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Thread: Brexit

  1. #11
    Barbarossa's Avatar mostly harmless
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    Quote Originally Posted by shaina View Post
    So when you travel by car/ferry there is borders?? Do you have by chance a link you could show me??
    No. But I know for a fact if I drive to Dover right now and ask for tickets on a ferry to France, I'm going nowhere without showing them a passport. And in case you were wondering, you literally need some form of identification to travel from the mainland GB to Northern Ireland by ferry or plane, and they're supposed to be two parts of the same country!

    Quote Originally Posted by shaina View Post
    And the truth knowing just by any media you choose, there is a big problem with illegal immigration in the UK, because of zero borders, so you saying there is a kind of strict border, how are they getting in so easy?? Or you are ok with it??
    I'm saying there is a strict border. That's why people hide in lorries. That's why people risk their lives on inflatable boats. There is a problem with illegal immigration, but it's not as massive a problem as the media likes to make out.

    Quote Originally Posted by shaina View Post
    And if you have no problems with the EU or Immigration in the UK?? Why was Brexit even invented??
    Two words. Tax avoidance. The whole thing (Brexit) is a massive con-trick. It's not going to make life any better for the average man in the street. In fact it'll make things a heck of a lot harder.

  2. Lounge   -   #12
    shaina's Avatar Poster
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    Quote Originally Posted by IdolEyes787 View Post
    I may be stupid or misguided but least my viewpoints aren't entirely based around racism, Tucker.
    Lets not go back to quite a few of your posts here ok Lemon

    Question?? what does illegal immigration have to do with greed and racism??
    The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money

  3. Lounge   -   #13
    shaina's Avatar Poster
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    Quote Originally Posted by Barbarossa View Post
    No. But I know for a fact if I drive to Dover right now and ask for tickets on a ferry to France, I'm going nowhere without showing them a passport. And in case you were wondering, you literally need some form of identification to travel from the mainland GB to Northern Ireland by ferry or plane, and they're supposed to be two parts of the same country!
    why is that never reported anywhere is interesting, plane i could understand for sure, but a ferry?? what about the tunnel Barbarossa??

    I'm saying there is a strict border. That's why people hide in lorries. That's why people risk their lives on inflatable boats. There is a problem with illegal immigration, but it's not as massive a problem as the media likes to make out.
    No a strict border would have caught that truck/lorries full of immigrants that died, that went through how many European countries and was never caught or inspected?? I think we have a different interpretation of security borders..

    Every truck or boat that tries to cross country lines is inspected or has to have the proper shipping papers or it ain't getting into the country, plus there is inspection station on main highways that the trucks must stop at if they are open, that is security, and borders......

    Two words. Tax avoidance. The whole thing (Brexit) is a massive con-trick. It's not going to make life any better for the average man in the street. In fact it'll make things a heck of a lot harder.
    Tax avoidance, who?? Again how do you know if it is going to be better or worse?? I see positives and negatives reported and opinions on both, i don't see anything on Tax avoidance even on left wing news reporting, mainly reporting on again ease of travelling in and out of the UK, and getting stricter on the immigration troubles, and taking over towns not allowing and diversity, and controlling there own finances and who they want to trade with?? So that is false reporting on many different news outlets??

    Again i assume you are on the ground there, so hearing from you will usually be more accurate than reading news Barbarossa. That is depending on who you are voting for in the election?? That also makes your viewpoints different right.
    Last edited by shaina; 12-06-2019 at 03:23 PM.
    The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money

  4. Lounge   -   #14
    Caballero's Avatar Hung Like A Horse
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    Quote Originally Posted by shaina View Post
    Try finding a paper that isn't left wing to support your narrative?? Like i said what is the worry?? Let them go and fail then especially if you think it will hurt the UK more than the EU

    It was almost like i called you out, or you never would have posted what you did Cabby, but again i still luv ya buddy

    True story for you about Canada Cabby.... There has been a few votes on Quebec trying to separate from Canada.. Now the majority of Canadians don't give 2 shits if they leave, but if they do, they are to pay back all of there Debt owing to Canada and all the military bases, would also be removed from there province, that is lost revenue plus subsidies they get from the Government. Guess what Cabby, Quebec is still a province of Canada

    What is the UK going to lose if they leave?? Going back and forth, they still will deal with the EU, but just have borders and control who comes into there Country??

    What is going to change?? What am i missing?? There should be borders on every large Country in Europe to control and protect there citizens, you don't agree with that??

    That would be an interesting answer to that question if you are willing too. I am not sure how you feel about open borders??

    Do you agree with this Cabby,,, If Corbyn wins in the upcoming election it will answer some questions about Brexit??

    Edit: Crickets on response from who i would say the most knowledgeable person here about Europe

    Go figure....
    The Financial Times is about as left-wing as The Wall Street Journal. Just sayin'...

    Fact is, free trade within the EU is growing the economy. Conversely, if the UK is leaving the EU, it's pretty much guaranteed that their economy is going to contract, with all the associated impacts on employment and living standards.

    But, hey, I am sure that's worth it. Rule Britannia!

    As for Corbyn, I don't follow UK politics closely enough to have an opinion on him and what he stands for (or, apparently, doesn't). I don't vote over there, so I can't say that I really give a rat's ass about specific people.

  5. Lounge   -   #15
    shaina's Avatar Poster
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    Quote Originally Posted by Caballero View Post
    The Financial Times is about as left-wing as The Wall Street Journal. Just sayin'...
    No disagreement there Cabby, but i check out all the news sites and then read in the middle and hopefully that is the truth, that is unless i know people on the ground where i am inquiring about. That's why i laugh when people here think i only get my news from Fox

    Fact is, free trade within the EU is growing the economy. Conversely, if the UK is leaving the EU, it's pretty much guaranteed that their economy is going to contract, with all the associated impacts on employment and living standards.

    But, hey, I am sure that's worth it. Rule Britannia!
    Hey i don't disagree with you there, it was the same with that pound/dollar when Brexit was voted on, again that bounced back right...

    That is my point all along, there will be some setbacks, but not it is how long it takes to bounce back right, and then the positives for Brexit will start right away. It is strange that Barbarossa says there is some sort of Border structure in the UK , i know the majority of the EU countries don't have that??

    As for Corbyn, I don't follow UK politics closely enough to have an opinion on him and what he stands for (or, apparently, doesn't). I don't vote over there, so I can't say that I really give a rat's ass about specific people.
    Well not giving a Rats ass about specific people, still he is the head of the party right, so he is the front man for the policies of the party, but i do understand what you are saying for sure, and really it does come down to the party and how they want to run the country, truly i think you might like there policies, but not the baggage of controversy that comes with it..

    I just figured you would see some news/info, on the sites you go to from Europe on the whole.(you know i see info where i go. And i would think there is some effect how a country feels about the EU when they are a part of it??

    Thanks for the response buddy, it is always appreciated.
    Last edited by shaina; 12-06-2019 at 05:06 PM.
    The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money

  6. Lounge   -   #16
    Caballero's Avatar Hung Like A Horse
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    GBP / USD exchange rate on June 22, 2016: 1.467791

    GBP / USD exchange rate on Dec 5, 2019: 1.316335

    That's an 11% decrease.

    GBP / EUR exchange rate on June 22, 2016: 1.300594

    GBP / EUR exchange rate on Dec 5, 2019: 1.185596

    That's a 9% decrease.

    GBP / JPY exchange rate on June 22, 2016: 153.459493

    GBP / JPY exchange rate on Dec 5, 2019: 143.079307

    That's a 7% decrease.

    Sure, that pound bounced right back...

  7. Lounge   -   #17
    shaina's Avatar Poster
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    Quote Originally Posted by Caballero View Post
    GBP / USD exchange rate on June 22, 2016: 1.467791

    GBP / USD exchange rate on Dec 5, 2019: 1.316335

    That's an 11% decrease.

    GBP / EUR exchange rate on June 22, 2016: 1.300594

    GBP / EUR exchange rate on Dec 5, 2019: 1.185596

    That's a 9% decrease.

    GBP / JPY exchange rate on June 22, 2016: 153.459493

    GBP / JPY exchange rate on Dec 5, 2019: 143.079307

    That's a 7% decrease.

    Sure, that pound bounced right back...
    Compared to what it was?? It was really in the toilet!!!... Again what ever happens happens, like you said what the fuck is the difference, it is not going to hurt the EU right ...

    And depending on the coming election, there either will be a Brexit or not

    I can tell you they reported our jobs report in Canada, it was in the toilet big time, How was the report in the US buddy??
    The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money

  8. Lounge   -   #18
    j2k4's Avatar en(un)lightened
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    Oh, please...
    I lit a fuse.

    "Researchers have already cast much darkness on the subject, and if they continue their investigations, we shall soon know nothing at all about it."

    -Mark Twain

  9. Lounge   -   #19
    shaina's Avatar Poster
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    Quote Originally Posted by j2k4 View Post
    I lit a fuse.

    Nice you lit the fuse, now i think you got some info to study from both sides ,what is your opinion on Brexit??

    What do you think??..

    And my thoughts and prayers goes out to the American lives lost and injured in Pensacola J2K4.
    The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money

  10. Lounge   -   #20
    j2k4's Avatar en(un)lightened
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    Oh, please...
    At first glance, I'm leaning toward concluding the "info" is akin to what our domestic Dems are referring to as "irrefutable evidence supporting impeachment".

    Essentially, certain people want a European Union to kneel in supplication before their Globalist intent.

    Thank you for your thoughts and prayers - my nephew recently retired from Naval service at Pensacola.

    Events there are going to result in more horse-fucking around about foreign nationals on our shores...sure doesn't aid the case for immigration, either.
    "Researchers have already cast much darkness on the subject, and if they continue their investigations, we shall soon know nothing at all about it."

    -Mark Twain

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