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Thread: I would like to argue something pretty important to me.

  1. #61
    tralalala's Avatar The Almighty
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    Quote Originally Posted by NikkiD
    If someone wants to blow something up badly enough, I doubt security guards would stop them from doing so. Of course we know it can happen. We just choose not to dwell on the fact. It's not that we're naive, we do know all about the terrible things that can and do happen in this world. We choose to live free in spite of all these things because we will not let fear run our lives.

    You choose to live in fear of what may happen. What you call security, I call paranoia. Suspicion of everyone carrying a bag, suspicion of anyone with Arabic features, and the need to have armed guards everywhere is a manifestation of that fear.
    Well, if that were the case we would have 200 attacks in Israel every year, and that is not the case. We have managed over the last 5 years to reduce it to maybe 1 or 2 a year in the worst case.

    And yes, the fact I live in a country surrounded by Arabs, who most likely hate us Israelis for being as succesful as we are (Hi-Tech, stuff like that), makes us worry about people of Arab nature (and there are many of those), because we do not know when then next mad man might turn up. The fact is there are so many Arabs that are close enough to Israel to attack, that we need the security guards, otherwise it's just as if I went to the border with Syria and flashed them my ass and told them to try catch me.

    It's all precautions for our safety, and it works. That's the important bit - it works.

  2. The Drawing Room   -   #62
    JPaul's Avatar Fat Secret Agent
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    Quote Originally Posted by NikkiD
    Quote Originally Posted by tralalala
    Every person who says that is absolutely totally wrong.

    In the US how many people are fired every year?! Kids shoot each other at school over the stupidest things!! People in the US with no permit have guns, the mobs are on the streets, and you're telling me you're more likely to die in the safe environment of Israel..??? How can you say such a thing!?!

    @Nikki & JPaul: The guards are not there to make people scared.. Why do you think they have them? To keep the civilians SAFE, not SCARED. In fact I feel a hell of a lot safer in a place like Israel rather than a big outlet in the US with no security guards stopping suspicious people from entering the big shops, who might just be the next to blow the place to the ground.
    Same with London, or any other big place in the world nowadays. No one is safe without the right safety precautions. If there are no guards, then yes you may feel more "free" as you put it. But in todays world you are not safe. Just image, god forbid, you walking down the street and walk into a book store. The place is packed because the new Harry Potter book has just been released. There are no security guards checking peoples bags at the entrance. A person walks in with a bag that you would think is a regular handbag.

    10 minutes later: 30 dead, hundreds wounded.

    That's what security guards PREVENT. They make sure things like that do not happen. If the civilians will cooperate with security, I can promise you it will be so much harder for these mad terrorists to do anything, that the chances will get as low as 0%, rather than 50-50 with no guards.

    I'm not saying put up 2341235908 guards at each store, but I think a guard for a store is plenty to make the society a safer place. 2-3 guards in big-big stores (like WHSmith and places like that). Life would go on exactly as it does today, but the big difference would be that we would all be much much safer. Less unemplyment, and the war on terror would be easier (because if an attack takes place, the world stops, and that gives time for these animals to find their next target).

    Think about it........
    What is the very nature of the word terrorist? A person who causes terror. Here, and most places in the free world, they have not succeeded. Attacks happen, we mourn for those lost, we try to find a reason, and we go back to our lives. The best way to fight terrorism is to show these people they cannot win, that they can't make us live in fear of them. The moment we start to live in fear of what terrorists could do, and give up our civil liberties so that we can feel safe, terrorists have already won. Even if they never attack again, they have won, because they have created the fear that they so desire.

    If someone wants to blow something up badly enough, I doubt security guards would stop them from doing so. Of course we know it can happen. We just choose not to dwell on the fact. It's not that we're naive, we do know all about the terrible things that can and do happen in this world. We choose to live free in spite of all these things because we will not let fear run our lives.

    You choose to live in fear of what may happen. What you call security, I call paranoia. Suspicion of everyone carrying a bag, suspicion of anyone with Arabic features, and the need to have armed guards everywhere is a manifestation of that fear.

    Exactly, but he's not listening, coz' it's what he's used to and cannot see that freedom > fear.

  3. The Drawing Room   -   #63
    tralalala's Avatar The Almighty
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    But I'm not afraid... Why won't ya'll get it??

    I feel safe, not afraid. I live a totally normal and SAFE life.

  4. The Drawing Room   -   #64
    Rat Faced's Avatar Broken
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    And why dont you get it?

    Especially coming from London...

    We dont LIKE being surrounded by armed men, otherwise we'd give more of our coppers guns.

    An It Harm None, Do What You Will

  5. The Drawing Room   -   #65
    tralalala's Avatar The Almighty
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    I understand the fact that you don't like it.
    My main point in this thread is that today, not enough security means too much vulnerability. That's all.

    I'm not here trying to clash with people and get into fights, otherwise who would I have to talk to on FST!? I'm just giving my oppinion - everyone is entitled for his/her own oppinion, correct?

  6. The Drawing Room   -   #66
    Rat Faced's Avatar Broken
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    They are indeed.

    You were asking why we didnt visit though

    An It Harm None, Do What You Will

  7. The Drawing Room   -   #67
    JPaul's Avatar Fat Secret Agent
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    Quote Originally Posted by tralalala
    I understand the fact that you don't like it.
    My main point in this thread is that today, not enough security means too much vulnerability. That's all.

    I'm not here trying to clash with people and get into fights, otherwise who would I have to talk to on FST!? I'm just giving my oppinion - everyone is entitled for his/her own oppinion, correct?

    In addition your original question re why more people don't visit has been answered. The very oppressive security measures which you need and want do not sit well with many other people.

    Which is also why major sporting events will also avoid you, just another price you have to pay.

  8. The Drawing Room   -   #68
    JPaul's Avatar Fat Secret Agent
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  9. The Drawing Room   -   #69
    tralalala's Avatar The Almighty
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    Why would major sporting events not occure in Israel..??

    Just a couple of weeks ago it was decided that a WTA tourney will take place here, the Maccabiah (a sort of Jewish Olympics) takes part every 4 years with people from all over the world....... Israel is not a dull place let me tell you that..

  10. The Drawing Room   -   #70
    JPaul's Avatar Fat Secret Agent
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    Quote Originally Posted by tralalala
    Why would major sporting events not occure in Israel..??

    Just a couple of weeks ago it was decided that a WTA tourney will take place here, the Maccabiah (a sort of Jewish Olympics) takes part every 4 years with people from all over the world....... Israel is not a dull place let me tell you that..
    I cant remember who said this

    "This has cause major events not to take place in Israel (Maccabi Haifa had to play their Champions League clashes in Cyprus.. and that's only 1 example out of many)."

    Oh wait, it was you I was quoting. Then you say I'm talking pish.

    Where's that banging head against wall smillie.

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