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Thread: Xbox Owns U!

  1. #61
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    omg, another variation, it's time your imaginations stop running wild .
    And I din think that comment sounded very positive did it .

  2. Games   -   #62
    Fasttracker A
    Join Date
    Feb 2003

  3. Games   -   #63
    Jesus Dude Get It Into your head the X-box is shit, It lives of crappy re-hashes of old games and around 75% of the others are ps2 conversions, Least the gamecude is orignal, and you all go on about you x-box live, jesus pc gamers have been playing online games for years so whats so special about that, the x-box sucks and the only reason you defend it is to justifie the shitty £200 you spent on the piece of crap.

  4. Games   -   #64
    mYst's Avatar Poster
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Red Rival, I salute you. The fairly large report you gave on the 3 consoles was one of the only intelligent things I have seen posted here. Everyone else is just insulting someone who isn't supporting THEIR favorite system. Go Red! (by the way, your orb doesn't look like a compact or condom to me lol )

    My Opinions

    Playstation had a huge head start and started grabbing the titles from day 1. Xbox can't compete with this extremely large library, so they come out with one of the most hardcore systems ever. Slowly but surely, their library starts to grow. You can't expect them to immediately come out with over 2 million games and every other one be a huge hit. If you give Xbox the time, it will succeed. Nintendo has a great reputation for gaming. They've been in this since the beginning of time. Baby Jesus was playing the NES when the wisemen arrived. But I think that they could've done better with the Game Cube. I hate what they did to the Zelda game, but others probably love it. In my opinion, Nintendo has turned from guns and cars into mobiles and rattles. Yes, there are some extremely adult games for the GC, and I give Nintendo all the respect due to them, but it just seems like they've turned to little kids and left the older crowds out. Anyway, the GC is a powerful system, but thats about all I can give it. So if you asked me how I'd rank the systems, it'd be like this:

    1. Xbox: better graphics, faster, huge potential, XBOX LIVE
    2. PS2: Lots of games, more hits and exclusives
    3. Gamecube: Not enough good titles, childish

  5. Games   -   #65
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    My pleasure, mYst.

  6. Games   -   #66
    first of all Xbox has better graphix on ALL there games so dont even argue about that one...

    Second of all Xbox has a hard drive and ps2 has to pay a extra 200 to get one so shut ur mouth

    3rd Xbox has better online gamming support and games ps2 has shit for online games!!! plus u can download mods and maps and stuff.... dont argue that u have to buy xbox live to play online cause u dont if u use gamespy and u have to buy the broadband converter for ps2 anyway!!!

    4th in my opinion xbox has better controllers...they just are easy to hold for not talking about the huge ones im talking about Controller S

    5th music hhhmm u cant download music from cds on ps2s...

    6th surfing the internet once u have xbox live to play on the internet your xbox desktop thing lets u surf the internet (i havent done it yet cause i dont got xbox live yet but i heard u could)

    as far as ps2 having better games there is only 2 games that make ps2 have better games GTA3 and GTAVC without them ps2 would be worthless and no one would buy them cause ps2s have shitty graphix

    and game cube is pretty cool because its so small thats why i like it i dont got one but there cool the graphix are better then ps2s also but not as good as xbox

  7. Games   -   #67
    Okay, maybe i was a little harsh.

    Here is MY OPINION

    X-Box : Pros: Best online plan, Good "mature" games, best graphics
    Cons: Uncomfortable controller, not enough variety, broadband only

    PS2 Pros: Huge game library, decent online plan, Familiar controller, Backwards compatablility
    Cons: Outdated hardware, low-quality dvd plyer, breaks easily

    GameCube Pros: Compact size, Great 1st and second party titles, comfortble controller, good for ALL age groups, Mini-Dvd's that can't be pirated
    cons: lacking online plan, "kiddy" image, only a few "mature" games

    Each system is good and bad for different things. Its just a matter of wich one suits you the most.

  8. Games   -   #68
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    My god people you are starting a freakin war again! There is no best console, everyone has diffferent opinions, I have an xbox so i guess I will like it, but I dont care about the gamecube or ps2, it just turns out I got an xbox as a present instead of the rest, and yes it does have better graphics but it lacks on most games, I love halo and splinter cell, and shenmue 2 with 3 comin out and halo 2 too! But Its a good console for me, even though most games are ports. So why dont we stop posting this stuff about which is the best. We all like different things for different reasons.

  9. Games   -   #69
    i dunno much about the xbox except for the fact that i dont like the chubby little controllers and they have stunningly great gfx (even tho we've already agreed that the xbox has the best gfx outta the 3) and i've played ps2 once or twice and found out that its quite smiliar to ps1/psone/pswhatever. but since i have a gamecube heres what i gotta say...
    who said gamecube cannot have stunningly good gfx? for example, resident evil and eternal darkness. i wouldnt say that gamecube cant have good gfx but it depends on the game. if the developers gave it good gfx, then it has good gfx. ya know? i also found the gcn controllers to be the most comfy. the pswhatever's controllers' ends are too short and i really dont like the X O box and triangle buttons. the xbox's is kinda too big for me and i gotta reach over a long way to press the buttons in the center. anyway, the gcn has wavebird ("oh well ps2/xbox is going to have one in the future!" thats great.). yea too bad gcn doesnt have anymore online games aside from ps1&2, but i think they're coming out with more. also, about the dvd thing. who really uses their dvd players on they're consoles? its a nifty feature (i would like the gcn to have it so i dont have to unplug my gcn from the vcr and then plug the dvd player, but thats cause i have this 8 year old tv...) but its not like its going to make the console suckier if it doesnt have it...a dvd player is not going to affect gameplay. i guess you do get more for ur money with the xbox, actually i kinda like the xbox, except i hate its outter appearence and the fact that its extremely heavy (or so i've heard). and no one has mentioned the fact that the gcn can be linked with the gba? i dunno, its not like a big big thing or w/e but its just that no one has said anything about it yet...
    i just love how i can grab the gcn and tiny awww. -.- oh and you can take the gcn on the go. they got that little moniter thing for the gcn so you can play it in the car. i think they have one for the xbox? or are they coming out with one? i dunno, but from what i've heard, the xbox will be too big and heavier to take friend's mom said that when she was taking the xbox from someone (they got it as a present), she had a hard time carrying it...*shrug* again, i wouldnt know, dont have an xbox.
    geez, in the future, all gfx is going to look very can only go so far ya know...

  10. Games   -   #70
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    I like my S controlers, they are good for me, And the xbox is heavy, yes, I had to take it to m friends and i looked like a guy comin from the airport! It was in aduffle bag, it wouldnt fit in my book bag, but ow well, I love its graphics, and yes xbox does have a small flat screen to hook on it when ur in the car.

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