he is not implementing any policies even close to Russia LOL!! Yet the new Democratic wants to have the country the same as Russia?? Oh ok they say more like Sweden or other European countries?? Ya they tried that socialist method and it failed!!!
    Now the younger Republicans are becoming more towards the Center, ya like the Democrats use to be!! And the dinosaurs in the party are trying to as well, but not the old time Democrats, they have to follow the younger ones going so far left, or they will not get the backing/funding, Pelosi is proving that, trying to walk a fine line.....

    The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money

  2. Lounge   -   #22
    shaina's Avatar Poster
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    Quote Originally Posted by megabyteme View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by megabyteme View Post
    WTF is it going to take to convince you that Trump is a *colossal* failure and, most likely, a Putin operative??? He's been literally *sabotaging* the country and you are still clinging to his buttcheeks...FFS!
    Well,'ve answered my question.
    So by all of this argument you think that a Democratic president today and the how the party is going will be better for your Country??

    It is really funny how much influence that a bankrupt country like Russia has so much influence in a Democratic country like the US??
    Well i can say that Putin is across the Middle East and pretty much allies with everyone that is complete opposite the Allies the US has. Europe pretty much hates both of them
    And Canada has to suck up to you or we would be fucked!!!!!
    I can say and really assume you don't really follow what is going on with open borders across Europe and the type of immigration growth that is fucking up there economies and unemployment increases beyond belief, and we will leave out crime
    No reporting on CNN about the new caravan's heading to the US border?? and how many happen to forget there passports, or better yet have criminal records of rape and murder and were not allowed entrance even in Mexico, but open borders are great for the US...
    We have them here (we take everyone now!!) and most of the crimes committed by them are not reported in main stream media?? Why?? There was a report that our borders with you guys have been reinforced because of it, forget about Mexico!!!.
    What i do notice and can say truthfully, that it is difficult to really know what immigration is going to be good for ones country?? But i do know living here and raised in Canada the laws of the land are kind of imprinted in your brain. But now if you come from somewhere else being good or bad?? If the laws are not the same, and they choose to do what the fuck they want?? And you as a US citizen and lived there your whole life?? Should you consider them a risk if they don't understand the laws in the USA??
    Open borders?? I can tell you anyone that has them are looking at it differently now...........

    And really if you think Trump is Putin's stooge?? What in any way is Trumps platform even close to how Russia is run??
    And being since before 2016 all of this Russia collusion accusations of Trump?? What are they waiting for to get it out and do something about it??

    Here is an example how the Media manipulates people....
    You would figure out i am watching what is going on in the middle east and especially the only Democracy there. Saying that, the other day there was reporting on a few propaganda news sites (or fake news if you want), leaked, and there were talking about the Trumps Deal of the Century!!.
    You know the one with Israel and the Terrorist (Or non-fake state), and it was all crap!!! , but it's not like a bunch of credible sites didn't jump on the band wagon and post it as well, but they add from the source and Alleged right!!. But it caused chaos and back and forth fighting between the parties for nothing!!..
    Again i say and use this example because i am interested in what is going on, but i never assumed anything until i read from a bunch of sites and used common sense.
    I can tell you that on Fox News Obama was bashed quite a bit, but he was also commended when he did something good, that is why Fox News has the highest ratings and is considered a more believable news station, but do i think and believe everything i read or watch from there NO!!! But i can say they have proven a ton of other News stations to be Fake on a lot of there reporting, and that really is the Truth, knocking them or not.....
    The big problem really is News should be news!!! Not opinions, and not leaning one side or the other, but today news and there owners and there finance backers dictate, how and what they report, especially knowing the wealth and what president they want in the White House...
    That really is the problem today.....
    Last edited by shaina; 01-18-2019 at 07:49 PM.
    The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money

  3. Lounge   -   #23
    IdolEyes787's Avatar Persona non grata
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    Quote Originally Posted by shaina View Post
    Repeat!! You don't like the Orange Fuck!! Who do you think will be better??
    Basically anyone.

    There are people just as evil and there are people just as stupid but it's hard to find anyone who is equal parts both like Trump is.

    Also do do see that the Republican Party has been actively trying to destroy true democracy for a while now, don't you?
    Respect my lack of authority.

  4. Lounge   -   #24
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  5. Lounge   -   #25
    shaina's Avatar Poster
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    Quote Originally Posted by megabyteme View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by megabyteme View Post
    WTF is it going to take to convince you that Trump is a *colossal* failure and, most likely, a Putin operative??? He's been literally *sabotaging* the country and you are still clinging to his buttcheeks...FFS!
    Well,'ve answered my question.
    I take you point and try to figure out what Trump has to gain?? He likes money and power like Putin, but before he was the President he was rich and if he wanted could have had influence if he chose to if he wasn't running for president?? Again what does this have to do with Russia or Putin??
    Are you saying the Voter poles were hacked and rigged by Russia?? Well i don't think that would take over 2 years to prove so that's out...
    Are you saying there was advertisement and propaganda on Clinton and that prevented her from winning?? Well other than Fox or it's affiliates, every news station had here winning by a landslide!! so where is the collusion there??
    So did Trump have some side deal with Putin to build hotels and stuff if he wins?? Well what difference does that make?? and once he is out of his 8 year term can he not do what the heck he wants with is money?? So i can't see that. Plus the Clinton foundation go plenty from Russia when she was the Secretary of State?? Again say who cares right she still didn't win the election...
    How about what he is doing in the Middle East?? Well he is keeping his allies that the majority of the Senate on both sides choose, The Obama Iran deal was his override and Kerry, not the senate, and Russia would have liked it the other way and Iran and its proxies would have free rain across the Middle East. So that is out.....
    Obama-Care that was again override of Obama, is a total nightmare for most Americans, and that is not Trumps fault nor the Russians.....

    So tell me Meg, even if there is this so called collusion with Russia?? What does Trump have to gain?? I must be missing something??

    And when the Mueller's report does come out, if ever, what did he do that has to do with how he is running the country or being influenced other than his advisers and the senate?? So he paid off some peelers and something about some poller's ?? Who the fuck cares!! Clinton was 10 times worse!!..
    Lets be real here, the guy was caught saying he wants to grab some broads pussy!! and the conservative people still voted for him!!, Clinton won the popular vote by 3 million and still lost!! How is that even possible?? I guess where the votes needed to count didn't want her as President, how else can you look at it??
    Now you take the Republican party and go back to the Primaries, who in there right mind thought this Buttered Popcorn Head even had a chance to win the Primaries??
    Against actual Politicians that were supposed to know there shit!! He won!! You call Russian collusion in the Republican party vote?? The guy spent how much less in his campaign compared to Clinton?? And she walked away pretty nicely with a shit load of overseas cash plus who knows where else?? Again did Russia give and finance Trumps campaign or did he himself for most of it?? If money was funneled from Russia?? You are telling me in 3 years no one could find it?? They found where all the money from Clinton's camp came from, even the shady deals, and no doubt Bernie won the popular vote on Clinton there and he lost. And really your guess is as good as mine who Russia was voting for between them to win??

    So tell me where is the Russia collusion??
    Last edited by shaina; 01-18-2019 at 08:24 PM.
    The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money

  6. Lounge   -   #26
    shaina's Avatar Poster
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    Quote Originally Posted by IdolEyes787 View Post
    Also do do see that the Republican Party has been actively trying to destroy true democracy for a while now, don't you?
    So the 2 choices in the end was Trump or Clinton?? So like Meg you also would choose Clinton??

    And on your second thing no?? What did i miss on that (sincerely) Idol??
    Last edited by shaina; 01-18-2019 at 08:38 PM.
    The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money

  7. Lounge   -   #27
    shaina's Avatar Poster
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    Quote Originally Posted by IdolEyes787 View Post
    I can tell you i really liked that show, it was too bad they cancelled/ended it. To me, it was just as entertaining as Homeland.

    And if you take what he did in perspective, what News station/anchor did this to there viewers?? And they all got Egg on there faces from the results in the Trump/Clinton results, and how they pushed there views instead of actually reporting the fact .....I can say without a doubt it was Russia collusion, they went door to door to change the Americans peoples minds

    Again my opinion...
    Last edited by shaina; 01-18-2019 at 08:40 PM.
    The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money

  8. Lounge   -   #28
    IdolEyes787's Avatar Persona non grata
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    If being rich overrides your need to do stuff then why did Trump feel the need to continue his criminal behavior after he "made" his first 10 million? Or put a way that you can get on board with, why does Jeff Bezos feel the need to keep expanding his businesses?

    Answer: 'Cuz after a certain level it's more about coming out on top than it is about the money.

    Too summerize. Pee pee tape.
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  9. Lounge   -   #29
    IdolEyes787's Avatar Persona non grata
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    Quote Originally Posted by shaina View Post
    I can tell you i really liked that show, it was too bad they cancelled/ended it. To me, it was just as entertaining as Homeland.

    Again my opinion...
    I liked it too probably for the same reason you did. It gave us a world that we wished this one was more like.
    Respect my lack of authority.

  10. Lounge   -   #30
    IdolEyes787's Avatar Persona non grata
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    Quote Originally Posted by shaina View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by IdolEyes787 View Post
    Also do do see that the Republican Party has been actively trying to destroy true democracy for a while now, don't you?
    So the 2 choices in the end was Trump or Clinton?? So like Meg you also would choose Clinton??

    And on your second thing no?? What did i miss on that Idol??
    A few things like gerrymandering so that all votes aren't equal, passing bills to limit incoming Dem politicians powers after they(Rep) are defeated in an election, actively supressing votes of certain minority groups who have historically not voted for them etc etc etc.
    Respect my lack of authority.

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