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Thread: Offensive 2021

  1. #521
    Caballero's Avatar Hung Like A Horse
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    Timely editorial from the Houston Chronicle, in case you want to fact check my numbers.


    Rep. Dan Crenshaw has repeated half-truths about the impact to jobs from the president’s actions. He described wind and solar power as “silly solutions” which “don’t work.” Strange, because they sure do work in Texas. We lead the nation in wind power, and last year wind surpassed coal as the state’s second largest source of electricity. This year, Texas will install more solar capacity than any other state. The sun and wind are reliably powering our grid, reducing pollution and employing out-of-work oil and gas landmen.

    Biden is right. It doesn’t make sense to be creating new oil and gas infrastructure, such as the Keystone XL pipeline, when the world is moving away from oil. For example, just this week, General Motors announced it’ll stop making gas-powered cars and SUVs by 2035.

    It doesn’t make sense to allow oil companies to continue to release methane, a powerful greenhouse gas, into the atmosphere, when the atmosphere is showing us every day it can’t handle the stress. Our necessary transition to clean energy will also create opportunities for oil and gas workers to help secure a healthy, thriving Texas for generations to come.

    Already 250,000 Texans work in the advanced energy industry — in areas such as energy efficiency, solar, wind and electric vehicles — many of whom are earning high salaries as engineers, financial analysts and construction managers. Federal investment in clean energy, like that proposed by the president, “would add $350 billion to Texas gross state product, a six-fold return on investment; increase tax revenues; create 2 million jobs; and deliver billions in annual savings to consumers,” according to the Texas Advanced Energy Business Alliance.

  2. Lounge   -   #522
    shaina's Avatar Poster
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    Quote Originally Posted by Caballero View Post
    Have you looked at the energy mix in Texas lately? Alternative energy (mostly wind, some solar) produced a greater percentage of the total energy output in the ERCOT market than coal in 2019, and twice as much as nuclear. In 2020 there were days where wind made up more than 30% of the total energy mix. Yes, only half of what gas contributes, but wait another 10 years and we'll take another look. In 2018 carbon-free energy sources already made up 30% of the total.
    This is great news Cabby, and i myself think it is great!!, But it is not the sustainable energy source fucking period!!! And until it is keep up the good work and shut the fuck up and keep doing it right. And until you can say it is sustainable energy, respect what keeps your fucking economy going from top to bottom, fossil fuels do that right....
    And your 10 year bullshit , well didn't i hear from all of the Left Wing Shitbags that we don't have 10 years left on earth!!! Are you not with them Cabby,ROTFLMAO!!! , again, do i believe in global warming?? yes , do i believe in there numbers of when the earth is going to be gone?? Fuck no!!!, do i believe really with evolution and technology we can stop global warming?? NO I Don't!!!, can we slow it down by doing better on environmental things ?? Yes...

    Say what you want about Rick Perry (and I have a lot to say about the man, and not just about his dancing skills), but at least he was energy agnostic and the only color he cared about was green. He is the one who encouraged the development of wind farms (hey, fun fact: one of the the largest early investors to develop that industry: BP, an oil and gas company!), and at least he had some kind of vision of the future -- or at a minimum did not stand in its way. Unlike your buddy Donald and his friends in West Virginia who are still working on the great coal comeback. Want to compare coal mining jobs with those created in alternative energy? Or for that matter how many oil and gas were lost since 2015 and how many were created in alternative energy fields? It's not like anyone couldn't see it coming; I know I got the hell out of Dodge after 20 years in O&G when the market melted down in 2014/2015.
    Didn't someone buy BP??

    He ylisten you have great knowledge in wind mills and solar panels , but economics again you get the number zero!!!

    And regardless of what you think, (a) there will always be an oil industry; it's just that the oil produced will be used for other, higher-value products and processes rather than transportation, (b) there is no binary on/off switch and whatever policies are enacted today will not lead to massive job losses tomorrow (the market already took care of that anyway), (c) since people apparently can't change on their own they will need to be nudged (which is effectively what most of these policies end up doing), and (d) as a champion of states' rights I am sure that you will also lay some responsibility for the retraining and creation of job opportunities at the feet of the oil producing states, who have profited for so long from O&G. Austin, XT is turning into a tech and AE hub. Why can't Oklahoma or New Mexico take some of their oil money and do the same? And then you blame the federal government for the shortsightedness of the states' leadership?
    Amazing you got out of dodge in the oil industry, yet you make a comment they are not going anywhere?? So i assume you did have high paying job and see they are diversifying, why did you leave then?? To become and advocate for China and making windmills and solar panels and you have investments in those companies already??

    And wait!!! And they are the top of the list for advocating Climate Change not for making profit and having people become dependent on there country to make these products cheaper because they really care about there people ROTFLMAO!!!!!!

    And what raw materials again do you need to make these products that will reduce energy costs and save the planet??

    Again i will repeat who will own the land and the products on it that produces this energy?? And who will set the costs once the alternatives are gone?? And i don't mean run out!!!! I mean someone that wants control and not give choices!!!!!

    I guess you never look at it that way do you?? Ya money grows on trees, i forgot LOL!!!!!

    I will tell you a story, when i was in my house i used to get people know on my door and say the government was giving incentives to put solar panels on my roof!! And they gave a bunch of garbage on savings or if the power goes out for backup LOL!!!!

    First off , even with a 3500 sq foot house roof, how they have to situate the panels to work if the power goes out, it will power your fridge for about 3-5 hours, but if you use multiple things in your house at once you get less than 2 LOL!!!!

    You catch my drift on how much real estate you need to have sustainable power LOL!!!!.. And how much is real estate worth and how much can be wasted with population growth?? Again just some questions that may need to be answered before this ideas can be used exclusively ??

    Again Cabby, if you really understand how an economy works and take your Green New Deal Shit aside, maybe an electric light-bulb in your head will realize that you don't put a Wuhan China Virus pandemic country in more economical chaos to thinking you are saving the planet buddy... And understand 11 thousand jobs in a town that relies on income and the people that own the small businesses around that town is now going to be in trouble!!!!!!! Hens the trickle down effect .....

    Again to me the people and there lively hood should be more important then anything else, at least until US is in a whole is showing prosperous growth. Then grow the Green Shit and replace.....

    And tell me this!!! Where was all of the solar panels and wind mills you speak of Built??

    And this answer will tell me your fucking Patriotism and how you care about your fellow Americans and there families lively hoods

    And you do understand the trickle effects of the states economies when you take out there main sources of jobs and not replace them right!!!?? I guess if you have some doe you can pack you family up and move somewhere else right??

    Cabby there are places that will never be able to do what you want, New York as an example!!!, windmills and solar panels are not the answer.......

    "You've got to start somewhere. Again, it's not like nobody couldn't see it coming. Some people just wasted a lot of time."

    Yes but not when your country and it's people are struggling and are looking to get back to work and provide for there families....

    And again your Left Wing Shitbag friends say we only have less than 10 years left anyways, so really shouldn't people go out happy

    "New U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) data predict solar and wind energy will dominate America’s new generation in 2020, making up 76% of new generation and adding 42 gigawatts (GW) of zero emission capacity, while coal and natural gas will dominate 2020 retirements with 85% of plant closures."


    The market has spoken. Stop your fearmongering. You want to hang on to fossil-fuel generation? Your prices will be higher than if included alternative energy to your energy sources.
    Hey there is no fearmongering Cabby, even if i agree with you, until it is sustainable and can produce what fossil fuels do, who the fuck cares, and the way i am investing i plan on having 100 million in the bank in 30 years!!! Projections mean fucking shit!!! and you know it!!!! Again i hope what you say is sustainable and works truly!!! But not at the expense of jobs going to outside countries or the rich getting richer seeing that picture.. So now it comes to economic figures that you seem not to give a shit about.....

    Edit: Looks like Oil was up in the market??

    Did you read this?? Why do you think this may be happening Cabby....
    Last edited by shaina; 02-02-2021 at 06:13 AM.
    The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money

  3. Lounge   -   #523
    shaina's Avatar Poster
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    Quote Originally Posted by Caballero View Post
    Timely editorial from the Houston Chronicle, in case you want to fact check my numbers.



    Biden is right. It doesn’t make sense to be creating new oil and gas infrastructure, such as the Keystone XL pipeline, when the world is moving away from oil. For example, just this week, General Motors announced it’ll stop making gas-powered cars and SUVs by 2035.

    It doesn’t make sense to allow oil companies to continue to release methane, a powerful greenhouse gas, into the atmosphere, when the atmosphere is showing us every day it can’t handle the stress. Our necessary transition to clean energy will also create opportunities for oil and gas workers to help secure a healthy, thriving Texas for generations to come.

    Already 250,000 Texans work in the advanced energy industry — in areas such as energy efficiency, solar, wind and electric vehicles — many of whom are earning high salaries as engineers, financial analysts and construction managers. Federal investment in clean energy, like that proposed by the president, “would add $350 billion to Texas gross state product, a six-fold return on investment; increase tax revenues; create 2 million jobs; and deliver billions in annual savings to consumers,” according to the Texas Advanced Energy Business Alliance.
    You keep trying to prove you point and i don't disagree with it!!! I am saying you are right and it is going it that direction...

    But fucking realize that it is not the sustainable energy sources and until then great job buddy and i am proud of you..

    Now the Guy in the White House has a lot of people angry and did vote for him!!! So until they see a job that puts food on the table and make enough money to buy a fucking battery operated car that by the fucking way still needs fossil fuels and precious metals to fucking make!!!!

    Then everything you say will be unsuccessful buddy......

    And Sleepy Joe has 4 years to prove his executive orders will work and make America better after that everything he did will reverse and the next one in the White House gets the shot to make American lives better.....

    It is early and i will be optimistic, but Americans that are losing there jobs will not be as nice as i am looking on the outside Cabby. Because without jobs they can't pay there energy bills no matter how they fucking get it
    Last edited by shaina; 02-02-2021 at 02:52 AM.
    The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money

  4. Lounge   -   #524
    shaina's Avatar Poster
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    Quote Originally Posted by Caballero View Post
    Timely editorial from the Houston Chronicle, in case you want to fact check my numbers.



    Biden is right. It doesn’t make sense to be creating new oil and gas infrastructure, such as the Keystone XL pipeline, when the world is moving away from oil. For example, just this week, General Motors announced it’ll stop making gas-powered cars and SUVs by 2035.

    It doesn’t make sense to allow oil companies to continue to release methane, a powerful greenhouse gas, into the atmosphere, when the atmosphere is showing us every day it can’t handle the stress. Our necessary transition to clean energy will also create opportunities for oil and gas workers to help secure a healthy, thriving Texas for generations to come.

    Already 250,000 Texans work in the advanced energy industry — in areas such as energy efficiency, solar, wind and electric vehicles — many of whom are earning high salaries as engineers, financial analysts and construction managers. Federal investment in clean energy, like that proposed by the president, “would add $350 billion to Texas gross state product, a six-fold return on investment; increase tax revenues; create 2 million jobs; and deliver billions in annual savings to consumers,” according to the Texas Advanced Energy Business Alliance.
    This is all great and your point is noted, plus you do know there is a pandemic Wuhan China Virus, going on and the energy uses are down across your country, and i will get into you Bullshit trying to use Germany as an example...

    It amazes me people that use and go to the sites they like that show there narrative and think they can pat themselves on the shoulder!!!!

    Read this and tell me your bullshit again buddy. And there is a few articles on this site make what you say laughable buddy...So who is telling the truth and who is liars?? Or omitting parts of the truth to spin there narrative.....

    It is amazing how numbers are looking great for Leftest and low fossil fuel numbers, but remember everything will go back to normal and wind mills and solar panels have no fucking chance to sustain the energy needed...The the states that produce that for other states that rely on it!!. That is a fact as of now, but in 30 years, if i am still on this earth buddy or by your Left Wing Shitbag friends say we haven't got that long!!! and i know for sure we will still be friends i will tell you, you were right

    Again i did mention Nuclear Power and that may be the way to go in the future, but hey you are the expert Cabby, i can only read both sides and somewhere in the middle there is the truth.....

    Energy and Economy and Health are the most important things for a Country to survive, if you remove any one of them what happens???

    I didn't put the Economy first even know in my opinion it is, and the rest follow!!! I think that some activist for anything always seem to forget that!!!!

    Edit: And by the way Cabby, you seem to have your Go To Forbes, to show truth to your narrative, and claim that it is a conservative viewpoint?? Well think about this Are you saying you have Conservative views now
    Well do you want hundreds of links that when Ted Turner ran CNN, in those days they just reported the news!!
    How true is either one now

    Things that make you go HMMMMMM!!!!!!
    Last edited by shaina; 02-02-2021 at 03:16 AM.
    The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money

  5. Lounge   -   #525
    shaina's Avatar Poster
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    Ok, this was on Left Wing Shitbag Fake News....

    An estimated 29 million people would lose out on stimulus payments under GOP proposal

    Now read this closely!!!!

    The Republican counterproposal on coronavirus relief unveiled Monday would potentially leave out 29 million middle- and upper-income earners who would qualify for stimulus payments under President Joe Biden's plan.
    The GOP plan would cut off cash for individuals earning more than $50,000 a year and couples earning more than $100,000, according to a fact sheet provided by the office of Maine Republican Sen. Susan Collins, who rolled out the proposal Sunday with nine other Republicans.

    Here is the whole news report....

    Actually interesting...Even knowing it is from a proven Left Wing Shitbag Fake News reputation place......

    Be curious what people here think should be the minimum amount of income should be to get the fictional free money that China is making Interests on??

    Or maybe who thinks there should be no limit and everyone should get the free money??
    Last edited by shaina; 02-02-2021 at 04:24 AM.
    The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money

  6. Lounge   -   #526
    shaina's Avatar Poster
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    This was interesting and for your comment Idol on Antifas or BLM ideology vs other groups....

    I remember saying that none of them really give a shit about people just there assumed cause.......

    Watching Shannon Bream had both sides on and really had great comments on blaming both sides yet have no answer for unity or really wanting it!!!, they actually want people to change to there own thinking and not understand how either side really does.....

    I mean one saying that Trump did incite violence and told them to set bombs and kill or kidnap people now that is absolute bullshit!!!!

    Now the Democrat advocate said that the Democrats including the Left Wing Shitbag ones, were fear for there lives and they were targeted, yet they also were going after Pence ??!! I didn't know he changes parties??!!!

    The same the Republican advocate replies well what about Bernie Sanders and the Republican Steve Scalise that was shot in the head because of Commie Bernie spewing his garbage and one of his followers shot him on a Baseball field!!!

    Well should Commie Bernie be charged with attempted murder??!!! NO i don't think so!!! ...

    The comment of the obtuse one saying BLM yes are bad at times but there Ideology is different LOL!!! The don't care about anything but Power and chaos period!!!!

    Question... If a Black police officer is killed by any race or gender, should they not fucking care!!!?? You are telling me there is a line there!!! ROTFLMAO!!!!!

    Antifa well they have lots of Left Wing Shitbag politicians that are for the Terrorists Group!! Do you think they mourn if any of them are killed??!! Again ROTFLMAO!!!

    And any and i mean any fucking group that believes in violence should be condemned and punished if they cause it period!!!!

    And if you want unity in any way that must be said on both fucking sides period!!! Until then and Seeing the New President Sleepy Joe not saying a fucking word or the press even asking questions to the Press Secretary to say anything because it fits there narrative now, well!!! Time to realize that hypocritical talk just wont' work , time for the people to open there eyes and realize that!!!!!
    The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money

  7. Lounge   -   #527
    shaina's Avatar Poster
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    Ok Cabby lets put your bullshit Environmental crap aside and actually see facts about how Texas is getting it done economy ways

    Texas Gov. Abbott takes shot at liberal California, New York in annual address
    The two states 'use heavy-handed government tactics that drive away businesses'

    Ya i know Cabby you would rather have a Left Wing Shitbag running Texas and have lockdowns and dictators telling you what to do, ya you call them scientist right

    Wait !!! Who the fuck is now in Texas!!!!!

    Texas Gov. Greg Abbott took a shot at the Democratic strongholds of California and New York, arguing on Monday that they enacted policies that pushed away business.

    "States like California and New York," Abbott said during his State of the State Address, "they use heavy-handed government tactics that drive away businesses. The Texas Legislature, on the other hand, has built a framework that helps small businesses thrive."

    His comments came as Texas saw an influx of businesses and new residents. Big names -- Oracle, Charles Schwab, and Hewlett-Packard -- are moving to headquarters from California to Texas. At the end of last year, Tesla CEO Elon Musk also revealed he had left California for the lone star state.

    Wait am i supposed to believe this !!!

    For 2019, Forbes ranked Texas as the second-best state for business, while New York came in 28th and California in 31st. The Small Business and Entrepreneurship Council ranked Texas first in its index for the most entrepreneur-friendly states. Meanwhile, California was ranked as the second-worst and New York as the fourth worst. It was a similar story or the tax environments small businesses faced.

    And what does it say!! I see the word "TAX" in that last bold paragraph!!! But wait that can't be right, you say something different didn't you??

    And what is this!!! Again is this Fake News or maybe where you fucking go they don't report stuff like this

    He pointed to months of consecutive job growth in the state, including the 64,000 total non-agricultural jobs added in December.

    And that is going to grow even more isn't it

    Now 2 Things what is the biggest commodities in Texas?? It ain't wind mills and solar panels buddy.........

    And I think this is the most interesting thing Cabby.. Now you have all of these big companies moving to Texas and Not Germany EU or Israel Middle East , And they ain't moving there for wind mills or solar panels LOL!!!!!

    Now an interesting question is i bet dollars to doughnuts that most of them voted Democrat LOL!!! Do you think they will again??

    And i truly hope that these moves don't turn Texas into the toilet California and New York are now, i doubt that
    Last edited by shaina; 02-02-2021 at 05:25 AM.
    The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money

  8. Lounge   -   #528
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    Hey this is great!!!

    Tucker Carlson: The media wants you fixated on Marjorie Taylor Greene. You should ask why
    With all that's going on in our country, CNN and MSNBC are convinced a freshman GOP lawmaker is the greatest threat

    Hey now Idol , now you look at the Right Wing Shitbags and how they go after Alexandria Ocasio- "Sandy" Cortez or AOSC for short

    See i don't pick sides buddy

    And this just comes out at a very convenient time right....

    AOC says she’s a survivor of sexual assault
    She was talking about fears during the riot at the Capitol

    Was she sexually assaulted by a white guy?? I like to know if it was an illegal immigrant!!!!!, someone should investigate that, i assume she filed a report with the police no?? Did they catch the guy?? Yes this is tragic , i would like to know if she is a liar or not?? And i wouldn't rule that out.....

    I wonder how she would act or say in a Black Lives Matter Riot or and Antifa Riot!!!, oh wait she wouldn't be afraid!!! She would be breaking the windows vandalizing and setting things on fire and getting away with it....
    The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money

  9. Lounge   -   #529
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    Ah Idol... what is this buddy...

    Mississippi sheriff’s deputy dies after shootout with suspect
    The Mississippi Bureau of Investigation is investigating the case.

    Now this may be me, but i think he has a tan that won't wash off buddy.....

    Attachment 186067

    I keep flipping back on BLM's site and seeing if they are going to protest for one of there own got shot and killed protecting all the people in his territory!!!!

    I can tell you i am not holding my breath buddy.....
    Last edited by shaina; 02-02-2021 at 06:58 AM.
    The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money

  10. Lounge   -   #530
    shaina's Avatar Poster
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    Another post from fake news CNN....

    Lots of people moved out of New York and California in 2020. Here's where they went

    Funny the Link doesn't mention anyone moving to Texas or Florida, which i thought was interesting, and right away knew it was FAKE NEWS!!!

    The pandemic had accelerated Jenkins' shift to remote work, allowing for a quality of life move that they had been considering. The Seattle protests last summer against police brutality and systemic racism, which turned into violent clashes with the police, pushed them further.

    Oh the irony reporting of FAKE NEWS CNN and just blaming police and not mentioning ANTIFA by name......

    "It was a tipping point," he said. They inked a deal on a new construction home in June and moved into a rental in Idaho in November. They expect to move into their new home this April.
    Barbara Dopp, an agent with Keller Williams Realty Boise, said that her team had their best year ever in 2020 and half their sales were to buyers coming from out of state.
    "I had people calling me, primarily from California and Washington, and they would say, 'I just have to get out,'" Dopp said. "We are a conservative state and people are attracted to that."

    Wait am i reading this right?? People from Left Wing Shitbag States want to move to "Conservative States".......


    She said buyers coming to Idaho were looking to get away from changes in taxes, local ordinances or the curriculum taught in schools -- and they were seeking more safety, she said.
    "Their perception was that it wasn't safe to walk their streets, that things had changed and they weren't going back," she said.
    Rick Halstead, who also works in the aviation industry in Seattle, and his wife Julie also left Seattle for Idaho as a result of the pandemic, protests and what he described as a steady decline in their quality of life.

    Over a couple weeks in June, a curfew was placed on their neighborhood for safety reasons, police helicopters circled overhead and then, Halstead said, there was a shooting.
    "It didn't feel like home anymore," he said. "Arriving in Idaho has felt like going back 15 years. You get the sense in our neighborhood you'd be okay leaving the doors unlocked. We've met more neighbors in three months than we met in our old neighborhood in seven years."

    The couple now work remotely permanently and sold their 20-year-old home in Lynnwood, a Seattle suburb, for $630,000. They bought a new construction home that is 600 square feet bigger for $429,000 in Meridian, Idaho.
    "It's bigger, brand new and the house payment is $1,000 less [a month]," said Halstead.
    Most surprising, he said, his health is improving.

    "I'm seeing a lot of people from California move to Tennessee because they're attracted to our lifestyle," said Jeff Porter, U-Haul Company of Nashville president. "Tennessee has no income tax and is very business friendly. There are plenty of jobs. People and companies are taking note."

    Funny these people leaving Left Wing Shitbag Democrat run States, The question is are they still retarded and going to vote Democrat??
    The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money


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