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Thread: Offensive 2021

  1. #591
    shaina's Avatar Poster
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    Quote Originally Posted by Caballero View Post
    Dude, chill. Nobody called you a liar.
    Thank you, but it sure seemed like it......

    But to pick up an earlier theme: you don't live here, you don't experience non-vacation real life here, and while you have your opinions based on whatever facts you think you know, I can heavily discount those because I actually have to deal with the real world here on a daily basis. Just like you can heavily discount anything I'm telling you about how life in Canada really is (in case you haven't noticed: I don't do that).
    Well do you know anyone in Canada other than myself and Idol?? Again we have completely different lives but still have to deal with the same shit!!!! Now if Idol lived in a different province then he would have completely different life!!!

    That was my point Cabby, you live in a Republican run state it is completely different than others you agree with that!!?? Now do you speak to anyone in those states?? I mean if you said you lived in a few or near ones i mentioned, you did keep one friend at least no!!?? I know you are a personable guy buddy...

    I speak to the people i am talking about when they get down to Florida (I have Long Distance plan and most of them do as well), again i am easy when it comes to politics with some of them because they are really hard core buddy, they give patriotism a different meaning!!!!!

    So 35 years at 4 weeks a pop? Great. So I still got 12 times as much time in-country as you. What other non-productive pissing contest do you want to get into?
    It is not a pissing match by any means, my point is i talk to people from all over the US.... do you?? And if you do i can't believe many have your views, because i haven't run into any of them

    So my point is living is much different in the last year or so vs past, so that is more my point, and you don't make drastic changes to anything when you have that much stress on the economy you get that right???
    If people are pissed off do you make them more pissed off before you give them good news!! Again my joke on the earth only has 10 years left LOL!!! I know you don't believe that shit, so what is the rush?? You know what that is?? Pleasing the Left Wing Shitbags while screwing the Moderates and the Hard Working Americans!!!!

    Read my other posts and tell me what you think about all of these executive orders!!!!!

    It's great that you are talking to all these retirees that surely had great union contracts (hello police and firemen!) that takes care of their medical needs in retirement, and that is paid for by the taxpayer. Now, do you think that is typical for the rest of the country? Today? And someone working at or just above minimum wage without any meaningful benefits, or someone who is unemployed, do you really think they can afford and will have the same easy access to health insurance or health care in general as your retired friends with government pensions? I can tell you that an unsubsidized health insurance policy that is actually worth having (as opposed to plans that barely cover the minimums) very easily costs $1,800 per month for a family. Great if you have the income or savings to afford that. Sucks if you are unemployed and don't.
    Again Cabby i have never disagreed with you on Health Care, it needs to be fixed , but not by Government control!!!! Options and Government regulations yes but not complete control, again break apart ours and see where the funds come from to pay for it!!! Your structure would collapse!!! Trust me it would, the tax structure and then more Government control of things would have to happen, then you would lose even more of your tax benefits you have there..

    Oh, and what was it you said a while back? You'd love to move to the US if you could afford health care down here? So what is it?
    Yes i did and the reason if i wanted to keep my Canadian Citizenship i have to pay international insurance right, now i would be very cheap, but my wife would be a fortune because she has MS remember..

    Now what i have experienced in American hospitals, private and public, which i am not sure where you live buddy, but in Florida there are usually right next to each other LOL!!!

    The same when i went to the public i parked my car!!! When i went to the private they parked my fucking car..
    And not to get into details but my mother in law pays a lot because of all of her things, and when she got a blood transfusion there the fucking treatment was day and night from here, that is just plain fact buddy, so if anyone that doesn't have private insurance or on Obama Care there , will notice no difference if you have a hospital visit, but if you change your system to even something like ours Cabby, private or paid insurers will never stand for it!!!!

    Again Government does need to step in and regulate pricing some how, but not at the expense of others with private coverage.. I am trying to meet you half way here ok

    Now quickly you do understand if you don't have private paid insurance you are not covered here right!! And you think America is expensive you should see what non Canadian Citizens pay!!!!!!

    Oh, I know that there are different opinions and I have absolutely no problem with that. Personally I prefer to base my opinion on facts and numbers and I am happy to debate those any day. I do have problems when those opinions are based on rabid propaganda without a shred of critical thought, though. It sure would help if you actually read what I wrote about the economics of alternative energy and the cost advantage of solar vs. fossil fuels in electricity production today.
    Cabby i said a million times i don't disagree with your numbers or your passion for Green Energy, but when you tell facts when a country is not in full capacity running, your numbers are bullshit!!! That was my point.......Everything looks good when you are not needing full resources you get that right....
    So when you can show me sustainable clean energy without blackouts or loss of power, then flick the switch on fossil fuels and only use them for backup!!!

    Until then you numbers are not facts they are projections with zero proof of sustaining the demand needed...And you don't get rid if jobs and kill more Americans livelihoods until you have something to replace it period!!! That stops the Trickle Down Economic dangers.....And me personally if i ever ran a country, i would never and i fucking mean never be dependent on another country for anything that can danger the lives of my citizen if they decide not to ship or have wars in pricing...

    This Wuhan China Virus should have taught all fucking Americans that lesson!!!!!

    Oh, and since you are so sure to know what the majority of Texans think about "this green shit" as you call it:

    But I have no illusion that you would click on that link and actually look at the numbers. It's great that you have your opinion about what everyone else thinks, particularly in a state that you do not live in. Oh, don't forget to read that last paragraph, the one about responses from the survey reflecting a convergence of public opinion in Texas with the rest of the nation.
    Again i don't doubt you buddy even know Forbes is not the Magazine it used to be, you catch my drift left

    And i have never doubted your passion buddy, i told you it has potential, but it is not there yet and you agree with that,,,

    You don't cut jobs that really didn't stop anything other than people that need to pay there mortgages and put food on the table and spend money in there communities right....

    So to understand my point instead of that dirty oil that would have been better for the environment to be piped will now be put in truck tankers and trains and boats buddy, the people still need that fuel!!! You do get that right, nothing is going to be stopped it was a stunt to please the Left Wing Shitbags that's it

    Again Texas main sources of supply to the country is??

    Now who is calling whom a liar...? No, no need to answer that. I'm out of this "conversation" before either one of us says something that we might really regret.
    Hey now i apologize buddy, that was too far and i got angry and lashed out!!! And that should have never happened.... Again i apologize sincerely.....

    The truth sometimes when i see things on a page and try to interpret it as a verbal conversation , it doesn't have the same meaning i hope you understand that.....
    Last edited by shaina; 02-04-2021 at 03:24 AM.
    The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money

  2. Lounge   -   #592
    shaina's Avatar Poster
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    Ok Cabby.. I will say i am an American for this.....

    Cabby my vote for either party in the US would never be based on Green Shit!!! , Spending/Cost maybe but that wouldn't make me not vote because they think Green.....

    So saying that and lets take all of your stats and say true and then ask Texas and they are all for it, but do you think they want to cut off the Oil supply and the revenue it brings into the state?? So i am with ya Texas will be a green state but they are not giving up the oil production buddy LOL!!!!

    As i said the same you can stop the building of the pipeline, but you are not stopping oil productions, you get that right....

    So i can't nor would i say that some Texans want to go green, but not at the revenue expense of supplying the rest of the country oil..

    I mean it is the same as trying to tell Texans no you can't have guns LOL!!!! I am not sure how you are with that ordeal and the 2nd amendment??

    But i am pretty sure that is not going to happen either

    I mean i don't live in Texas but i will tell you that my wife's cousin lived there and she was a nurse recruited from Canada with headhunters, and my neighbor lived there for a bit and actually went to school for Hotel Management and her boyfriend was a big wig for IBM there?? I assume you know where that office is?? I have no clue......

    They loved living there all of them... Never said a bad word, and that is the truth........But this was before Wuhan China Virus, so i don't know how much it has changed there i can only go by the news.......

    So when you want to dig deeper buddy, you are validated but so am i

    U.S. Senator Ted Cruz Receives Tri Global Energy's 2019 Wind Leadership Award

    "I am honored to receive this award," said Senator Cruz. "Texas leads the nation in both renewable and fossil energy production, and I'm proud to represent a state that understands the importance of utilizing all forms of our energy resources. Harnessing the power of wind in Texas has not only created jobs and helped grow our state's economy, but it has broadened and diversified our energy production to support our nation's energy independence for future generations."

    Now you may not like the guy i pointed out but really i don't give a shit LOL!!!!

    Facts are Facts buddy.. So do i think it is great that Texas is going Green really i don't give a fuck LOL!!! , I care more that the Fossil fuel energy production keeps going and keeps America energy self independent and makes coin from others that are not..

    That's your economic lesson for today buddy, even maybe to you may not be your end game or thinking
    Last edited by shaina; 02-04-2021 at 05:12 AM.
    The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money

  3. Lounge   -   #593
    shaina's Avatar Poster
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    So what is this shit!!!! Who really fact checked this now Idol!!!!!!!!

    AOC faces backlash as critics point out she wasn't in Capitol building during riots
    Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was in the Cannon office building, across from the Capitol

    Now i thing someone has to fact check this don't they

    And if true, she should be impeached

    Edit: Looks like the stock market was in the toilet today
    Last edited by shaina; 02-04-2021 at 05:23 AM.
    The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money

  4. Lounge   -   #594
    shaina's Avatar Poster
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    Now wait a garsh darn minute, schools have to change there names and they did more of the people then this fucking guy!!!

    Obama center in Chicago, estimated at $500M, to break ground this year despite complaints, officials say
    Taxpayers are expected to pay for about $174 million in related roadway changes, a report said

    Now it is ok to name a 500 million dollar Presidential Center that was one most fucking worst president ever!!!!!

    And was he loved on credentials or loved for skin colour?? Gee i must be a racist for making a comment like that....
    The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money

  5. Lounge   -   #595
    shaina's Avatar Poster
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    Now what the fuck is this... And you think they are going to give more!!!! Keep dreaming!!!

    Top 1% of wealthiest households pay mounting share of all US income taxes
    The richest households paid 40.1% of all federal income taxes in 2018

    Ya this is all lies right, what is that saying numbers don't lie

    The share of the nation’s individual income taxes that are paid by the wealthiest households has increased over recent decades alongside their adjusted gross income, recent data shows.

    In 2018, the top 1% of taxpayers – defined as those with adjusted gross income above $540,009 – earned 20.9% of all adjusted gross income (AGI) and paid 40.1% of all federal income taxes, according to data from the Tax Foundation. The group paid more in income taxes (at about $615 billion) than the bottom 90% of taxpayers combined ($440 billion).

    The share of taxes shouldered by the nation’s richest individuals has climbed over time. In 2001, for example, the top 1% accounted for 33.2% of the nation’s individual income taxes.

    From 2001 to 2018, the share paid by the bottom 50% of taxpayers fell to 3

    However, over that time period, the amount of AGI reported by the wealthiest Americans also rose to 20.9% from 17.4%, likely accounting for a rise in tax obligations. Reported income among the bottom 50% of taxpayers fell.

    The top 1% of taxpayers unsurprisingly also paid the highest average tax rate of 25.4% in 2018, which was more than seven times the rate faced by the bottom 50 percent of taxpayers.

    Wait, you want more!!! Again good fucking luck......Now look at this...

    The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act also went into effect for taxpayers in 2018 – and the Tax Foundation noted that this lowered the average tax rates paid across groups.

    The average tax rate faced by all taxpayers decreased to 13.3% from 14.7% in 2018 from the year prior.

    The top 1% of taxpayers saw their average rates fall to 25.4% from 26.8%.

    Your tax rates are a fucking joke compared to Canada LOL!!!!!! And i am not even going to get into the allowable Tax deductions you fucking Yankees get

    Now i can laugh harder for the morons who want Socialized Health Care and think it will be cheaper for them and the thought they can afford it , LOL!!!!
    Last edited by shaina; 02-04-2021 at 06:26 AM.
    The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money

  6. Lounge   -   #596
    IdolEyes787's Avatar Persona non grata
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    Statistics can easily be manipulated to make them seem to support whatever you want.
    The ultra-rich are paying a larger share because they have much more money than they did previously even though they are in fact now paying a lower tax rate.

    "It finds that in 2018, the average effective tax rate paid by the richest 400 families in the country was 23 percent, a full percentage point lower than the 24.2 percent rate paid by the bottom half of American households".
    In the past wealthy people, though few were billionaires have had tax rates of over 60% and somehow managed to get by.

    "The top 400 families have more wealth than the bottom 60 percent of households, while the top 0.1 percent own as much as the bottom 80 percent". I understand that the Fox flunky who wrote that is a tool of his rich masters but if you want to be ignorant enough to talk wealth and inequality, I think we should begin with the sentence I just quoted.

    I understand that life is hard and some people feel the need to unfairly portray themselves as victims but if a poor person gives ten dollars to charity they may have to forego a meal in order to do that. On the other hand if Bill Gates gives a billion dollars to charity, it doesn't impact his life at all. As Einstein would say, it's all relative, schmuck.
    Last edited by IdolEyes787; 02-04-2021 at 12:29 PM.
    Respect my lack of authority.

  7. Lounge   -   #597
    IdolEyes787's Avatar Persona non grata
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    Quote Originally Posted by shaina View Post
    So what is this shit!!!! Who really fact checked this now Idol!!!!!!!!

    AOC faces backlash as critics point out she wasn't in Capitol building during riots
    Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was in the Cannon office building, across from the Capitol

    Now i thing someone has to fact check this don't they

    And if true, she should be impeached
    You and I both may think she overreacted but then again neither of us has ongoing credible threats on our lives by the very type of people who took part in that riot. "Judge not, that ye be not judged.". Is that in your Quranian version of the Bible?
    As for "critics point out", they aren't pointing out so much as reiterating and amplifying what she herself already said. ie "I was in my office. I then went and hid in Katie Porter's office".
    She never implied that she was in the Capital building proper, let alone said that she was. If people inferred otherwise then that's on them, not AOC.

    I will allow though, as Republicans in Congress go, her accuser Nancy Mace, seems like one of the better ones.
    Last edited by IdolEyes787; 02-04-2021 at 01:53 PM.
    Respect my lack of authority.

  8. Lounge   -   #598
    IdolEyes787's Avatar Persona non grata
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    Quote Originally Posted by shaina View Post
    Now wait a garsh darn minute, schools have to change there names and they did more of the people then this fucking guy!!!

    Obama center in Chicago, estimated at $500M, to break ground this year despite complaints, officials say
    Taxpayers are expected to pay for about $174 million in related roadway changes, a report said

    Now it is ok to name a 500 million dollar Presidential Center that was one most fucking worst president ever!!!!!

    And was he loved on credentials or loved for skin colour?? Gee i must be a racist for making a comment like that....
    Buildings and monuments should serve as testaments to the dead, not something to stoke the vanity of the living. That and Presidential libraries and museums are singularly stupid. If someone needs to know about Gerald Ford, pick up a fucking book or search the internet.

    That and I've never understood the movie Airforce One. All these idiots sacrificing their own lives for the President when you could always just go home and elect somebody other than Harrison Ford for the sequel.
    Last edited by IdolEyes787; 02-04-2021 at 01:25 PM.
    Respect my lack of authority.

  9. Lounge   -   #599
    IdolEyes787's Avatar Persona non grata
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    Cabby. Shay says that he's not trying to pretend that he's better than anyone. Because between you, him and his bank account, there's really no need to pretend.
    Respect my lack of authority.

  10. Lounge   -   #600
    shaina's Avatar Poster
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    Quote Originally Posted by IdolEyes787 View Post
    Statistics can easily be manipulated to make them seem to support whatever you want.
    The ultra-rich are paying a larger share because they have much more money than they did previously even though they are in fact now paying a lower tax rate.

    "It finds that in 2018, the average effective tax rate paid by the richest 400 families in the country was 23 percent, a full percentage point lower than the 24.2 percent rate paid by the bottom half of American households".
    In the past wealthy people, though few were billionaires have had tax rates of over 60% and somehow managed to get by.

    "The top 400 families have more wealth than the bottom 60 percent of households, while the top 0.1 percent own as much as the bottom 80 percent". I understand that the Fox flunky who wrote that is a tool of his rich masters but if you want to be ignorant enough to talk wealth and inequality, I think we should begin with the sentence I just quoted.

    I understand that life is hard and some people feel the need to unfairly portray themselves as victims but if a poor person gives ten dollars to charity they may have to forego a meal in order to do that. On the other hand if Bill Gates gives a billion dollars to charity, it doesn't impact his life at all. As Einstein would say, it's all relative, schmuck.
    Blah Blah Blah!!! You don't like the way Fox shows the truth so it is fake to you ROTFLMAO!!!

    Only where you go it is always the truth LOL!!!!.. That didn't take long did it !!!!!

    Wasn't your saying Facts are Facts!!, Oh wait only when you post them they are facts..

    Again i just posted it because it came up and i knew what was going to happen......

    I understand that life is hard and some people feel the need to unfairly portray themselves as victims but if a poor person gives ten dollars to charity they may have to forego a meal in order to do that. On the other hand if Bill Gates gives a billion dollars to charity, it doesn't impact his life at all. As Einstein would say, it's all relative, schmuck.
    And your point is fucking choice, and if that is what you are trying to point out great!!! If not then you are a liar and a hypocrite like usual buddy..

    Someone that wants to give to a charity or a family member no matter if they have to eat Pasta instead of Lobster, that is there fucking choice not to give more to the fucking government and let them decide what to do with someone hard earned money!!!! Now you get my point don't you

    Statistics can easily be manipulated to make them seem to support whatever you want.
    The ultra-rich are paying a larger share because they have much more money than they did previously even though they are in fact now paying a lower tax rate.
    Of course statistics can me manipulated, but that works for both fucking sides, but it is amazing you never admit that do you Idol!!!

    Only your side is always right and not looking in the middle and seeing the truth..

    Now if this exact news article was posted on CNN or any of your Left Wing Shitbag Fake media outlets it would be the holy grail ROTFLMAO!!!!!!

    I find it very humorous that you just lie, like i said you personally favor more towards the 1% then the bottom, remember you can't fool me buddy....

    But here is a good Question for you My Friend.........

    You have a wife and 2 children and have your own business or you inherited X amount of money, so you are not considered in the rich category but well off, you pay your bills and you live a normal life, and your family is happy!!! , you never become one of the 1% but you are also never fucking jealous of them either!!!!

    Do you see something wrong with that??!!!

    Again looking at other peoples wealth and trying to compare or thinking you are entitled to it !!!! Well you know my answer to that...

    Truth i am friends with some of the 1% in Canada, and i am not one of them, but i can tell you i wish them well and hope they are just as happy as i am!!!!

    And i say the same to you Idol being one of my Canadian brothers, i wish you nothing but Health and Happiness always, and if you needed my help, you being my friend i would be there to support you!!!

    You get it...Even know you fall into the trap every time thinking you are always right and no one else is
    Last edited by shaina; 02-04-2021 at 08:09 PM.
    The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money


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