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Thread: Man I hate school.

  1. #111


    Quote Originally Posted by 15%

    "I only got seventh-grade education, but I have a doctorate in funk, and I like to put that to good use."
    -- Soul legend James Brown knows where his strengths lie.
    AMEN! I myself quit school several years ago at the 6th grade, as I can't learn without a reason to learn, learning has to be fun to me. But hey, I didn't turn out so bad, did I? I bet my grammar is a lot better than a lot of high school graduates.

    Quote Originally Posted by Peerzy
    I hatedd chool same as everyone but i we didn't learn all he boarding maths nd science shit then thier ouldnt be people in the government hinkning up ways to protect us against ggas and gep attacks from terrorists. If we didnt do drama then thier wouldnt be comedy or action on tv or at the movies. My point is you migh think he class is ghey bu its usefull for others. In he USA don't you get the chance to change subjects? We got to drop loads and choose the ones we liked after a few years.
    Firstly, science and advanced math could be bumped up to an optional college level course for people who want to be scientists, and anything else that requires the use of it. Secondly, a lot of the people that made the funny shows and movies you've seen never took a drama class once in their life, it all came from their heart, soul, and mind. Thirdly, if a class isn't useful to everyone, then it shouldn't be required to everyone. Only those who are actually interested in more advanced fields beyond basic math and literacy should take those in college.

    Quote Originally Posted by Spider_dude
    you need all the subjects you take in the real world trust me, who wants to work at cunting mcdonalds? not me. if you want to be a waster and have no desires or want to waste your potential then by all means feck about at school and play video games for 20 hours straight like thedave (something to be proud of i think ). it's your life and you only get one chance at it. be the best you can and stfu. if you need inspiration look at withcheese, he's back at uni now and he's ancient, he realised how important education was or he was after some uni skirt, nonetheless study.
    Hmmm, where should I start?

    I think at some point people started to take the whole "Knowledge is power" thing too seriously, to the point where this whole crap about being well rounded and knowledgable of a lot of different fields would be a good idea, WRONG! It all turned out to frustrate those who aren't gifted in a certain field, and waste their precious time. Eventually they get horny, and either try and get into the pants of some girl they think is hot because it's what Sex-ed says is totally ok, as long as you're "protected".

    You may be protected from getting a child you can't even take care of because the school system is taking up your time which you could've already gotten a career started by now. But you aren't protected from the heartbreak, and jadedness as you keep going from partner to partner like it's the mating season for a herd of bison. And if you're rejected, then you resort to going on the net and surfing for porn, wanking away your loneliness, looking at stuff that the government says minors shouldn't look at, even though their school system is making it a plan B to "cope" with not having a healthy married relationship.

    And that goes onto another point, because of your jadedness, you adopt a "hump 'em 'n dump 'em" mentality. Simply because of all your failed relationships in the past that you ruined by rushing into getting her panties off cause you just couldn't take it any longer. I strongly believe that the american school system is one of the reasons why our country's morals have gone down the toilet, why teen pregnancy is still an issue, as well as drug use, gangs, and otherwise deplorable lifestyles.

    In closing, I really think the only way we can get it through to our arrogant, thick-skulled government is to get a few hundred million kids together to stop going to school, no matter what their parents, or even the government does to punish them, and just stop going 'till the government totally destroys high school all together, stripping it down to around the 6th grade of basic math and literacy.

    Sounds drastic, but as the saying goes, actions speak louder than words. maybe MTV will do something like that someday. All of you who agree with me, let's unite, and fight the system together, and organize something like this. If most of the students of the USA went on strike, something would happen, a revolution, the dream I have written about previously.

    I sure did make my first post count. The responses are surely going to be interesting

  2. Lounge   -   #112
    manker's Avatar effendi
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    Hi, Welcome to the board

    Quote Originally Posted by Yegants
    I bet my grammar is a lot better than a lot of high school graduates.
    Indeed, but do you not think that instead of using 'lot' twice, it would have been better to use the phrase 'the majority of high school graduates'. It is much more elegant.

    I digress, your post is rubbish. You seem to have a bee in your bonnet about sex. Here is some information; education does not make teenagers horny

    Knowledge surely is power, it is also the key to a functionable society. If we follow your ethos and strip high schol down to basic maths and literacy then there will be no foundation for kids to further their education and become doctors, engineers, computer programmers or accountants. Higher education would have to train them from the most basic level such that these people, who go on train for jobs that are essential to society, would be in school for a much longer period. It could only lead to less people qualifying in these areas such that eventually the US will no longer be able to compete internationally nor will be able to look after it's citizens. You will eventually require aid from overseas.

    Counter productive to your point, I feel.

    There are many other problems with your idea too but I won't go into them 'cause people get bored reading long posts.

    Lastly I do like your writing style - even if the content is a bit awry - hope you stick around
    I plan on beating him to death with his kids. I'll use them as a bludgeon on his face. -

    --Good for them if they survive.

  3. Lounge   -   #113
    100%'s Avatar ╚════╩═╬════╝
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    Welcome to the board

    my thoughts to your post

    science and advanced math could be bumped up to an optional college level

    Highschool is there to give you general knowledge about everything

    people that made the funny shows and movies you've seen never took a drama class once in their life

    or are married, or are children of the hollywood incest family, or a simply filthy rich

    if a class isn't useful to everyone, then it shouldn't be required to everyone

    if you can prophesize what will happen to people the rest of their lives, and what will be usefull to them...then i may agree....

    -the horniness section was funny

    if you run for government maybe you can create a new utopian world order. Please pm me if you do.

    Brilliant first post

  4. Lounge   -   #114
    Rip The Jacker's Avatar Retired
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    Rip The Jacker: my chemistry teacher got burned today
    Rip The Jacker: (not physically)
    Rip The Jacker: lol
    Friend: why?
    Rip The Jacker: back sorry had to grab something
    Rip The Jacker: OK
    Rip The Jacker: for our final
    Rip The Jacker: she took some questions off the internet from some New York website
    Rip The Jacker: 150 questions
    Rip The Jacker: she is too lazy to write her own
    Rip The Jacker: the website has interactive questions you can take online
    Rip The Jacker: to practice
    Rip The Jacker: she hooked up the TV to the computer
    Rip The Jacker: and we went online to practice
    Rip The Jacker: things were going wrong
    Rip The Jacker: no one knew anything
    Rip The Jacker: she was really frustrated
    Rip The Jacker: then there was a question
    Rip The Jacker: no one knew the answer
    Rip The Jacker: the choices were A B C or D
    Rip The Jacker: multiple choice
    Rip The Jacker: still there?
    Friend: yup
    Friend: alive and kickin
    Friend: ok sorry go n
    Friend: on*
    Rip The Jacker: ok lol
    Rip The Jacker: no one knew the answer
    Rip The Jacker: some girl said D
    Rip The Jacker: and she was mad, and she said it was wrong, so she said
    Rip The Jacker: "if you had picked D on the test, i would have failed you"
    Rip The Jacker: all mean and stuff
    Rip The Jacker: the teacher said pick A
    Rip The Jacker: and the website tells you if your wrong or right
    Rip The Jacker: we picked A
    Rip The Jacker: it was wrong
    Rip The Jacker: everyone laughed
    Rip The Jacker: we picked B
    Rip The Jacker: wrong
    Rip The Jacker: we picked C
    Rip The Jacker: wrong
    Rip The Jacker: guess what the answer was
    Rip The Jacker: lol
    Rip The Jacker: the answer was D
    Rip The Jacker: everyone laughed
    Rip The Jacker: some kid said "man if YOU cant answer the question, i know I'm going to fail this class"
    Rip The Jacker: everyone laughed
    Rip The Jacker: she felt sooo stupid
    Friend: lolllll
    Friend: awwww
    Friend: wat did she do?
    Rip The Jacker: she told him that it was an insult and gave a big speech
    Rip The Jacker: damn man if i was that girl i would ask for a damn apology
    Rip The Jacker: putting her down saying she will fail
    Rip The Jacker: the teacher didnt know the answer
    Rip The Jacker: because its not even her test
    Rip The Jacker: lazy moron doesnt even write her own tests
    Friend: that reallly sucks
    Rip The Jacker: man i hate chemistry
    Rip The Jacker: i know im going to fail
    Rip The Jacker: you cant just take random questions from another websites online, what if it has something we havn't covered??
    Friend: thats called plagerizing
    Friend: or watever
    Rip The Jacker: yeah
    Rip The Jacker: man i hate this
    Rip The Jacker: half the class couldnt answer any questions
    Rip The Jacker: she was sooo frustrated
    Friend: loooll
    Rip The Jacker: it was chaos
    Friend: good luck
    Friend: i have a health final tommarow
    Rip The Jacker: think you'll do well?
    Friend: i hope so
    Why me?
    Last edited by Rip The Jacker; 02-01-2005 at 07:10 AM.

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