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Thread: How Can They Shut Down K++ Klite Users? Heres How

  1. #31
    Thats the spirit

  2. File Sharing   -   #32
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Originally posted by Xelotath@8 December 2003 - 12:07
    This is where Sharman's theory goes wrong.

    Kazaa Lite supernodes do exist and the number of them will grow. Kazaa Lite will form it's own (and better!&#33 network. Isn't that great?

    My theory:
    Sharman has shot themselves in the foot with this approach. Kazaa Lite will go on and the number of KaZaA users will shrink.
    There is only one problem with that. Don't you think K-lite users would be easily identifiable on the network, and therefore be targeted more aggressively by the RIAA and such?

    I hate to say it but K-Lite is becoming to much of a risk to use anymore. Atleast many people will go down fighting instead of giving up. It was good while it lasted, but all good things end at one point or another.
    KL++ supernodes that are BLOCKING RIAA ips effectively lock RIAA's known ips ENTIRELY off the network. If they can't search (which requires supernodes), they can find nodes. However, RIAA could run their hacked KL++ as supernodes themselves... but if many/most KL++ nodes are set up to block those ips and the KL++ supernodes are too -- they'll be all by their lonesome.

    KL++ users are not easily identifiable if they're blocking the listing of their shared files. Doubly so if blocking bad ip addresses. Regular Kazaa users will remain more vulnerable when RIAA changes tactics to go after them because they STILL outnumber us. We may well get ignored because we became too small and too hard a target to bother with.

    Regular Kazaa will STILL LEECH off us, we will just not be able to SEARCH their parts of the network and possibly vice-versa. It's like the PL being added all over again. Their win, our loss.

    Were we to block PL<8,000 then we wouldn&#39;t have to worry about regular Kazaa though... but that&#39;s not currently possible with the way Random Nut coded KL++. (You COULD block PL<8,000 but only while not PL cheating yourself.)

  3. File Sharing   -   #33
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Outer Mongolia
    Using the Clean KMD the search results are pathetic - think i&#39;m gonna stick with K-Lite until the bitter end (if it comes&#33

  4. File Sharing   -   #34
    Just thought I would add my bit.
    I have just turned off the &#39;do not function as a supernode&#39; option.
    If as many ppl as poss do this then its all gotta help.

    Also, surely someone must be able to hack KMD 2.6, and when there is a hacked version just post a hash in these here forums. If I could hack software then I would do it myself, unfortunately I aint that clever.

  5. File Sharing   -   #35
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Outer Mongolia
    Originally posted by Norfolk_N_Life@13 December 2003 - 14:17
    Just thought I would add my bit.
    I have just turned off the &#39;do not function as a supernode&#39; option.
    If as many ppl as poss do this then its all gotta help.

    Also, surely someone must be able to hack KMD 2.6, and when there is a hacked version just post a hash in these here forums. If I could hack software then I would do it myself, unfortunately I aint that clever.

    Look in the development section - things are happening already

  6. File Sharing   -   #36
    can I curse? FUCK!
    Join Date
    May 2003
    "Well, won&#39;t Kazaa Lite clients simply form their own sub-FastTrack network?

    "Sounds nice, but no. Unfortunately, the developers of Kazaa Lite helped Sharman out tremendously by disabling the supernode function
    I dont get it.. arent the developers of Klite against these people? or did I miss something?

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