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Thread: Notice of Copyright Infringement

  1. #1
    skelley521's Avatar puter ghost
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Well, after 2 years of torrenting, I finally got my 1st notice of Copyright
    I had been avoiding TorrentSpy and most other public sites, but got bored and stopped in.
    I downloaded Norton's Ghost v9 from a link @ TorrentSpy and recieved my letter a few days later.

    Just thought I would let everyone know.


    Dear Internet Access Subscriber:

    Charter Communications ("Charter") has been notified by a copyright owner that
    your Internet account has been involved in the exchange of unauthorized copies
    of copyrighted material (music, movies, or software). We are enclosing a copy
    of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) notice that Charter received
    from the copyright holder.

    It is possible that this activity has occurred without your permission or
    knowledge by an unauthorized user, a minor who may not fully understand the
    copyright laws, or even as a result of a computer virus. However, as a Charter
    Internet account owner, you can be held liable for this activity.

    As a personal computer owner and a user of the Internet, we ask that you be
    aware of the following: Violations of federal Copyright law can result in civil
    and/or criminal liability, including payment of monetary damages, costs and
    attorneys' fees to the copyright owner. See 17 U.S.C. §§ 504-506. In addition,
    Charter's Acceptable Use Policy explicitly prohibits copyright infringement by
    Charter High-Speed Internet users. Specifically, Section 3 states:

    Customer will not use, nor allow others to use, the Service to send or receive
    any information which infringes the patents, trademarks, copyrights, trade
    secrets or proprietary rights of any other person or entity. This includes, but
    is not limited to, digitization of music, movies, photographs or other
    copyrighted materials or software.

    Charter is registered under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998
    (DMCA). Under the DMCA, copyright owners have the right to notify Charter if
    they believe that a Charter customer has infringed the copyright owner's
    work(s). If Charter receives a notice from a copyright owner alleging any
    Customer has committed copyright infringement, Charter will notify the Customer
    of the alleged infringement. If Charter receives more than one notice alleging
    copyright infringement on Customer's part, Customer may be deemed a "repeat
    copyright infringer." Charter reserves the right to terminate the accounts of
    repeat copyright infringers.

    We ask that you take immediate action to remove the infringing material from your computer and stop its exchange. If Charter continues to receive DMCA notices regarding your account, or if you violate any other clause of Charter's Acceptable Use Policy, we will have no choice but to terminate your account. You may view Charter's rules and policies at

    If you need assistance in removing the referenced infringing material, please refer to

    If you have any questions about this matter, please contact us at
    1-866-229-7286. Representatives will be available Monday through Friday, 8am -
    12am (EST), Saturday, 8am - 5pm (EST) and Sunday, 12pm - 5pm (EST), to take
    your call.


    Charter High-Speed Internet Security Team

    --- The following material was provided to us as evidence ---

    [Part 0:0 (plain text)]

    Wednesday, March 23, 2005

    Charter Communications, Inc.
    12405 Powerscourt Drive
    St. Louis, MO 63131 US

    RE: Unauthorized Distribution of the following copyrighted computer program(s):

    Symantec Ghost

    Dear Sir/Madam:

    The Business Software Alliance (BSA) has determined that the connection listed
    below, which appears to be using an Internet account under your control, is
    using a BitTorrent network to offer unlicensed copies of copyrighted computer
    programs published by the BSA's member companies.

    Site Details:
    Date Found: 22 Mar 2005 06:03:14 EST (GMT -0500)
    Network: BTPeers
    IP Address: xxxxxxxxx
    IP Port: xxxxx
    Protocol: BitTorrent

    Content being offered:
    Filename: Norton.Ghost.9.torrent/NORTON GHOST 9.0.MSI
    Filesize: 4,708k

    The above computer program(s) is/are being made available for copying, through
    downloading, at the above location without authorization from the copyright

    Based upon BSA's representation of the copyright owners in anti-piracy matters,
    we have a good faith belief that none of the materials or activities listed
    above have been authorized by the rightholders, their agents, or the law. BSA
    represents that the information in this notification is accurate and states,
    under penalty of perjury, that it is authorized to act in this matter on behalf
    of the copyright owners listed above.

    We are giving notice of these activities pursuant to Section 512 of Title 17
    of the U.S. Code (as enacted by the 'Online Copyright Infringement Liability
    Limitation Act'). We expect that you will take expeditious action to remove or
    disable access to the materials described above, and thereby prevent the
    illegal reproduction and distribution of pirated software via your company's
    network. As you know, illegal on-line activities can result in 50 million
    people on the Internet accessing and downloading a copyrighted product
    worldwide without authorization - a highly damaging activity for the copyright

    We appreciate your cooperation in this matter. Please advise us regarding what
    actions you take.

    Please include the following CaseID in any response you send: Case ID xxxxxxx

    Yours sincerely,

    John R. Wolfe
    Manager of Investigations
    Business Software Alliance
    1150 18th St NW Suite 700
    Washington, DC 20036
    E-mail: X

  2. BitTorrent   -   #2
    Mïcrösöül°V³'s Avatar Hammer Smashed Face
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    Jun 2003
    who me?
    I got one also from comcast for getting a tv show from btefnet, about 2 months ago.

  3. BitTorrent   -   #3
    Were u using peerguardian 2

  4. BitTorrent   -   #4
    Joakim Agren's Avatar Superman loves P2P
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    Oct 2003

    I would just ignore that piece of shit and burn it as a ritual!. Continue filesharing!!

    Unless you live in the USA where the laws are totally fucked up and people have no rights anymore basically US is owned by corporations!!. If that is the case then I would advice you to stop sharing software so that you do not once again appear in BSA registers!!.

    Sincerely Joakim Agren!

  5. BitTorrent   -   #5
    skelley521's Avatar puter ghost
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    Feb 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by showstopper496
    Were u using peerguardian 2
    No I wasn't, just the safepeer 2 plug-in.

    Quote Originally Posted by Joakim Agren
    I would just ignore that piece of shit and burn it as a ritual!. Continue filesharing!!

    Unless you live in the USA where the laws are totally fucked up and people have no rights anymore basically US is owned by corporations!!. If that is the case then I would advice you to stop sharing software so that you do not once again appear in BSA registers!!
    I live in the USA and I still couldn't help getting a laugh from it.
    I download/upload several gigs daily and I got caught getting nortons ghost which I already had several copies

    I have since tightened security with protowall w/ blocklist manager.
    There are 3971419597 known IP addresses in 54866 ranges blocked now

  6. BitTorrent   -   #6
    Vargas's Avatar gone fishin'
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    the poopdeck
    well that's still not enough protection, if youre connecting to a tracker it will tell the world (anyone else connected to the swarm, or viewing the server stats pages) your IP and what youre sharing/downloading/uploading without "them" even connecting to you directly.

  7. BitTorrent   -   #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Vargas
    well that's still not enough protection, if youre connecting to a tracker it will tell the world (anyone else connected to the swarm, or viewing the server stats pages) your IP and what youre sharing/downloading/uploading without "them" even connecting to you directly.
    But don't they need to 'connect' 2 you before they can 'warn' you?

  8. BitTorrent   -   #8
    skelley521's Avatar puter ghost
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    Feb 2003
    I was wondering..
    The filesize they report is : 4,708k
    The actual file is 31.7 MB

    It seems that they are watching public trackers.
    I was warned several weeks ago to stay away from TorrentSpy and The Pirates Bay, my fault for not listening.

  9. BitTorrent   -   #9
    NikkiD's Avatar Yen?
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    Port Dover, Ontario
    No, they don't need to connect to you - they just need to see your IP on the tracker.

    I received a similar letter a few months ago from my ISP - strange thing about it was that it was regarding a movie that I hadn't downloaded. I admit, I upload/download several GB per day, but I had never downloaded the movie they were talking about (a cam version of The Grudge to be exact), and I rarely ever use public trackers, especially not the one in question. I informed them of this mistake, and assured them that it wasn't me, they said it could have been someone else in the house. I told them that was doubtful, and that I may have clicked on the link, then realized what it was and cancelled it. (I don't download cams) They said that as long as I was connected to the tracker for even a couple minutes, and my IP was noted, that would have been all they needed to report me to my ISP.
    Last edited by NikkiD; 03-27-2005 at 04:20 PM.

  10. BitTorrent   -   #10
    skelley521's Avatar puter ghost
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Ok, I was doing a good cleaning of my system and when I opened 'Your Uninstaller Pro 2004' and went into 'Start Up Organizer' I noticed 2 new startups that were never there before. I do this daily as I like to test appz and see what's going on.
    They had no information associated with them just an icon of the M$ sharing hand.
    1 was at the very beginning and 1 was at the end. As I said, there was no information in the description; command or source as with all the other startup items.
    The only new programs that I installed were protowall and blocklist manager.
    Protowall is showing up with all the proper information.
    My question is: Do you think that my ISP may have installed any monitoring software or am I just getting paranoid.

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