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Thread: Pandemic

  1. #291
    shaina's Avatar Poster
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    Quote Originally Posted by IdolEyes787 View Post
    Then again, it wasn't a very high bar to clear.
    Again what bar is needed to be cleared??
    Last edited by shaina; 03-11-2021 at 10:24 PM.
    The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money

  2. Lounge   -   #292
    IdolEyes787's Avatar Persona non grata
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    Quote Originally Posted by shaina View Post

    What didn't make sense??
    For one thing, why someone from a historically discriminated group like yourself would be adding fuel to the already 500% increase in racial violence against Asians.

    Even if you believe that the Chinese government purposely created and released COVID, none of those innocent women and children you are railing against are the ones, not the Chinese government who will end up being hurt .
    Respect my lack of authority.

  3. Lounge   -   #293
    shaina's Avatar Poster
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    Quote Originally Posted by IdolEyes787 View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by shaina View Post

    What didn't make sense??
    For one thing, why someone from a historically discriminated group like yourself would be adding fuel to the already 500% increase in racial violence against Asians.

    Even if you believe that the Chinese government purposely created and released COVID, none of those innocent women and children you are railing against are the ones, not the Chinese government who will end up being hurt .
    In my statement where did i blame the Chinese or should i say the "Chinese People" in that post???

    Did i say it was Chinese or any race colour or creed, i discriminated specifically trying to cross a sovereign border illegally you obtuse ignorant instigator!!!!!

    Anyone that is not a US citizen or trying the sneak there way in or not vetted and just let in once they are even captured and set free, they would be "Illegal" would they not???

    And again i do Blame the Chinese Government for not isolating the Wuhan China Virus, and also would blame if they knew anyone that was sick that got on a plane.boat, train to leave with the virus with the intention of spreading it around the world period!!!!!!!!...

    Do you have a problem saying that??!!!! Again there is no racial intentions in any of that!!!! Just FACTS!!!!!

    If there is a Chinese Citizen or a Chinese Canadian Citizen, or a Transgender Citizen like you travelled to Wuhan and knowingly brought back the virus to Canada or the US should you or them be blamed if you knew about it there, and still left there to spread it!!!!!! You are fucking right you should be blamed!!!!!!!

    Again this has nothing to do with race you moron!!!!! It has to do with who is in charge of Wuhan China and let it out to the world!!!!!!

    Only Left Wing sickos try to use the "RACE" card for everything now!!!!!!!!! Spoiled Rotten Brats!!!!!

    And Only Anti-Semitic people actually think like you......Where or why did my faith again have to even be involved in this conversation... I keep telling you look before you type Idol.......And it is and the origin of this virus is "Wuhan China"........

    Calling it COVID, is not going to change any of those FACTS Period!!!!!!

    What does MERS (Covid) stand for Idol you obtuse ignorant..................
    Last edited by shaina; 03-11-2021 at 11:55 PM.
    The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money

  4. Lounge   -   #294
    Caballero's Avatar Hung Like A Horse
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    Quote Originally Posted by shaina View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Caballero View Post
    And the great State of Texas just got rid of the mask mandate as of today. I don't understand how Governor Hotwheels thinks a re-election strategy based on killing your voters will lead to success...
    This is ok but "Left Wing Shitbag" is offensive to you, I mean lifting your skirt and showing the double standards or better being a hypocrite, i would never think i would see from you
    Oh, you are offended by an affectionate nickname for one individual that I have a personal grievance with? I'd say it's not quite the same as a blanket insult you toss at a whole population simply because they have a different opinion than you. Ask The Donald; he's been doing it for years for the entertainment of the Right-Wing Shitbags.

    Oh, I am sorry. That was uncalled for. Mea culpa.

    Quote Originally Posted by shaina View Post
    The mandate is lifted Lefty, but is your choice of doing what you want taken away from you?? You know the freedom of Choice thing
    My freedom to not be infected by some tinfoil hat-wearing, Covid-denying anti-vaxxer who now chooses to not wear a mask because of some "'Murica! Freedom" bullshit has very much been impacted by the lifting of the mandate. Remember, you are not just wearing the mask to protect you, you are wearing it to protect your neighbors. Nevermind the fact that another wave caused by all this will delay any return to semi-normalcy even further and thus impacts my right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Here I thought conservatives hold the values of the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence in high regard.

    Quote Originally Posted by shaina View Post
    Stop being a child Cabby, it just doesn't suit you buddy

  5. Lounge   -   #295
    j2k4's Avatar en(un)lightened
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    Oh, please...
    Every tribe for itself, these days.

    You guys are hilarious...
    "Researchers have already cast much darkness on the subject, and if they continue their investigations, we shall soon know nothing at all about it."

    -Mark Twain

  6. Lounge   -   #296
    shaina's Avatar Poster
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    Quote Originally Posted by Caballero View Post
    Oh, you are offended by an affectionate nickname for one individual that I have a personal grievance with? I'd say it's not quite the same as a blanket insult you toss at a whole population simply because they have a different opinion than you. Ask The Donald; he's been doing it for years for the entertainment of the Right-Wing Shitbags.
    Oh, I am sorry. That was uncalled for. Mea culpa.
    Not even close of being offended Cabby ROTFLMAO!!!! it is just funny that Lefties don't realize they do the same, and seem to think it is ok, and always so innocent.....

    Again no apology was needed buddy.....Just an observation, and a funny one....

    My freedom to not be infected by some tinfoil hat-wearing, Covid-denying anti-vaxxer who now chooses to not wear a mask because of some "'Murica! Freedom" bullshit has very much been impacted by the lifting of the mandate.
    That could be said for all the science spewed vs the facts on the ground....

    If i told you not to take a shit in public toilets, but you have the choice of shitting your pants or using the facilities what are you going to do..........

    I never told you in any way not to wear a mask, social distance, and choose where you want to go have i???!!! So don't you tell me either, that is the point Cabby.....

    And when do you think the time will be to open up the State?? Again if you want to wear a mask every day of your life, did anyone tell you not too???

    Are you not an adult and good Father and protect your family the way you see fit?? I know you do, so do what you want, that has nothing to do with a Government Mandate or Fake Science spewed by supposed experts!!!!!... Do what you want, and if you go into a store and see someone without a mask!!!! wear yours and keep your distance!!!, or really don't fucking go in!!!!, walk the fuck out!!, again my friend it is your choice.. The same if i am in that store following the rules the the owner has posted!, or wearing a mask if it is not!!!!, My fucking choice...Plus you claimed you had the virus, only you would get it again because you are special right

    Please stop Cabby..........

    And most stores, restaurants , etc are still implementing all of those things just like many other states that never or don't have "Mandates"....

    This conversation is just dumb and you know it!!!!!

    Tell me you just don't want to stay home for the rest of your life and get free cheques from the Government do you??? That is a very serious question Cabby, when is it time to open up??
    Being a hypochondriac that i know you are , there is no such thing as 100% safe in any scenario buddy....

    So going back and forth i have said in a very sincere way, you have moved and told us in this forum , you have lived all over the US, moving is always an option right...

    Open borders and Gun Control should be on your mind as well right I assume you are for both of those as well......

    Remember, you are not just wearing the mask to protect you, you are wearing it to protect your neighbors. Nevermind the fact that another wave caused by all this will delay any return to semi-normalcy even further and thus impacts my right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
    Being a Negative person all your life will never bring you happiness, if the majority of the state you live in wants to open up what do you do??

    Again your comment on the longevity of the politicians making these decisions may be in danger, well just like all the Left Wing Shit i see going on now you will have to wait and see if the mid term elections prove your theory.......Now you are a smart guy and you know they are moving out in droves from Democrat run states!!! and quite a few people are ending up in yours, are they going to vote Democrat again??
    That is a very good question isn't it Cabby.......

    Here I thought conservatives hold the values of the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence in high regard.
    Being one myself i can tell you i do, but what and how you interpret the Constitution differs from reality

    Open Borders, Lockdowns , not only don't work they are not constitutional either, you get that right buddy.........

    Quote Originally Posted by shaina View Post
    Stop being a child Cabby, it just doesn't suit you buddy

    Where am i being a child?? Telling you my point of view by the many, that want to go out and make a living , using common sense, and respecting others , again compromise.....

    There is a lot of bullshit science out there about masks and really how much protection there is?? the same trying to breath wearing 2 or 3 masks at a time, again something that you are completely entitled to do, and if you asked me too , that answer you wouldn't like....

    The same when and if you have been vaccinated then what?? Even if everyone that chooses to get it does, but there are others that have had the virus and chose not to get vaccinated, then what??

    Human Nature like every virus has to run it course and immune systems in society change accordingly....I don't think Science tells you that does it, But stats data experience and evolution does.....

    It is really funny that you chose a state to hang your hat considering it has more things you hate then lots of others , and instead of moving to one that would suit you better you want to change it?? That puzzles me more than anything else.....

    Again as always , i wish you and your family safety, health and happiness......

    G-D Bless my friend
    Last edited by shaina; 03-12-2021 at 03:55 AM.
    The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money

  7. Lounge   -   #297
    shaina's Avatar Poster
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    Quote Originally Posted by j2k4 View Post
    Every tribe for itself, these days.

    You guys are hilarious...
    No i don't see it that way, i see it having a debate knowing that Cabby and i are on different sides of the aisle, but politics do not have anything to do with friendship!!!!

    I respect his opinions and i hope he respects mine... The same whoever is in running your State or Province like here how much influence do they really have ??? To any degree he can do what pleases him and the same with myself......
    Last edited by shaina; 03-12-2021 at 04:24 AM.
    The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money

  8. Lounge   -   #298
    j2k4's Avatar en(un)lightened
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    Oh, please...
    I'm searching for a way to describe what I'm observing here.
    Last edited by j2k4; 03-12-2021 at 02:53 AM.
    "Researchers have already cast much darkness on the subject, and if they continue their investigations, we shall soon know nothing at all about it."

    -Mark Twain

  9. Lounge   -   #299
    shaina's Avatar Poster
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    Quote Originally Posted by j2k4 View Post
    I'm searching for a way to describe what I'm observing here.
    Well instead of being the supposed diplomatic vague man LET ER RIP buddy

    What do you think of lockdowns?? Do you think it works??

    Cabby making a comment about conservatives and the constitution ?? Read post #294

    I know that Left Wing thinkers have no clue about the constitution, nor can they recite the decoration of independence, they make shit up as they go along.......The US is 244 years old with thousands of years of history, yet by Left Wing thinking it is 50 days old, and the world is flat again

    Cancel culture , eliminate freedom of speech and history is there biggest agenda, With the addition of turning your country into a Socialists Communist Dictatorship J2K4

    Looks like Voting Republican across the board in the mid term elections is the only way to save it......And making sure they learn how to cheat better than the Democrats did when the time comes.....

    Good luck buddy

    Attachment 186236
    Last edited by shaina; 03-12-2021 at 04:59 AM.
    The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money

  10. Lounge   -   #300
    IdolEyes787's Avatar Persona non grata
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    Quote Originally Posted by shaina View Post
    Cancel culture , eliminate freedom of speech and history is there biggest agenda, With the addition of turning your country into a Socialists Communist Dictatorship J2K4

    Looks like Voting Republican across the board in the mid term elections is the only way to save it......And making sure they learn how to cheat better than the Democrats did when the time comes.....

    Actually cancel culture is just another largely imaginary grievance issue that media like Fox are fixated on right now to distract from/ignore all the positive things that the Biden administration is accomplishing right now.

    In other words, "If you have the facts on your side, pound the facts. If you have the law on your side, pound the law. If you have neither on your side, pound the table."

    Btw as much as I loved Looney Tunes as a kid, that Speedy Gonzales is at least in it's own way as racist as the word k*ke that in another post you were all upset about.
    Respect my lack of authority.

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