okay..first thing:To Lamsey....we dont leave when we get pissed off because we love the idea behind this forum and we HOPE to save it by addressing certain grievences....hope that is not your answer to everything in life...well I dont agree so I'll just leave..I assume if you and your girl argue u try to make your complaints known and work things out rather then just storm off and never come back...

Next:the idea behind keeping this secret? just to start with? sorry doesnt hold water..wulda been more intellectually honest to pass the flag out in the open where everyone can see it...

main reason giveneople would get mad if they knew? That hasnt stopped other changes and announcements that were gonna make people mad... so that one is shot down...

7th was probably hoping that he might be able to come back one day and take this forum back and run it..so if the other guy could keep up the illusion then he could just come right back on...at least thats a better cover story then what we've got so far...

I just hope this doesnt tie into the whole RIAA thingie with Klite being yanked out of everywhere and then Nut and others of the originaators leaving..